not the end

Life is not all we want it to be

Sometime someone that you think that you can’t live without is much better without

After that day she’s fully addicted and completely inlove with him. The way he comfort her is just to tempting and it make her fall hard for him. Whenever she’s next to him she smells this intoxicates smell that she can’t get enough of and guess what she can’t. She imagine herself with him all the time, the thing they will do together when they’re are together as a couple. She always lies to herself that one day he will turn around and notice her than they will be together. If that happen she knows that she will never let him go and make sure that he’s treated nicely never gets hurts. Days after days thing that happen around her isn’t important and intriguing as him. She literally revolve around him like the Earth in need of the star. For more than half of the year she thought that he like her too but guess what it’s not.

She made more new friend included girls. Simply he’s popular with girls and they like him because he’s a good student and get good grades. For her she didn’t look for those positive aspects of him. She sees something else that the other didn’t see. HIS POSITIVE AND CARING SIDE. She saw it that night when he comforts her. It was the night when he finally broken the barrier inside her heart.

(Let give our main character names

main girl: Melt

Main guy: Xavier

her ex friend: brit

The : Suzy)

After a while he known a girl from the other class she’s smart but one word she’s a . Not in a bad way but before he first boyfriend broke up with her. Brit a good friend to me but after a while that Brit started acting weird. Brit told her friend that she wanted to make me suffer and wanted to take thing away from Melt. Melt didn’t know anything because they’re a good friend but Brit started changing by glaring at Melt when Melt didn’t notice and talk badly behind her back. Brit tries to get Melt to become jealous and it works. Melt nearly pull her hair out every time she saw Xavier talking to Brit. Melt tries to warn him not to get to close to Brit but he never listen. After a while Melt heard rumors which mostly are spread by Brit that she’s going to introduce her friend to Xavier that really pull the trigger. Melt started getting restless and she spent lots of time trying to find a good way to warn Xavier about Brit’s friend. One day she plunge up the courage to tell him through messenger. She told him that don’t get near Brit’s friend because he’ll end up getting hurt and she don’t want to see him like that again. She told him to remember all the experience he get from his last ex and it may happen to him again because she’s isn’t a type of girl that will stick with him through thick and thin.

He agree to her and say that it would never happen better them. He asked her where did she heard it from and reassure that it would never happen. It makes her heart settle for a bit and everything went back to normal. After that summer break approach it’s really hard for her to say good bye and waited for nearly 3 month to meet her again. Everything went really fast and the time that would separate her from him is nearly here and she just can’t settle her heart even a bit at the thought of staying away from him. She even notice that Brit started to chat and play in facebook and outside with him more often and it may have hurt herself by looking at him with Brit too much. Time passes by Melt kept everything to herself and never mention anything to her friends. Even through some of her close friend assume that she really does love him but it stay uncover and no one really know it for sure. After checking his profile literally everyday she found herself doing it in a routine Facebook, Line, Instragram...  In the middle of the summer break before class even started she saw in Line Messenger in his profile statues saying that “Love only Suzy” that when everything turn upside down. It’s seem like the world came to an end and everything when blur. Everything just happen so quickly and nothing seem right. She started to fuss and started to have this feeling in her gut that the fear that she have been having throughout this time have come true. Even through with this she didn’t believe it directly because she’s sure with herself that she have warned him beforehand and he answer back to her that he and Suzy can’t happen. So what happen now? Melt called to her other friend who is in the same class as Brit and Suzy. Melt asked her about the rumor if it’s true. The answer came in short but it have destroyed everything in Melt’s life. Everything came to a stop even her friend gave her the answer. “Yes they’ve been dating for a while. They have been talking with each other since Brit introduce them” that’s what Melt’s friend have told her. It’s absolutely bull because from what he have promised her there isn’t any chance that this could happen.

Melt let it slide for some time because she thinks that it can’t- Won’t happen because he promised her and she believe him. As the time approach faster it’s getting out of control. Even through their affection haven’t been shtown in public but it’s clear that everyone have been talking about it. At this moment Melt have nothing to do but to confirm with him again just to steady her heart.


Hey Xavier I’ve heard this rumor about you dating Suzy? Is it ture?” Melt asked

“Why did you asked?”

“Am just asking because I wanted to know” said Melt

“But why do you want to know?”

“OF course she’s my friend and so do you. It ok just tell me. I just wanna know that if my 2 close friend are dating.” said Melt

“Yeah we have been dating for some time now”

At that point she was devastating, everything doesn’t seem to go the way it should anymore. It take lots of her will power just to say that he and her are Melt’s close friend but hearing and seeing that from Xavier himself make everything in her world just collide and crashed. All of that hope that she’s having is crushed into small bits and the fact that he lied to her is the most important. Melt doesn’t know what make him do that but she just knows that it have to hurt him some day in the short future because she knows the nature of Suzy’s behavior. Suzy never have a boyfriend for a long period of time. She has many boyfriends and she keeps changing them like changing her clothes. She know for sure that Xavier will get hurt soon because of that but there’s nothing that she can do nor say.

