Into The New World


Chapter 1






It’s been only about a month since I had woken up, or at least that’s how long I’m assuming it’s been. I was told that the number on my bracelet was my birthday and the age I was when I had woken up in the big room1. March 9th, 1989 was the day I was born, meaning I’m still 9 years old. Though I haven’t learned how I got here, I’ve learned more about where here is exactly. It’s a mah-pee-ah2 training base for S.M., which stands for Sugar Mama3, whatever that means. It’s a pretty weird name for a mah-pee-ah though isn’t it? And what’s a ‘mah-pee-ah’ anyways? Oh well, I can’t really say anything since this is what we’re taught in school.


Yeah, school.


They have a school here. It’s nothing fancy. Actually, it’s very far from fancy. I don’t know exactly what fancy would look like or what schools outside of the room do, but I wonder if it’s like ours.



We just learn about the mah-pee-ah like: who founded it, his name is Lee SooMan; why we’re here, how we got here, what is expected of us, and what happens if we don’t meet what is expected.


When I had first woken up, there were about 30 kids in the big room. Even though we are still in the same room as when we woke up, the number of kids have lessened in the past month. Most disappeared while trying to find a way out of the big room we’ve been staying in. I barely remember their names, but I remember what they looked like and the fear they had in their eyes before dashing towards the only exit door. The small ray of hope they have before they get stopped and dragged outside by the men standing around the door. Maybe they’re finally free now. I never know what happens to them after they get taken out by the men.




It’s been the same routine since I’ve woken up. From the first day of introduction, we were put into physical training right away. Since I guess most of us weren’t over the age of 12, they didn’t make us run as hard. But half the kids passed out anyways. I couldn’t really blame them though, we didn’t have anything to eat the whole time we were standing in line and may I add that we were standing? We basically watched the sun rise then was forced to run laps around the room. It got really hot after a passing the door a couple times, I thought I was gonna pass out like some of the other kids did, but luck was on my side and they stopped us right before I started feeling light headed.

I didn’t really make friends with the kids either. They didn’t seem to really like being here and didn’t look like they wanted to be friends with anybody. I made a few stranger-friends. I’m not so sure what that word is called though. But they aren’t strangers, and they’re also not friends. They’re that in between person. I made a lot of those kinds of friends. Except they aren’t very fun… But that’s okay4, as long as I have someone to talk to while we’re here.




1 the 'big room' is actually a ware house. She just doesn't know it or what it's called yet.
2 mafia...Just in case you didn't know...
3 I tried to come up with a serious name... Or it could just be sugar coated... who knows? ;)
4 She's still young and naive, so she's kinda optimissitc about the people there right now.










So... What do you guys think? Please comment to let me know your thoughts and what I can improve for you guys to enjoy it more~

Thank you!!!^^

P.S. I'm sorry if the story comes out weird or will be getting weirder... My psychotic mind isn't used to being serious;;

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