The Story

Over The Borders


"Excuse me, miss. We have arrived at our destination." said the stewardess while waking Clary up from a very long flight. She has finally arrived in Korea, a beautiful country filled with beautiful people and breathtaking sights. She was so ready to take charge of her plans the moment she step foot at Incheon International Airport and breathing in the clean air of Korea. As she wandered around aimlessly, people were bustling around the city of Seoul as the rush hour begins.

Clary decides to take a break at one of the coffee shop she came across which gave a very friendly vibe after all the walking. She took a seat right next to the window after ordering a caramel machiato and stared out to the world. Just when she was about to enjoy her view, she remembered what she needed to do after she's reached Korea.

Clary took out her phone and started punching in some numbers. Fortunantely the other line rang and a sound of a middle-aged lady answered the phone. It was Clary's landlord. After weeks of looking for a place to stay, Clary finally came across the most perfect location. The apartment was located somewhere near Myeongdong street.

Well it was not entirely perfect, but its more like the apartment was the cheapest for the time being, because she knows that she will never have a quiet night, not so much but it was totally convenient for her to go back and forth through town.

Upon looking for the building where her new apartment was located, some tall guy came up to her. "Excuse me miss, are you lost?" he said with a really strange bright smile, showing off his perfect set of teeth. Clary raised an eyebrow and shook her head. "Well I hope I'm not lost. It's just that I just got here today. It was a long flight and I really must not talk to strangers. So, good day." She said and left abruptly.


Clary felt like her hand was grabbed by someone and without hesitation, she tried to protect herself. She raised her very precious Prada bag and started hitting the male as hard as possible.

"Hey! Wait! Stop!!!" She stopped her actions in order to look at the idiot who grabbed her hand without her permission and was surprise to see the strange guy from earlier.

"What do you want and why are you following me??" She said with her hands on her waist like how mothers are like when they get angry.

"Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Park Chanyeol. Tourism clerk by day, rapper in a group by night. And I was not following you. I caught up with you, because you left your luggage behind."

Clary's jaw fell slightly open in surprise as she realize how stupid she was to have forgotten her luggage behind especially when it was left behind with a total stranger. She looked at her feet not knowing what to say, and obviously embarrassed of her actions. She sighed and looked up at him. Their eyes met and for a moment she failed to come with any words as she stared at him and the same goes to him. Without a word, Chanyeol hand Clary her luggage. She nodded and whispered thank you. "What did you say??"

"Oh, I said thank you." she smiled. 

He took a step forward, getting a little bit too close to her, but to his surprise, she didnt even try to move. She just stood there with a very blank expression with her head slightly tilting up due to his tall figure. 

"Hmmm. So what's your name?" he asked. 

"My name is Clary Gibbs, and I do not talk to strangers." she replied and this time she took two steps back. She was about to start walking away when Chanyeol naturally just took his place on her right hand side. He then tilted his head playfully at her and began to talk some more. 

"It's okay Clary - may i call you Clary?"  


"Rest assured, I am not a bad guy. I am simply just your average korean boy, who so happens to have way too much confidence and who is very talented, if I may add, and ready to help any clueless travelors. Although, it is a bonus for me to come across such pretty girl like yourself." 

"Look Chanyeol, I don't mean to be rude. But you are creeping me out and- " 

"And I am just trying to help." He cuts her off and gave her a mischevous smile. 

"I'm sure you are a nice guy, but you are creeping me out and I really need to look for my apartment. So-"

"So, can I have your number, and once you've settle in, maybe I could call you and bring you out for dinner?" 

Bewildered by his offer, she hesitated and decided to give him her number for a reason she didn't know herself. Besides, she wasn't really expecting anything from him. She just wanted to settle in and start looking for a job.

The next morning, she went on job hunt around her neighbourhood. Sadly, she was rejected in every interview she went. It was around noon when she gave up for the day and wanted to tour around the city. Clary have spent her entire afternoon sightseeing but there was a certain place she wanted to go, especially at night.

