
Red Coffee



I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream…

I know you, that look in your eyes is so familiar a gleam…

And I know it's true that visions are seldom what they seem…

But if I know you, I know what you'll do…

You'll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream…”


A month ago

A black haired girl walked through the empty dark hall, wondering which door she should knock. She knows where she is heading, her father used to play hide and seek with her in here. Although this house is not her house, but a bond was made between the owner of the house, and her beloved father. So she’s free to come and go.

 What a pathetic memories she thought.

I should’ve said no.

Turn around. Go home. Un-boiled pasta is waiting

What if he’s tricking you again.

She slowed her pace, so she can get more time to think.

Now you can knock the butler’s room, see if there’s anything to eat, lie about ‘i remember that I forgot to fed my turtle’

Wait that’s stupid. you don’t even have one

Unwittingly, she finally step her foot in front of the door she thought she’s heading. She braced herself for a second, then knocked the door harshly. “Take it easy. Come in. you don’t have to knock. And you know it is not locked” her friend shouted from inside. She opened the door slowly, only to found a young man gazed her with ‘I’m going to kill you soon’ gaze. “I’m sorry, foster boy. I didn’t know you were sleeping, kris” “do not sorry me. And I know you did it on purpose””no i….”

Kris is an old friend of eunjoon. Being the eldest son of the family(although he was adopted. His Americano-father found him when he was 6, eating a burnt bread near a sewer behind his house) he is in charge on replacing his father being the head of the mafia family.

“cut the bull. Spill it out now” ”slow down. I told you to slow down, girlie. Now do as I told, close the door can you?” felt sorry by her rude awaken, she quietly closed the door, and walked towards him. “so there’s this guy..” ”oh no the last time you started describing ‘the guy’ with that word, ‘the guy’ I killed almost took my ity” ”don’t take that tone with me. Care to listen? Better drink it before it gets cold” he smiled while pouring her a cup of tea. She took a seat in front of him, then took a sip of the hot tea. “earl grey?” “your favorite. Now where were we? Right. So this guy… His men were stealing my drugs inventory yesterday. I was in Braga for family vacation when my men told me this horrible news. Well you know what to do.” “what? Bake him some cookies? Serenade him with roses?” “exterminate him. Yes that sounds good” “where can I find him?” “he has a place in the suburbs of seoul. Believe me. This is going to be a fun one.”  Only silence answered him. Eunjoon was lost in her thought. “So what do you say?”. she answered him by adding some sugar cubes for her bitter tea. “how much do you want?” “I don’t want your money, Kris. Even without you asking it, you already know what I always wanted.” “you got your name clean. I don’t have any idea what you’re talking about.”he says as he shrugged. Eunjoon gave him a sharp look. “after this job, I want to have a day-off. Sorry, I mean year-off. Don’t ever talk to me about this killing job for 6 years.” Kris raised both of his eyebrows. He doesn’t seem to be pleased. But slowly, his face turned into a sarcastic smile and says “if that’s what you want.”

 Eunjoon sighed.

“so it’s an easy goodbye-job then,” she says.




Eunjoon’s POV.


“pass the sugar please”

“one espresso and ristretto coming right away. Eunjoon, please heat some scones and muffin thank you.”

“Eunjoon, can you please clean table number 3 for me? Thank you.”

It has been 3 weeks since I disguise myself as a first-year college student. I signed for a night shift in my target’s own coffee shop. I have never seen him in person, other than kris’ terrible explanation about our guy. I don’t even know his name, his age, his appearance, friends, anything. Kris did not give me any further information about our guy. Which is weird because he usually gives detailed information from where he lived, his friend, even what sort of pet our target has .But this one, I felt like a pregnant mother guessing how her child looks like, i have no idea. I tried to ask some of the staff but it did not make any difference. He rarely (or maybe never) came here to check.

Our guy is a ghost. 


“eunjoon, why don’t you get ready for home? It is almost 12. I’ll cover you while you settle your things” “thank you that’s very kind of you, but no need for that. I want to stay” “what? In a storm like this?” “I came with my bike, so I’ll just wait for the storm to stop” “all right, be careful!”. After saying good bye to my fellow-nightshift friend, I finally have my own time. I began searching for drugs and weed presence.

Well it seems it is not here either.

Clean. This place is clean. The whole place is clean. I even searched to electrical control room, but there is no sign that this place hide something suspicious. I am now trying to pull out a garbage can out of the storage room, hoping there is(hopefully turning into ‘are’) something(s) I find interesting. I slowly walked backwards, trying to reach the door to the coffee shop. “. This is heavy.” I was pushing the door with my , when it hit something hard. Someone. He was balancing himself before saying..

“what the hell are you doing?”

I startled and cursed under my breath. Then turning my head around while doing my best at smiling sweetly,

“sorry, Jongin. I thought I was alone.”





Hope you enjoy the first chapter. Comment below, tell me what you think!





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sixthirtyone #1
Chapter 1: cool! badass kai. update soon!
RogueSki #2
Chapter 1: gue gak ngerti nandaaaa!!
Chapter 1: Why? I....