Boy of the Stars

Before Luhan met this strange fellow, (Xiumin, was what he claimed his name was) he had always considered himself to be someone who didn't really mind other's and their problems. His friend, Sehun would always jokingly and call him "ice prince" but Luhan didn't really care. He had always been like this, and he didn't see what the problem was.

Luhan remembered the first time Sehun had called him selfish. They were both in the 6th grade, their last year of elementary school, and the two were hurrying along to their hagwon, the academy where they put in extra time to study English. Their hagwon was located a far distance away from the school, so the two boys had to take a subway to get there.

On this particular day, it was very cold… it was the coldest day of that year in Seoul. As it was cold, it was only natural that the homeless would congregate in the subway station. The two boys had walked by a man who was holding out a cup.

“Hey you students, do you mind helping out a kind ajusshi like me?” he asked, smiling. Upon seeing his smile, he felt uncomfortable. This guy had no front teeth, and the teeth that were in his mouth were decayed and yellow. Luhan felt kind of traumatized into shock. But Sehun, on the other hand, wasn’t.

“Sure, Ajusshi.” Sehun answered. He pulled his backpack off of his back, and ped the front pocket. Luhan could feel his eyes bugging out of his head as he realized what Sehun was doing.

He was going to give money to this ajusshi!

“Um, Sehun, let’s talk for a minute.” Luhan said, grabbing his best friend and dragging him away from this toothless ajusshi. He took him to a ticket dispenser and stared him down.

“What are you looking at me like that for?” Sehun asked.

“You know why I am looking at you like that.” Luhan answered. “You know exactly why!”

“What if I don’t, Luhan?” Sehun asked. “Stop playing around and tell me.”

Luhan frowned. “You aren’t really going to give that ajusshi money, are you?”

Sehun frowned. “I’m only going to give him a few won. What’s wrong with that? Don’t you know about helping those who can not help themselves?”

Luhan sighed. “I… I just don’t think that it’s right to give money away to a complete stranger. Who knows what they will do with it?”

Sehun rolled his eyes. “Who cares what the ajusshi does? Since I give money to him, the money is no longer mine. It’s his. Are you going to help out the ajusshi?”

Luhan frowned. “I really can’t. I can’t help him because I didn’t help the ajusshi get where he’s at. You see, I didn’t help the ajusshi get into that position, so why should I be bothered to help him out?”

“I see how it is, Luhan, I see how it is.” he snapped, and then went over to the ajusshi and handed him some money. The two boys then got on the train, and rode it in silence.

Sehun was probably thinking that I was being selfish, Luhan thought. But he wasn’t being selfish. He was only doing what his dad told him, and would his dad ever tell him to do something that was wrong?

No, it wasn’t wrong. Luhan’s dad, or rather, Luhan’s adoptee father, was Heo Youngsaeng, who you may or may not know as the CEO of H Group. He was a chaebol. If Luhan’s dad did wrong, then there would be no way that he would have been so successful. So for that reason, Luhan treated Youngsaeng’s words as the gospel truth. Besides, if Sehun had a problem with Luhan being “selfish”, then he could always find a new friend.


Back in the present day, Luhan was pacing around the kitchen, his Samsung Galaxy S4 in his hand. What was he going to do? He had to get rid of that weirdo… Xiumin. He had to be weird… who went around claiming that they were an alien? Crazy people did, obviously. The whole situation reminded him of that Park Chan-Wook movie, I’m a Cyborg but That’s OK.

I’m an alien but that’s ok.

No, it really wasn’t. Luhan had to get rid of Xiumin, but how. What was he supposed to do? Call the police? Luhan could only imagine how that would turn out.

“119, what’s your emergency?”

“Hello, Police, I’d like to report an intruder in the home.”

“What is your address?”

“234 Mokil Street, Gangnam-Gu, Seoul. And by the way, bring extra protection. My intruder claims to be an alien from a planet that doesn’t exist.”

No, Luhan thought. If he did that, he would be the one that would end up being taken away. And he couldn’t do that. He pressed the “home” button on his phone, so that the screen lit up. The background was a picture of him and a girl with dyed blonde hair.

It was his girlfriend, Song Juhee. However, she went by Alice, since she hated her actual name. Luhan didn’t know why, he thought that Juhee was a perfectly fine name. But… Alice or Juhee, she was still his girlfriend. They had been dating for almost a year now, even though Luhan didn’t really feel like he was in love. Yeah, Alice loved him, but did Luhan love her back?

Those were questions that needed to be answered, but not right now. Right now, the pressing matter was how the hell was he supposed to get rid of that so called alien that was sitting in the family room?

Luhan peeked into the family room, where Xiumin was staring at the fish tank. Just staring in the way that kids who have never seen fish before did. Luhan didn’t blame him. The fish tank wasn’t filled with run of the mill fish like goldfish and guppies and the like. It was filled with a colorful assortment of tropical fish. Luhan called it a “mini Great Barrier Reef” and he was proud of it. It took a lot of time and effort to get the fish tank exactly how he wanted it to be.

So he couldn’t call the cops. Luhan decided to call the next best option, and that was to call his best friend, his main man, Sehun.

He dialed 3 and hit talk. Sehun answered on the third ring.

“Annyeong haseyoooo~.” Sehun sung in an annoying manner. Luhan could tell that he was trying to practice his aegyo.

“Not today, Sehun.” Luhan answered, sounding cross.

