Declaration according to GD.

Unexpected you!

Attention dear readers:

This chapter will start with G-Dragon P.O.V. 

Actually it is like a repeat of Chapter 1 - Declaration, but this one is according to G-Dragon point-of-view.


People always saw me with girlfriends by my side and there are never a time that I am truly alone. There must be some girls that I called my girlfriend. Well, it is true. I'm not going to lie about it but one thing I would like to make things very clear that nothing official had ever been announce, either by me or YG Entertainment. Because of one simple truth and that is I've yet to find the right girl who suit me best.

Until recently...

Well, not that recent actually. It is more like 2 years that I've been bidding my time to learn the truth and to gather my courage to express my undying love for her. I'm afraid of rejection which I had to go through bitter sweet memories in the past. And from that I had somehow lost the remaining thread of hope of being in love and to be in love again.

Until that 2 years ago that I saw her again with fluttering feeling that lingers in my cold heart. Not because she had grown to be a beautiful lady but more to her maturity towards her future life. I am always a er for girl who possess both beauty and wise thinking. And those 2 years I had notice greatly in her. Even though, it has been a rare occassion that we ever meet up and depends on crossing path in any award ceremonies that we happens to either attend or performing. And due to our busy schedules, we could only communicate through scarce text messages and phone calls.

I could only be a far observer for her and prayed hard, every nights that she is the one for me. 

Seo Joohyun is the lady of my heart. I had been very confident and determine to make her mine forever. I am a train-wreck to think of how to declare my love for her, even though I had always been very damn good in this department. Well, she is not all those girls who always seems to be on at mine beck and call.

This is the one woman I want to spend my life with.

I had summon the courage to confide in my best friend - Young Bae, along with my closest hyung - TOP, for their expertise in winning the heart of my love. TOP had in his weird way seems to be close with Seohyun which I am not aware of. As for Young Bae, well his on-off relationship with Yuri from SNSD should be a great help for me. Both of them will try to make an arrangement for me to cross path with Seohyun but so far, nothing seems to work. To make matter worse, it seems my lady of heart had been avoiding me.

Then comes that faithful night during Young Bae's birthday party that was held at TOP hyung villa. I received a message from Chaerin to wait in front of TOP hyung villa, for reason that I'm not so sure why. Before heading to the party, I was held back in the studio to clear a few song arrangement for Teddy hyung which really frustrated me. I was afraid that I might missed any chances at all for Seohyun. Because in my guts it said that tonight might be the night for both of us.

When I finally finished with the song arrangement that felt like neverending, I rushed to the villa as fast as I could. Be damn with the speeding tickets that I might be booked by the traffic camera that caught me beating the traffic lights in 3 different locations. 

Once I reached TOP hyung villa, I saw Chaerin and asked her the most logically question I could muster, "Has the party started?" And at that same moment, from behind me, I heard the screeching of a car on the road. I turn and in my horror, that car belongs to Seohyun. I never been so afraid in my life. Luckily Seohyun was able to swivelled her car just in time to avoid crashing at the nearest lamp post.

Hurriedly I ran to her with my mind running amok of trepidation of her safety. I could not lose her yet, or ever. She looks so paled but not a single scratched on her body. I could breathe out a great sigh of relief. Then suddenly sadness wash over me with her reaction when I just been concern over her safety. Her eyes had ceaselessly being avoiding mine. I could not stand a bit longer. I need to know what's had went wrong with us?

I remembered clearly as I leaned down to unbuckle her seat belt, despite the sadness in my heart. The distance between our lips. The sweet smelling of her Chanel No. 5 wharfing in my nose. My heart then started to drumming out erratic beating. But suddenly, I know she felt uncomfortable with the close proximity between us, she tried her best to push me out of the Audi car. But I am not giving up on her as I fight my way to remain in the car and closed the distance capturing her lip in mine.

Tasting her sweet taste of her soft lip had jolted my inner desire. I know this is called for something more. Something worth fighting for. I can't be wrong when she seems to fight me off but at the same time, did she enjoyed the feeling that I was enticing her.

"Op-pa..." she breathe out when I further my onslaught on her weak spot, and at the same time, smelling the sweet smell of her perfume.

Looking up at her beautiful demure face of an angel, I tried to hold back my tears from breaking out. Tried as I might, I asked her tenderly of why she was running away from me. I caress her cheeks, mesmerize by her simple make-up that really brings out her beauty at best.

Then, I saw droplet of tears from her beautiful eyes. Slowly she was lowering her guards down, but no matter, all I wanted to do was to indulge in her sweet taste of her lip. She return the fervour of my kissing. The rhythm that we set out in moving our lips, synchronously is everything but beautiful feelings that aroused in me. I wanted our passionate kiss to last forever but the urge for oxygen had been too great for me to ignore it.

Wiping her tears away from her cheeks, refusing to let it washed away her simple make-up, again I urge her to tell me the reason of her coldness.

"I-l'm in love with you oppa..." 

I could not fathom the glowing of happiness in my heart. My lady of my heart just makes things easier for me to also confess my love for her.

"I'm in love with you too." 


Now we also knows exactly of what kind of dilema that G-Dragon might be feeling too for Seohyun.

This is sort of like a 'filler' for this fic stories. Something new will come-up on next chapter.

Thanks for reading :-)

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wandi88 #1
I hope you still making Ghyun story coz I love this couple so much <3 ^^
>///< omg omg
Chapter 19: Oowow you are going to korea?
Go and have fun there! \(>,<)/
Yeah you should make ghyun fanfic as many as possible.. seriously you are a good writer..
theresia #4
Chapter 18: great..
how's that Jiyong?
finally realized she's the most important thing in your life..
goodluck with the searching

and for my baby maknae..
have some rest too
it isn't entirely your faults..
take your time to re-think about your relationship with him
#Author i really want Hyunnie to write a song about their rollercoaster relationship,,their romantic events,,their bad days,,this separation,,and maybe their final meeting later..
so that when they meet again,,she can sing this song huahahahahaha
after that she joins YG family imagination kkk
just ignore my silly bla bla hehehehe
Chapter 18: Wow I love how u end this story, can't wait for the sequel.. q(>,<)p
CRAZYinlove16 #6
Chapter 18: sequel please :)
Chapter 18: Oh no!! A sequel please!!!!!
Thanks for a wonderful story!! ^^
Chapter 18: Waaaaaaaaaaaah! Sequel juseyoooooooooo! OMG. Hyunnie's letter is sooo sad. T___T Aish Kwon Jiyong. Now you're back to scratch in finding Seohyun. You'll know where to find her, but both of you need some space too. Waaaaaah! Please please have a sequel for this authornim!!!!
theresia #9
Chapter 17: i'm glad she left..

use this time to think
try to push away your doubt..Jiyong
do you love her?
is she the one for you??
is she the right one??

if she is..then do what your grandpa tried to tell you in your dream,,
never let her go..

you've hurt her once..
please don't her anymore,,all she wants is just to be with you..
she even left her precious dream for you..

think and decide carefuly..good luck

where did you place my maknae??
she's with Gaho right??
Chapter 17: So did Seohyun really left??? Or just leaving a letter to tell her feeling to Jiyong and just went out with Gaho and Jolie? Yah Jiyong! Get your head straight and fix things with Hyunnie!