“Oh really? It’s great. Hope you two have a long relationship” said Melt

“Thank. But anyway I haven’t talk to you often recently. How are you?”

“Am fine-ish but it’s ok” said Melt

“Oh it’s great to hear”

“ok than that’s all I wanted to know. Anyway again have a long relationship. Bye” said Melt

That is the last evident that she needed. She just drop to her knees and started crying. Everything doesn’t matter anymore nut her heart that have been craved, squeeze, and cut open raw. Nothing could describe how she feels at the moment. She became a soulless person and everything around her doesn’t make any sense anymore. Starting from that day her routine is Crying, looking at his profile, Crying, Break down and crying again. That the thing she could do to help lessen the pain. Melt scream in her mind because she knows that she can’t take this anymore. The more she think the more pain she felt it’s like a machine drilling into her heart non-stop. The more she open facebook the more she sees who people congrate them the more they play together the more pain she felt. It’s was like dying. Maybe dead can help.

Even through this may help her forget him but in contrast of them she kept holding on. It may seem helpless but this is what she wanted for herself. She can just use that time to forget him one and for all but she just can’t let go out it because she knows that he’ll will get hurt once a girl like suzy ain’t going to love him as much as she love him. NO one in this entire world will love him as she do.  Her body and brain told her to give up on him and forget all the thing that he’s done that boast up he confident and make her believe that he’ll turn around and look at her as she look at him for once. She craved that feelin of being in love and being loved so much. She needed someone just to be there when she needed someone and someone who will hold on to her and never let go. Someone who will hold on to her and encourage her whenever thing gets hard. The one thing she wanted to asked is to love her for her. SHE JUST CRAVED BEING LOVED. Sometime she would thing and feel bad about herself why did she born like this with no one that love her as much as love them. Seeing her friends around her being in love just kills her. Even in her little friends group that she called her BEST FRIEND she knows that they didn’t like her as much as likes them. Having her around just maybe they’re pity of her sitting there alone without no one. Or maybe as a punching and insulting bag whenever they wanted. She isn’t angry with them but just she’s pity of herself that they only asked for her whenever they needed something that she can do and something they can ask her for. Sometime she wanted to ask them if they ever consider her as their friend for simply a certain no one. Being in a friend circle helps so much with forgetting him even through it can hurts her that she isn’t beautiful and popular like her friends but it can help take her mind of him.

Everyday thing gets out of control; people with him so much that she think he’s annoyed. After thinking for some time she knows that the only way that can help her forget him quickly is to avoid having contact or communication with him which is really difficult since they stay in the same class and may end up in the same group.

It getting difficult now for her to stand and sit in the same room as him. Every day thing and lesson passes in a blur and nothing matters to her anymore. After she started to avoid him like pledge and promise herself that she’ll never talks to him again. That could never be any easy, her friend too much for her own good. Lots of time they with his girlfriend which is Suzy that what she can’t stand. She can’t put up with the thing that they say. Some of them will send that “Am sorry for you look” and some will send “Am pity for you look” but nothing breaks her heart even more than him laughing with them and enjoy having them teasing him.

Any contacts with him have been disconnected even talking in general such as passing the book or asking for something. Not her that have been avoiding him but him too have been avoiding her. Tensions in the class sometime are too thick that it could be cut by a knife. Some people that usually with her kept silence about them and say something else. Whenever someone confuses and tease them together again thing will get crucial and everything that are said can be a poison or a bomb. They kept away all the eyes contact and the physical contact which is sometime impossible.



“Why can’t you act normal to me like you do with the other?” she ask

“It’s the normal way I talk”

“NO! To other you’re care free and simply laughing with them and with me you just ignore me” she said

“I just don’t want the other to mislead on us. I don’t want them to think that we are together”

“Oh! I see but why do you have to be different from the way you treat the other girls” she said

“nah just normal”


“I just wonder why are acting like this to me since you know we’re friend and all” she said

“Yes we’re surely friend”

Even though she told herself that he only consider her as a friend but her heart scream different. Her heart is stubborn even she sees that he won’t like her back nor the harsh action he display toward her it can’t just stop loving him like a crazy stupid girl.

Reading all those old statues and message can easily bring her to tears even with her friend saying thing about him and Suzy is literally ripping her heart out.




not done yet guys but just wait kkkk!!__

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