Feed Me

Feed Me

It was like any normal day backstage for EXO. All the members happily chatted away about food as they waiting for their turn to go onstage. Luhan had felt strange for the whole day and he wasn't postive why. He felt as if someone had been staring at him all day. It was unusual for him since he was used to the stares. He was EXO's Luhan after all. Maybe he was just hungry. He turned to face behind him but the only people there were B.A.P. He sighed and turn back to Kris.
"Why are you so skiddish today?" Kris asked in curiousity. 
"I feel like someone is staring at me. And not like how I feel on stage or when there's a saesaeng. It's weird." Luhan looked down at his hands, fittling with his shirt hem.
"Well your booty is pretty fabooty so that's probably why you're gettin stared at." Kris replied as he nonchalantly patted his with great force. Luhan jumped away as Sehun smacked Kris away.
"No touchey the merchandise." Sehun stated firmly as he wrapped his arms around Luhan who instantly tensed up.
"Sehun I've told you literally 40 times today.." he started to free himself from Sehuns grasp. "DO. NOT. TOUCH. ME." Sehun fake cried as he ran over to Kai screaming about how much Luhan hates him. EXO new Luhan hated skinship yet they still touched him all the time.
Luhan told Kris he was going to sit down for a while. Kris looked away from Tao whom he had started a conversation with and nodded. With heavy steps Luhan went and sat down. He looked around his surroundings. The spotlights for the stage could be seen through the curtians. All the wires for the sound equipment had been taped down so no one would trip, even though he was positive he saw Chanyeol trip on it earlier. The feeling of someone watching him was gone. The couch he was sitting on was comfortable so he rested since EXO weren't on for another 6 acts. In front of his seat, B.A.P were getting ready to go on stage since they were on in 2. He watched stalkingly as B.A.P got their makeup and hair fixed by their stylist. They sure had grown up a lot. He was jealous of how manly they were. He began to space out when he heard Yongguk speak.
"Where's Daehyun?" All the B.A.P members shook their heads, saying they hadn't seen him. 
Youngjae turned to Luhan asking if he had seen Daehyun leave. Luhan gave the same response as the others had. Luhan watched as Himchan walked off to EXO, asking if they had seen him. Youngjae suggested that he must of been hungry since TS had been making him fast since around this time yesterday. Yongguk nodded agreeingly. He dragged Zelo with him to go and look for Daehun back stage in the food area. Jongup and Youngjae went around to other idols asking if they had seen him. Himchan chatted with EXO for a bit. Asking for their help,  EXO weresoon  walking around looking for him as well, leaving Luhan alone in the backstage waiting room. He was gonig to help but the members told him to just rest. Luhan was happy because he finally had some peace and quiet, but little did he know, someone was watching him.
Luhan's stalker their lips. He crawled across the wooden boards in the roof staring down at the baby-faced boy. The stalker watched as Luhan layed down, closing his eyes and making himself comfortable on the couch. Reaching into his back pocket, the person in the roof pulled a shiny object out of his pocket and marveled at it's sharpness. There would be no problem stabing into him with this beauty. There was no one in the room, the timing was perfect. Taking a deep breath, he jumped down towards Luhan.
"DINNER TIME!" Luhan's eye shot open and he screamed. 
It was Daehyun. With his mouth wide open and a fork in hand, Daehyun had jumped down on top of Luhan and begun to stab him with a fork. Luhan struggled against his grip, screaming at the top of his lungs. The fork was not as sharp as Daehyun had thought. He groaned and threw the fork aside since it had proved useless. He bit Luhan's arm and giggled. 
"You taste bland." Daehyun laughed as he pulled ketchup packages out of his pocket and began spraying Luhan with them before biting him again. "That's better." 
Luhan screamed once more before people rushed in. He screamed at Kris begging for help but Kris just laughed at him. Before long, all of EXO was nearly on the floor laughing as Daehyun continued to bit and Luhan.  Sehun was laughing the hardest. Xiumin and Chen hugged eachother. Xiumin burried his face into Chen's neck to try and muffle his hysteric laughter. Suho shouted for B.A.P, saying he found Daehyun while trying to keep a straight face. B.A.P ran in screaming Daehyun's name. Yongguk saw Daehyun Luhan's neck and instantly pushed Zelo out of the room covering his eyes. Yongguk knew what Daehyun was doing and he knew it freaked Zelo out. The other members were used to it but Zelo just never could find it normal. Himchan cautiously walked forward and tapped Daehyun's shoulder. Daehyun looked at him with bloodshot eyes.
"Don't touch me, i'm eating". Himchan backed away slowly, telling EXO to leave the room and leave him be. Youngjae knew how to deal with it so non of them needed to be there. With tears of laughter in their eyes, EXO walked out of the room regardless of Luhan's protests. Soon the only people in the room were Luhan, who was now covered in soy sauce since Daehyun had already devoured all the ketchup, Daehyun, who was the soy sauce off Luhan, and Youngjae who and came back in with a plate of food. 
"Dae~" Youngjae called. Daehyun stopped soy sauce off of Luhan's waist and turned to Youngjae. His bloodcrazed, or should I say food crazed eyes started to sparkle. The tray had all his favorite foods. Luhan was shaking from the almost he has just recieved. Youngjae smirked at Daehyun before dumping the tray of food on himself.
"Look Dae, all your favorites." Daehyun instanly shot off of Luhan and ran to Youngjae. Youngjae mouthed 'run' to Luhan before being knocked to the ground by Daehyun who started eating cheesecake off his thighs. Luhan shakily got up and ran outside where all of EXO and the remaining B.A.P members were standing. Instantly, EXO burst into laughter. Luhan was covered in soy sauce and smelt like ketchup. He was shaking from head to toe. Yongguk pushed past the laughing members to go back into the room. He walked in to see Daehyun on Youngjae's jawline, where there was some kimchi sauce. 
"ING DAMNIT YOUNGJAE WE HAVE TO GO ON STAGE NEXT." Youngjae sat up, making Daehyun fall off him.
"." He stood up and tried to brush the food off him as Daehyun sat and ate what had fallen off the floor. 
"Daehyun, snap out of it. Time to go on stage." Daehyun almost instantly straightened up. 
"YOU COULDN'T HAVE SAID THAT WHEN HE WAS ME!" Luhan yelled, causing Kai to fall over with laughter. Youngjae laughed at Luhan.
"It was kinda funny."
Luhan went to run after Youngjae when an annoucement came on. "Next up we have, B.A.P!"
Daehyun his lips at Luhan before walking onto the stage. Luhan let himself calm down a bit so that he wasn't shaky on stage. The stages both went well but there was one thing both B.A.P and EXO forgot. Luhan and Youngjae had both gone on stage covered in food. The headlines the next day were no joke.
"B.A.P's Yoo Youngjae and EXO's Luhan have a food fight backstage?"
"EXO and B.A.P's new style?!" 

The managers were going to be pissed.



A/N: What the hell was i thinking when i wrote this..


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