Second Sight


Short update. I at chaptered fic. OTL

Warning: Naggy!Syung and Stupid!Ric? XD

Hyesung hated waiting.

He usually blamed it to his type-A blood, which made him highly perfectionist and sensitive. He liked to plan ahead and calculate his time carefully, so he hated having his time wasted—and Eric had been late for 10 minutes already now. Tapping his foot impatiently on the ground, he checked his cellphone to see whether there was any message from Eric—there was none.

He took a deep breath and pouted—it was Saturday afternoon, he could have opened the shop and gained some money if he only didn’t have this appointment with Eric. That reminded him, he should ask the guy to treat him to some drinks tonight—cheapskate move, but his current financial condition forced him to choose between cigarette and beer and he just couldn’t give up the nicotine. But still, he missed drinking and the alcohol flowing in his blood.

He checked his phone again, still no news and Eric was now 15 minutes late—what the hell was wrong with this guy? He really wanted to text or call him and asked where he was but that would make him look like a naggy girlfriend—he shuddered at the thought. Hyesung prayed that Eric wasn’t going to stand him up because that would surely crush his pride as a man. To his relief, at least based on his behavior and not his appearance, Eric didn’t look like the type who would do so.

Sighing, he took a seat on the park bench, trying to entertain himself by looking at the people passing by. There seemed to be a lot of couples hanging around together that day and he couldn’t help but feeling a little bit pathetic. He didn’t even know what made him agree to help Eric, they were strangers after all. Maybe just out of pity? He should have pitied himself first, what was he trying to do—helping someone he just met in his dating problems while he was completely single himself. He had to admit though, Eric’s pleading eyes reminded him of puppies—Hyesung had always loved puppies, so he couldn’t say no to those eyes.

Hold on that thought—wait a second, what was he thinking about just now…?

Hyesung shook his head, clearing up his mind. No, there was no resemblance between Eric and puppies. Puppies—small and cute. Eric—tall and big and definitely not cute at all. There. He finished sorting his jumbled thoughts. He closed his eyes in frustration, seriously the longer he waited for Eric the more he regretted agreeing to help the man shopping. Why would a grown man need help with picking clothes anyway? He opened his eyes only to see a shameless couple making out on the park bench opposite him. Seriously? Public display of affection on a broad daylight in a public place—way to add salt on his wounds.

Another deep sigh escaped his lungs—20 minutes. If Eric was not coming in 10 minutes he decided that he would just leave. However, in the middle of Hyesung’s grumbles about his lateness, Eric appeared—desperately running and stopped with a skid right in front of the barber, slightly out of breath.

“I’m sorry!” Eric said, still panting. He stole a worried glance at Hyesung who maintained a poker face.

“You are late.” Hyesung replied unemotionally with a bored tone—ominously sounding like the calm before storm.

“I know. I—“ Eric tried to explain.

“You know Eric-ssi… I don’t have to do this, do I? I could open the shop and get some money instead of waiting for you here. Alone. For 20 minutes. Among all these people. Mostly couples. Looking like a pathetic guy being stood up on a date or something. People have been looking at me with pity you know? There were even some guys weirdly gawking at me. I must have looked like such a loser in their eyes. Listen, Eric-ssi. You were the one who asked for my help. I shouldn’t be the one who waited for you as if I was the one asking you for a favor. Do you understand? Are you even listening to me? Stop staring at me with your mouth half opened like that!” Hyesung rambled without stopping, openly glaring at Eric who couldn’t interrupt him and could only stare at him dumbfoundedly.

“I—“Eric tried to put a word.

“Why were you late anyway? What’s your excuse? We promised to meet here, in this park, at 3 PM didn’t we? What time is it now? Oh. It’s 3.23 PM. What does this mean? Let me tell you—it means you are over 20 minutes late and I have been waiting for more than 20 minutes because I tend to come a few minutes earlier than the agreed time. I wouldn’t mind waiting until the appointed time but I don’t want to wait more than necessary, get it? Seriously. You blood type must be... B! You’re blood type B, aren’t you? I knew it. You guys are always like this. Ah. Always driving me crazy. I don’t get how hard it is just to leave early and plan for your trip. Do you ever think of other people? I might have another, more important, appointment after this you know?  Why are you so inconsiderate towards other people, huh? Now, what do you have to say?” Hyesung continued his ramblings, his nagging mode activated.

