

Hyukjae had been sick for a few days. He would turn down almost all the food that Kyu had managed to make and order and with great force, finally he managed to hold down a bit of fried rice.

“Please let me take you to the hospital,” Kyu would whine to him whenever he got the chance, brushing his husband's hair back and kissing his forehead.

“With your fear of hospitals and my hate for medicine, no,” Hyuk would argue. So he put up with it.






It was day nine of the sickness and Hyuk laid on the couch as Kyu went off to work, feeling like for having to take yet another day off. He was miserable and tired and everything he tried to do was pointless when he could hardly stand without wanting to fall over. He laid there, sighing to himself and he let the options of the doctor run through his mind. If it was the flu he couldn't just simply stick it out. He probably needed medicine. If it was worse than that, he didn't want to risk it. But it was the idea of pumping unneeded chemicals into his body that stopped him from going to the doctor's office right away. He was about to get up and attempt to make some more fried rice when his phone went off. He looked at the number and answered it immediately upon seeing his best friend's name.

“Hey Donghae~”

“Hyuk!! How are you feeling??”

“Like still,” he huffed a breath and put his hand over his stomach, sighing softly, “I seriously can't deal with this right now. I need to go to work.”

“Yeah. Hey! You said you weren't running a fever right?”

“Right, just getting sick and I'm fatigued. Why?”

“I'm going to be bringing you something over I think might help you a lot. I'll be there soon, neh??”


Hyukjae frowned and rolled his eyes before groaning and laying down on his side, sighing and frowning at his stomach, not wanting to lay on it but knowing his back hurt too. Before he knew it, Donghae was there and was walking in the apartment, a bag in his hand.

“Hey sweetie,” he said as he walked over and kneeled down, running a hand over Hyukjae's face gently.

“Hey,” Hyuk said softly, peering down at the bag, “You said you had medicine for me?”

Donghae grinned widely and giggled, shaking his head back and forth, his grip tightening on the bag in excitement. Hyuk frowned and cocked his head a bit, not in the mood for games, his brows stitching together.

“Donghae, it better not be something you shoot up or you're leaving my flat, right now--”

“No, stupid!” He grinned wider and dug into the bag, pulling out a box that read in plain letters “Pregna-”

“No,” He stated quickly, sitting up a bit too fast and shaking his head, “Absolutely not, Donghae, you're ing crazy.” As Hyuk stood up to walk away and get some more water, Donghae was up on his heal, the little devil sticks in his hand and he made his argument.

“Hyukjae! Listen! You wake up and you get random waves of sickness, you are eating fried rice like your life depends on it and honestly? You look like you're a ing ball of rainbows and sparkles.” Hyukjae frowned at the last statement and Donghae scoffed, rolling his eyes, “Hyukjae when is the last time that you and Kyuhyun had protected ? I mean, really.”

“Never, Donghae, the chances of pregnancy for men is slim to none,” He snatched the pregnancy tests up and glared at Donghae, “And you know that the doctors told me I couldn't carry. It's extremely pointless.” Hyukjae went to throw the tests away but was stopped when Donghae blurted at him.

“They said /might/ not be able to and if you are you're going to feel like for not taking care of yourself during the pregnancy!” Hyuk took a slow breath and turned to Donghae, huffing a breath at him, holding the tests in his hand.

“Fine.....I seriously doubt this but I swear to god Donghae.....if it ing humors you.”

Hyukjae stormed off to the bathroom with the tests and shut the door behind him, ignoring Donghae who protested being locked out. Hyuk read the instructions carefully, pee on the stick, keep it flat, wait three to ten minutes.

“Three to ten minutes,” he frowned and rolled his eyes at the statement, mostly just irritated with the idea of him carrying a child in the first place. He did the business, setting one of the sticks down and waited patiently, his stomach starting to churn again but not from him being sick. He read the instructions and read over, one bar negative, two bars positive, making sure he absolutely had it right. He came out of the bathroom around six minutes later, the test in his hand, his face shocked and his hands shaking as he looked down, open mouthed at Donghae then to the test and back again.

“What,” Donghae asked, his brows rising so high they blended to his hair.

“Oh my god, Donghae,” Hyuk said breathlessly.

“Oh—oh my god Hyuk,” Donghae replied, a wide grin breaking across his face, “It's possitive, isn't it?! Oh my god, you're pregnant, aren't you?!”

Hyuk laughed and grinned widely, finally showing Donghae the test, “No, it's negative!!!”

Donghae let his expression drop and he glared at Hyuk as the troll laughed at his own joke.

“If you weren't sick right now, I'd smack you.”

“Oh shut up,” Hyuk rolled his eyes and threw the test away, putting the other unused tests in a drawer, “I'm not pregnant~ It's probably just a minor flu, okay? Now....unless you can actually get me some organic or normal medicine then you can leave. I wanted to take a nap.”

“Fine,” Donghae said a little sadly, going to put his shoes on and collect his jacket. He looked a bit upset and Hyuk frowned, tilting his head at Donghae.

“Hae, what's wrong?”

“Nothing,” he said, shaking his head, “I just know, you know, you want kids. I know that you've been dreaming about kids for a long time. I really thought this time you had it.” He gave Hyuk a sad smile and waves as he reached for the handle, “Maybe some other time. See you around, bud.” Hae left Hyuk standing there and Hyuk took a slow breath, trying to find it in himself not to cry or being touched by Hae's words. He made his way back to the couch and sat down, putting his hand over his stomach and sighed softly.