She took the cab and directed the cab to go to Hongdae. Hongdae area is known for its indie spirit, urban street arts and underground band musicians. The area is filled with teenagers, and young hopefuls, hanging out with their friends, at the coffee shop or diners. There were some around the street, gathering around an area to enjoy some good music and company.

Clary made her way to a huge crowd at the playground. All she could hear coming from that area was the sound of hip-hop music. The crowds were heating up, you could hear energetic cheering and all sorts of fan chanting. She was curious as to what group was performing, so she went closer, pushing her way through the crowds and made it to the front where she could see the performers up close.

There, she spotted a familiar looking guy with three other guys who she hasn't seen before, jumping around and rapping to a song, which was not that bad, to be honest. Anyway, when the guy she saw came closer to the crowds, Clary just couldn't believe her eyes, it was Park Chanyeol! She hurriedly pushed her way out from the crowd,but it was way too late for her to run. Chanyeol had already acknowledge her presence. In the middle of their song, he called up her name. 

"Clary!! CLARY!! Come back!! Yeah you with the brown scarf and long black hair!" 

She stopped half way as the crowd turns around to look for the girl that Chanyeol just mentioned. Embarrassed by the event, she just stood still in the crowds, back facing Chanyeol and saying nothing. She slowly took baby steps away from the crowd after a while and walked away from the stage. She cringed at the familiar touch that caught her wrist by surprise,which led her away for quite a distance. They entered a small diner filled with so many unfamiliar faces and environment.

Chanyeol found a table near the entrance and gently pushed Clary to a chair before sitting down at the opposite of her. Awkward silence filled the air. Chanyeol was moving around in his seat like a child for the first few seconds of silence while Clary roamed her eyes around the diner but refusing to look at the male in front of her. When he couldn't take the silence anymore, he finally broke the silence by teasing her. 

"Look who's following who." He smiled playfully at her. Expecting some cute response from her or something. 

She glared momentarily at him and sighed. "For your information, I was not following you. I was simply... touring around town. Meeting you in Hongdae was PURE coincidence." 

"Aha, so you just 'decided' to go to Hongdae?" 

"Yes. Of course. Don't be so full of yourself" 

His grin got bigger.

"So, since we're here.. I'll buy you dinner. It's the least I can do after you came all the way here from Myeongdong...just to see my show." he again.

She scoffed at him and agreed to his suggestion. Since we're here, she thought, it won't hurt to have dinner with this obnoxious guy. Clary was surprised though since her first night in Hongdae was spent perfectly with great company and a simple yet lovely dinner, feasting on samgyeopsal to their hearts' content. 

It's been two weeks since she had moved to Korea and Clary found herself still jobless. All she had been doing was hang out with Chanyeol and wasting her time doing nothing but having fun, causing her to be distracted. She was left with two more weeks before the government would call and make her leave the country. She soon fell in a dilemma when she received a notice from the officials regarding her status. 

Clary panicked. What am I going to do?, she thought as she paced back and forth in her apartment. I can't go back to America like this. I came here to start a new life, not a holiday. I want to stay here. God, what should I do now? And Chanyeol... After a moment longer, she suddenly thought of a certain giant and called him over. It took him about an hour before appearing at her front door with a bag of tteokbokki since he was at work when she had called.

His bright and excited expression changed when he saw her pale face as she opened the door for him. He spotted relief, anxiety and a trace of anger in her eyes as they made eye contact. Frowning, he stepped inside the apartment and wrapped his arms around her slim figure, letting her bawl her eyes out in his chest. Chanyeol silently consoled her with his warmth and quiet whispers as he gently rocked them side to side in attempt to calm her. 

He didn't know what was wrong, but he didn't need to know unless Clary decides to tell him herself. All he wants to do at the moment was to be there for her and make her feel better. Chanyeol took in a shaky breath as he buried his face  in her hair, inhaling the sweet fragrance of her hair. He felt his heart beating fast as Clary pulled his body closer to hers, if that was even possible anymore, and he struggled to compose his heart. 