Eric stayed silent, thinking that Hyesung asked a rhetorical question while wondering how it was possible for so many words to come out at one go from such a cute little mouth.

"And now you wouldn't answer me. What did I do to deserve this kind of treatment? Huh? I had only been kind to you that I agreed to help you. And the only thing I've done today to you was waiting for you patie—" before Hyesung could continue his sentence, he was suddenly stopped by sweetness melting on his tongue.

Eric had shoved a piece of chocolate in Hyesung’s mouth while he was in the middle of talking, effectively shutting him up.

Hyesung glanced at the taller man standing in front of him who was holding a box of chocolates—one of the pieces were missing, obviously it was the one he was chewing in his mouth right now. Apparently, Hyesung was too busy talking that he didn’t realize that Eric took out the chocolate box from the paper bag he was holding, opened it and fed him a piece.

“I’m sorry Hyesung-ssi,” Eric apologized quietly, head slightly tilted and eyes wide—he does not look like a cute puppy, Hyesung reminded himself in his mind. Eric then gave him a little bow, his eyes kept glancing nervously at the slender man in an attempt to assess his mood.

“What is that?” Hyesung asked, pointing to the chocolates.

“Er… Chocolates?” Eric answered as-the-matter-of-fact-ly, trying his best not to sound condescending.

“I know that. I mean, why are you bringing them?” Hyesung rolled his eyes at Eric’s slowness.

“For you…?” Eric answered, offering the box to Hyesung.

“Why would you give chocolates to me?” Hyesung asked, surprised.

“Erm… I bought you a flower too, if you don’t like chocolates. Sorry. I shouldn’t just put the chocolate in your mouth like that, what if you are allergic to them…But I couldn’t think of any other way to…“ Eric stopped talking when he noticed that Hyesung’s eyes were narrowed in irritation. Oops. He shouldn’t have implied that he wanted to shut the barber up. Instead of continuing his words, Eric took out a long stem of a gorgeous white lily from the paper bag, presenting it to the pretty man.

Hyesung stared blankly at the beautiful flower, his eyebrows raised.

“Why… Why are you giving me that?” he asked, trying his best to keep the tone of his voice even, pointing at the flower still held in Eric’s hands.

“Um. A present…?” Eric answered uncertainly.

“Why do you think I would want a flower…?” Hyesung asked through gritted teeth, clenching his fist.

Eric panicked.

“I… Don’t… Know…? I read in the internet that…” Eric began to explain carefully.

Wrong move.

“I’M NOT A GIRL!” Hyesung shrieked, gaining attention from some of the people around who looked at the pair curiously. Realizing that he just shouted out loud, he grabbed Eric’s arm and dragged him away from the crowds—Hyesung’s face was turning red due to embarrassment he felt.

He threw away Eric’s arm from his hand forcefully when they arrived in a secluded corner of the park, away from prying eyes and ears of strangers.

“What. The. Hell?” Hyesung asked, punctuating every syllable.

“What is what, exactly…?” Eric asked back, fidgeting, the lily and chocolates still held in his hands.

“Why would you give me these things?” Hyesung inquired irritatedly, hands positioned on his hips.

“You don’t like them?” Eric asked, disappointment in his eyes and lower lip slightly jutting out.

Hyesung liked chocolates. The brand of chocolate Eric bought was delicious and quite expensive as well, and if he was forced to be really really honest, he actually thought that the lily was beautiful—not that he was going to tell Eric any of that. Instead, he took a deep breath, calming himself and displayed a long-suffering expression on his face.

“I probably would if I was a girl. But I’m a man, Eric-ssi,” he said in an annoyed voice. 

“I know. But the article said that I should bring something to thank you for helping me and…”

“These are things you bought for a girl,” Hyesung said impatiently—because he was not a girl.