“Maybe some day....” He laid down and closed his eyes, allowing a few tears to slip as he drifted off to sleep.






There were very few things that Kyuhyun and Hyukjae did when Kyuhyun got back from work unless it was a special occasion and they were to go out or head to a party. This was another normal night, eating (or in Hyuk's case /attempting/ to eat), watching television, then the news, and going to bed with or without (without given certain illnesses) love making. Hyuk laid against Kyu, tucked neatly under his arm as their program ended and the late night news came on, Hyuk only half paying attention. Weather, weather, politics, news, fillers, commercials, fillers, weather, all of it was in one ear and out the other when suddenly-

“An almost world wide recall on pregnancy tests.”

Hyukjae lifted his head a bit more and stared at the familiar pink boxed brand of pregnancy tests, his heart picking up and racing in his chest hard.

“According to CEO supervisors, the brand was considered no good due to a vital misprint on the packaging instructions. Where the packages show that one blue bar means negative and two mean positive, the results should be switched and remarked as a two bar negative, one bar positive. Anyone who has taken these tests in the past two months--”

The rest of the news didn't matter to Hyukjae who was already running to the bathroom, his phone furiously vibrating in his pocket with texts from Donghae who had seen the same report, all of them spazzing and stating congratulations.

Hyuk found himself in the bathroom, the door locked and his hands fumbling for another test, tears streaming down his face as he did the business, trying his best to maintain a steady hand and voice as he watched a single bar form on the test. He grabbed the third and last one and about the time he had started waiting on the results, he heard a knock on the door.

“Babe, are you alright,” he heard a confused Kyuhyun asked past the thick wood.

“Fine,” he yelled out, his voice breaking. Kyu heard the falter and frowned, knocking again.

“Hyuk! Please open the door, come on.”

“Kyu, baby, please just a minute,” he sobbed as he watched the test intently, his body shaking and his facial muscles forcing to not grin from ear to ear.

“Hyuk, I'm calling a doctor if you're getting sick again! Open the door, now!”

Hyuk groaned and as soon as the result of “positive” popped up on the last stick, he dug the third one from the trash and flung the door open, throwing them at Kyuhyun.

“Will you shut up?! I'm not sick, I'm pregnant god damn it!!!”

Kyu's face went pale and his eyes wide as he looked down at the tests, only one of them laying on the floor upright to reveal the results. He looked at Hyuk and then back down to the test before gasping and bringing a hand to his mouth, tears springing to his eyes.

“Oh my god....preg—pregnant?? You're— babe we're pregnant?!”

“Did I stutter,” Hyuk asked, tears streaming down his face, a wide grin finally revealing itself and the true happiness Hyukjae had tried to suppress in himself. Kyu came forward and put his hand over Hyuk's stomach before laughing and grinning widely, a few tears slipping.

“Baby....oh god I'm going to be a dad....” He grinned widely and before Hyuk could make another comment, Kyuhyun's lips were pressed passionately to Hyuk's and Hyuk was being hoisted up. Hyuk blinked but kissed back and wrapped his legs around Kyu's waist as Kyu held him up and carried him effortlessly to their bedroom, shutting the door behind them. Soon the bed was beneath Hyukjae and Hyukjae was beneath Kyuhyun, Kyuhyun taking hold of the moment and letting his lips move with Hyukjae's. Hyuk found himself being stripped shirtless and was about to give Kyu the same removal when he felt his phone vibrate once more in his pocket. He groaned and grabbed his phone, answering and tilted his head for Kyu to attach his lips to his neck so Hyukjae could talk.

“Oh my God Hyukjae congratulations I can't believe you're--”

“Thank you for calling the cell phone of Cho Hyukjae,” he groaned as Kyuhyun generously marked the soft skin, “Sorry I can't come to the phone right now! I'm too busy in bed celebrating with my child's father, I'll call you back tomorrow morning when you matter again, Donghae.” Hyukjae gasped sharply and gave a low moan when Kyuhyun grabbed his thighs before he could hang up and Donghae found himself having to end the call himself as the phone clattered to the floor, the happily married couple lost in happiness.

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ReadRealize #1
Chapter 1: im happy for the couple but someone is getting fired for that misprint incident haha
Chapter 1: awww this is soo adorable... the joy of being parents awwww~~ xD and donghae's part lmao i love him in this ! thank you for this!
Chapter 1: this is the reason why woman always bought three to four pregnancy test with them... >,<
Thanks for sharing this story~~
Jewelmilas31 #4
Chapter 1: Love hae part in this story... Hae acting likes the child is his... So excited.
Chapter 1: Thanks for sharing your story, it was really interesting and I loved the enthusiasm of everyone, but especially the Hae
lemon-deulop #6
Chapter 1: "When you matter again".... hahaha that was so sweet and cute. ^w^ This was lovely, thank you. c;
Love Hyukjae in this, out of this, everywhere... ^^ Oh well. c;
Chapter 1: omg it needs a sequel ; u ; a story about the struggle of handling a moody hyukjae going through his pregnancy hehe
thank u for writing this!
heyitstheduff #8
Chapter 1: Can i scream, awesooooomeeee?!!!! Daebak! Really love it!><
yanzweiger #9
Chapter 1: Very cute! Love it!