It's only been two weeks since he had met the girl crying in his arms, and Chanyeol was deeply and irrevocably in love with her. He liked how she would smile that beautiful smile of hers, and he loves listening to the melody of her laughter. It brings a peaceful and joyous vibe to his heart whenever he hears her voice. He loved spending his time with her for the past week and hopes to be able to spend more time with her in the future. Her beauty was a bonus and he feels lucky to be able to meet this American girl.

Chanyeol softly pecked Clary's forehead as her cries turn to sobs. It's the first time he had seen her cry, and he hopes for it to be the last. It pains him to see her cry like this, and it hurts him more when he doesn't know the reason behind her tears.

As soon as she felt his warmth around her body, Clary ducked her face in his chest and let out the cries of frustration that she didn't know she had. Hearing his quiet soothing words whispering comfort words in her ear makes her cry harder. She didn't want to leave Korea. No, she didn't want to leave Chanyeol.

At first, Clary thought that her tears of frustration was due to the fact that she was about to go back to her old life. But hearing him console her and having him so close makes her realize that the real reason behind the tears was him- Park Chanyeol. Eventhough she's only knew him for a short while, Clary was attracted to the male. She loves having him present in her days and she didn't want it to stop. She wants to spend more time with the tall giant and by leaving Korea, she knew she will never get the chance to see him again. 

As she continued to cry in his arms, Clary acknowledged her feelings towards him. She's in love with Park Chanyeol and she can't deny it any longer. She can't imagine going on with the rest of her life without the new presence and feelings he brought to her, and she was certain that she wanted no one else but him. She was deeply attracted to him and she wanted him. But without a job, Clary couldn't stay and she will have to leave as told.

And by leaving, it means...


The next morning, when Chanyeol woke up on Clary's couch, he searched the place for her, but she was nowhere to be found. It was 9AM in the morning, still too early for her to go out. Chanyeol got worried and started calling her cellphone but she answered none of it. He then received a message from her instead...




I think it's best if we stop seeing each other. You have been a distraction to me. It's not that I hate it, but because of you, I can't get my priorities straight. I came here to start a new life, and I have a lot to deal with in order to escape my old one. But Chanyeol, thank you for being with me for the past two weeks. It's been a memorable time for me, and I love every bit of time we spent together. Chanyeol, I have something to tell you. I remember my first day here in Korea, I met a rather creepy and weird looking guy at the streets, and despite all that, I gave him my number. I also remember the first time I stepped foot at Han River and it was with that tall, giant creep. Do you remember the sunset? It was so beautiful and I think it was more beautiful since I watched it with you. Have I ever told you how much I love your smile? Hmm... the first time you smiled at me, I found you creepy. But now, I can't stop thinking about that pearly white smile of yours that I've grown to love. It gave me some sort of warmth that I can't explain, and it made me realise something. I love you. I love you, Park Chanyeol. I don't know how you feel about me but all I know is that, whatever it is, we can never be together. Not with what I'm facing now. I need to get back on track now, Chanyeol, and I'm going to treasure all the time I have spent with you in this two weeks. So long, Chanyeol.




Chanyeol ended up staying at her apartment the whole morning, clutching his phone in his hand tightly. He would stare at the device before turning to the door, hoping for her return. He began to worry as noon approached, and he began to anxiously bite his lips as he paced back and forth. Suddenly, a thought appeared in his head and he immediately grabbed his coat before dashing out of the apartment.

Clara was slowly swinging herself on the swing at the playground where she first saw Chanyeol's performance. She chose to sit there to think about her problem, and at the same time run away from Chanyeol. She was so deep in thought, thinking about her problem. However, her mind kept wondering back to that certain male that she was sure still pacing around waiting for her return in her apartment. Her frustration grew as she was unable to throw him out of her thoughts and she rested her face at the palm of her hands, letting her tears fall down her cheeks. 