Sehun could hear the annoyance in Luhan’s voice, so he decided to drop the aegyo and get real. “What’s up with you?” he asked.

“Look Sehun, there’s a bit of a problem, so can you come over?” Luhan asked, praying that Sehun would say “yes.”

“You know what? I’m actually in Gangnam right now, so I’ll be there in a few minutes! Stay cool while you wait!” Sehun told him.

“Okay.” Luhan said. “Staying cool.”

He hung up, and then went back to Xiumin, who was still staring at the fish. The silence was killing him, so he decided to start up a conversation.

“So… do they not have fish on planet Exo?” he asked.

Xiumin looked up from the fish to face Luhan. “Fish? These things are called… fish?”

Luhan rolled his eyes. “Are you serious?” he asked.

“Fish…” Xiumin repeated, staring at the fish. He was obvious in awe over the animals, something which he had never seen before.

“You have got to be kidding me.” Luhan snapped, suddenly feeling aggressive. He hated being ignored, so he grabbed Xiumin by his shoulder, and spun the boy around.

“Look!” he shouted.

But then, something out of the ordinary happened. A ray of light came from out of Xiumin’s body, and it sent Luhan’s body into the floor, causing the living room to shake with a sharp thud.

“What the…” Luhan said, looking up at Xiumin, who looked scared. “What just happened, you freak?”

“I… I don’t know. I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Xiumin said, falling onto the ground. He sat down on the ground and covered his ears, as if he couldn’t stand to have Luhan yell at him for something that he deserved, which was attacking him. Luhan stood up, and stared at Xiumin, who looked like he was going to cry.

Luhan rolled his eyes, just as the doorbell rang. It was Sehun, Luhan thought. Sehun was here!

Luhan turned to walk to the door, only for Xiumin to scream and hide behind the couch. What was going on? he thought as he ignored Xiumin’s antics. He was going to let Sehun deal with this.


“There’s an alien in my house. A real life, living, breathing, alien!” Luhan told Sehun, once all niceties were exchanged.

Sehun gave Luhan a weird look. “An alien? Luhan, did you hit your head or something? Aliens aren’t real.”

“Yes they are, and there is one in my house.” Luhan said. “I need you to get rid of it.”

Sehun himself was floored. He seriously believed that Luhan must have slipped and hit his head on the pavement if he thought that aliens were real. However, Luhan was a serious fellow, who never believed in the tooth fairy and Santa Claus and all that. Something was up, and Sehun was going to find out. He was going to crack the case.

“Okay Luhan, let me at it.”


“Xiumin, oh Xiumin! Come out come out wherever you are~.” Luhan called out as the two stood in the living room. Xiumin hadn’t shown up, and Sehun wasn’t amused.

“Are you hallucinating…?” Sehun asked. “Luhan, don’t you know that drugs are bad for you?”

Luhan rolled his eyes. “Sehun, I’m not on drugs and I don’t do drugs. I’m telling you, there is an alien in this house. I just don’t know where he went.”

“Maybe he hid somewhere when you let me in.” Sehun said. “Does that make sense?”

“Oh, it does…” Luhan said, looking around. And then he remembered that Xiumin was hiding behind the couch. Hopefully, he was still there. “Follow me.” he mouthed, and led Sehun to the couch. Sure enough, they came face to face with Xiumin.

Upon seeing Xiumin, Sehun laughed. “You have to be kidding me! He doesn’t look like a human, he looks like us! I was expecting something like E.T. or those little squeaky green eyed toys from Toy Story! He looks human! The only thing that is out of the ordinary is that he is kind of pale… but that’s no big deal!”

“I’m Xiumin… from the planet Exo…” Xiumin stated.

“Sounds interesting!” Sehun said.

Luhan rolled his eyes. How could Sehun be so… partial to the fact that there was a living, breathing alien in his best friend’s house? It was so… odd.

“Well can you get rid of him?” Luhan asked.

Sehun narrowed his eyes. “Are you suggesting that I kill him?” he asked. When Luhan glared at him in response, Sehun shrugged. “What? We all know that you are colder than ice, Heo Luhan.”

“No…” Luhan answered. “Look, I am going on a date with Alice in like forty minutes. Can you please do something with him?”

“Why don’t you kick him out? Like, you’re selfish. Come on now.” Sehun said, smirking.

“I should punch you right in the mouth.” Luhan uttered. “And no, I can’t leave him alone. He has… powers…”

“Really?” Sehun asked, eying Xiumin.

“Yes…” Xiumin answered quietly. “I do…”

“Okay. Okay!” Sehun said.

“What are you thinking about doing?” Luhan answered.

“I’ll let Xiumin hang out with me.” Sehun said. “You can pick him up in the morning, alright?”

“Alright.” Luhan thought, staring at Xiumin. And you can keep him too, because I surely don’t want him in my life!


[A/N - burnt-glitter: It's 2:51 AM, but I had to finish this before I go to bed! I am so excited to start this story, I recently became a fan of exo (thanks loveoneonew) and Xiumin and Luhan are just SO ADORABLE I CAN'T well now I'm going to sleep, so enjoy the story, and thanks for reading, commenting and suscribing!]

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Chapter 1: Please update soon!!!!<3
Chapter 1: I like it! Fluff xiuhan are so fghjk<3
Please update soon o3o
specialistSHY #3
Chapter 1: omg.. i like it.
update please
Ah i died over the plot, it's so good!!!! I'm super excited for this!!