Luhan: The Unexpected Roomate


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Uhm Shin Jae

You just moved to the hustle and bustle that is Seoul, Korea from a small, quite farm in New Zealand. You moved to Korea to initially live with your ill grandmother, but her departing upon your arival made your plans drastically change. Now not only do you have your grandmothers house -given to you in her will- to look after, you also have a roomate you weren't expecting. Due to your mother's job as a travel agent, you are fluent in more than six languages, and a near genius I.Q., and are the best swimmer in New Zealand.


Luhan's grandmother was good friends of your grandmothers, hence his reason for living with her. But due to her partinghe is not allowed to return to China until you have gotten the hang of things and can support yourself on your own. Luhan adores soccer, singing, and playing with his rubix cube. Although he has a short temper, he is not hard to live with.  


Your best friend since you were in diapers. Lay is two years your senior and is attending Seoul University on an academic scholarship. He is also a known child star in China, and a famous local musician. When he finds you have returned to Korea he is thrilled! But maybe not about the fact you will be living with Luhan, his rival for reasons unknown. 


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