Suddenly, she heard a familiar voice calling her name out from the distance and she slowly lifted her head to the sight of Chanyeol running towards her. Her tears fell harder as she slowly stood up from the swing, taking in the sight of the man she admitted to love.

His face was red and sweaty due to all the running he did, and he was out of breath. But he didn't stop to catch his breath but instead, pulled her body towards him and drowned her in his embrace. He embraced her tightly and she returned it as well, forgetting the real reason why she was at the playground at the very first place.

"I knew you'd be here" 

"How?" Clary asked, her voice slightly muffled against his shirt. 

"I just knew." 


"Are you serious, Clary? After the time we've spent together for the past two weeks, you just decided to leave me after confessing to me?" Chanyeol said as soon as he pulled away from her. "Now you listen to me, and you listen well, Clary. I don't think I love you. I know i love you, and i am not about to let you disappear from my life without a fight. I have never met anyone so amazing such as yourself..." 

"Now I don't know why you're suddenly doing this, but after all the worry you've put me through, Clary Gibbs, you owe me an explanation."

His tone was soft yet firm and demanding at the same time. Clary could clearly see the worry and desperation in his eyes, but more importanty, she could see the love in them. She felt guilty for making him worry about her, and also due to the heavy weight in her chest, Clary decided to tell him about the whole situation. Once she was done, she kept her eyes to the ground and waited for his response. However, a finger was placed underneath her chin and she was gently forced to look up into his eyes.

"Clary, why didn't you tell me? If I had known, I would have saved the touring for later and help you look for a job. But then again, why didn't you just tell me? I have a friend who is in need of a beautician, and I'm sure he'll be more than grateful to have you work with him."


"You heard me. God, Clary. If I had known, I would've introduced you to him first. But let's talk about that later. Right now, I want you to know that I love you and I'm not letting you go. I'm going to help you with everything, I promise. In return, I want you to stay by my side. Okay?"

Stepping closer to her again, Chanyeol cupped her face gently and stared in her eyes lovingly. Clary felt her eyes water once more at his words and the love she could see in his eyes. He brushed her tears gently with his thumb and wrapped his long arms around her as she buried her face in his shoulder.

"I know that there will be problems we're gonna face in the future, but i promise you, that i will never fall out of love with you. I'll take care of you. I'll make you happy. Because you make me happy. I'm gonna take this risk Clary, and i won't do it without you." he whispered. "Just stay with me."

"I will, Chanyeol. Don't let me go."

Chanyeol slightly pulled away to look at her face and gently cupped her face in his hands again. "Never." he said and sealed his promise with a kiss. The kiss was sweet and passionate, and their lips molded perfectly against each other as they shared their first kiss. Clary smiled in the kiss and knew that everything will be okay.







Hello fellow readers, this is the complete edited version. So sorry we had to keep editing this story because i thought it wasnt good enough. So my co-author had decided to help me in this editing. Well she did most of the editing due to my amateur writing. HAHAHAH. i hope you all understand. :) Thank you for reading my very first fanfic ^^ 

from valley94 and Pixie-Tink <3

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Chapter 1: WOW!!! D= SEQUEL??
this is the 2nd fic of urs i am reading and i an ABSOLUTELY IN LOVE with BOTH OF THEM!!!!
aaaaaaaah please write a sequel? neh?
Chapter 1: Fluffy :') I think you faired well for your first fanfic :) its a fairytale like romance that we dream of but it just... doesnt really happen in reality sadly :'). Keep up your hard work author-nim ;)
Chapter 1: THIS WAS SWEET~ great job author-nim!!!
its simple but captivating. it draws the reader to read more.
but it feels like its left me hanging in someways. idk what.
all in all it was a great story.
Meow_kitten #5
Chapter 1: Aaaww, so cuuutee >.<
BabyTaem #6
Chapter 1: What a cute story! :3
orange2806 #7
Chapter 1: Hoooaaahhhh sequel pleaseeee :3
Update this please :3