“You don’t like them?” Eric asked once again, still looking rather sad.

“It’s not about liking them or not!” Hyesung wanted to shout.

Eric tilted his head confusedly, taking a chocolate wrapped with gold paper from the box and offered it to the angry Hyesung.

“This one’s good. Try it,” Eric said with an innocent smile.

He’s not a cute puppy. He’s not. This is a grown man looking manlier than you could ever hope to be who just tried to give you flower as if you were a girl.


“Try it,” Eric, once again, put the chocolate inside Hyesung’s mouth without his permission. Hyesung could only chew the chocolate in his mouth—it was, indeed, good. He just couldn’t win—he thought as he felt his anger and irritation slowly dissipated as he enjoyed the sweetness and slight bitterness of cocoa on his tongue.

“Eric-ssi…” Hyesung started, Eric could only look at him nervously.

“Once again, I’m not a girl. I appreciate the… Gifts,” Hyesung hesitated, glancing at the flower and and the tempting box of chocolates—so he liked sweets, screw him.

“But I’m a man. I prefer meat and beer, you know?” Hyesung pinched the bridge of his nose, starting to feel tired.

“Okay! But you’ll take my gifts today, right?” Eric pleaded.

“Alright then,” Hyesung sighed while Eric happily handed him the flower.

“Um… Hyesung-ssi… You’d still help me shopping right?” Eric asked nervously, his widened eyes begging the other to say yes.


“I’d buy you some drinks after.”

The mention of alcohol broke his defenses. You could call him a cheap or whatever—Hyesung didn’t care anymore. Alcohol—he certainly deserved at least that after dealing with Eric today.

“Fine,” Hyesung said, completely defeated.

“Thank you! I promise I’d do better with the gifts next time!” Eric exclaimed cheerfully, pulling Hyesung arm lightly to the direction of the shopping centre. Hyesung could only follow the taller man lifelessly, nagging and talking with Eric had sort of drained his energy.

Wait a second—next time?

Errr. Sorry. It's short and stupid. Thank you for reading! Please leave a comment or anything if you feel like it, or not. Anyway thanks again! Thanks for all the subscribes also! I'll try my best not to disappoint.

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I *might* update this sometime this week. *emphasis on might* Wish me luck so I continue writing it and not being lazy OTL


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rambell #1
I like the build up, hoping you will return to it one day :)
hidejun #2
Chapter 4: love this story so much, will you update it , pleaaase :)
Chapter 4: just wanted to thank you for your fic. :) i've been wandering on this site for a while now (reading ricsyung fanfics, of course!) and came across several great ones, yours included. looking forward to your next work!
Chapter 4: Jen, if this is what u call stupid writing and crappy grammar, i really gonna kill u, take ur brain n stuff it along inside mine so i can write this 'stupid' n this 'crap'...

That besides the point, this couple personalities really reminds me of couple from manga, The Tyrant in Love... Eric looks like a big kind dog and Hyesung is just plain tyrant cat... XD this is cute~ keep it up! Will be waiting no matter how long...
hyuu_hikari #5
Chapter 4: awww~ *senyam senyum*
kyaaah~ dibawa ke rumah eyiiiik~ ^/////^
it's been 5 months? I didn't realize...
feelgyo #6
Chapter 4: Hyesung thought Eric as a (lost) puppy and Eric thought Hyesung as a kitten >.< and dog. Hmmmmm...

What?? Sleep over at Eric's? Ohooooo...*naughty smile*
Thanks for your update Jen :D update soon juseyo (ʃƪ´▽`)♥
kanon_jang #7
waaaaaaaah I love this story already! So cute!
Author-nim hwaiting!! * v *
Chapter 4: Someone's falling in love >.>
milan0613 #9
Chapter 3: Authornim
Please come back
Chapter 3: Kekekekekekeke they on date right?? Lalalalalalala~~

I agree with u eric... Hyesung it's cuuutteee. Hyesungie nickname is cutter than owner.. LOL xD

Sorry for late comment Jen! :B