Being Forgotten

Being Forgotten


Gif not mine. Credits to owner.

"You can't even do anything right!" 

She felt her eyes begin to burn with the slight tears forming on the edge of her right eye. She stared at the man that she thought she loved in front of her, yelling at her, pointing at her flaws.

"And you think you're better?" She fought back, rolling her hands into a fist, letting it tremble next to her body.

"I come home and you don't even do anything for me. Why can't you be normal and make me some dinner when I come home?" Baekhyun yelled, throwing his jacket on the couch.

"Dinner?" She scoffed, "You want dinner? What's the point of making dinner when you always come home late, not even calling me to let me know beforehand." 

"That was only once." He hissed, "You can't even do anything here. I don't ask you to do anything and you really don't do anything."

She felt her whole body tremble, not only her hands, "What do you want me to do, then? What will make you happy?"

"Maybe clean the house, surprise me in something, I don't know!" He flung his arms up in the air, "I don't even know why I married you." 

The tear in her right eye had enough, as it streamed down her flushed cheeks. Her breathing slowed down and her fist uncurled itself.

"Yeah, you made a huge mistake." She whispered, brushing past him. She slammed the door behind her, leaning on the door. 

Baekhyun messed up his perfectly combed hair with his left hand, looking up at the ceiling and closing his eyes. He screamed in frustration, kicking the couch next to him.

Grabbing his jacket he threw, he walked out towards the door, slamming it shut.

She felt her tears flowing down as she sat down on the floor. The cold white surface of the door helped her face cool down, yet she wasn't ready to face him yet.

Looking up, she sees the beautiful portrait of both of them hanging above the big king sized bed. She wore a beautiful white wedding dress with a sweet-heart neckline. Her see through veil was connected to a small crown that fit perfectly on her beautifully curled hair. 

Baekhyun on the other hand, styled his hair up showing his forehead, when she insisted that he looked more handsome with his hair like that. He had a black tuxedo and a white dress underneath. Although their outfits were both simple, it looked really beautiful. Till this day, she thought that was the most beautiful day she had ever encountered.

Smiling to herself a little bit, she frowned. She didn't know what to do with her life anymore. Was this over? Was their marriage falling apart right before her eyes? Was it really her fault? 

She burried her face in her hands, hugging onto her knees as she weeped in the darkness. The darkness seemed to have symbolized her emotion at the moment, as it stayed on her like that.

She doesn't remember how long she had been sitting and crying, but a click of the key-hole made her look up, looking up at the picture that smiled before her still. 

Slowly standing up by holding onto the door, she gently opened the door to see Baekhyun's back facing her as he sat quietly on the dining table. He was sighing and brushing his hair with his fingers.

Walking out of the room, she gently closes the door, making Baekhyun stiff. He looked to the right of his shoulder to look at her with the corner of his eyes, but that was only a brief moment when the back of his head faced her again.

She hesitated whether to go closer to him or to stay back.

"Come here." 

His gently voice was heard when he pulled out the seat next to him, patting on the cushion for her to come closer. As she gently walked closer, she sat down, seeing a brown envelope on top of the table.

He looked down, not looking at her. As he slipped the envelope towards her, he looked away.

Grabbing it gently with her trembling fingers, she opened the envelope to pull out a while paper. On it, it was written the words she dreaded the most: 

Divorce Papers. 

She scanned it, feeling her breath quicken to see the red stamp on the botton right hand page right on his name. Looking up, she saw Baekhyun staring at her, interwining his fingers together. 

"What is this?" She whispered.

"Can't you tell? They're divorce papers." 

"I know they're divorce papers. I'm asking why you are giving them to me." She thought it was a dream, seeing the stamp on his name, "Are you really planning on getting a divorce with me?"

Baekhyun breathed out, "I don't think I can handle you anymore." 

She shook her head, "We promised each other happiness, that was on our oath." She continued, "You promised me that you won't leave me, that if we do get in a fight, we'll work it out, right?" 

Her eyes pleaded when Baekhyun closed his eyes. He couldn't bear to look at her with those eyes. He had to end it and this was the right thing to do.

"I'm sorry for the empty promises." He whispered, "But I can't live with you. We're different and it was a mistake for us to get married. We're polar opposites, we shouldn't have gotten together."

She put the divorce papers back in the envelope, "I can't do this."

Baekhyun glanced up, "Stamp it. I already did my part. When we stamp it, we can go to court next week and we can schedule our lawyers--"

"I'm not getting a divorce." She flatly stated, "I want us to work." 

Baekhyun shook his head, "As much as we try, nothing is going to work. Our love died down." 

She tried to plead and open when she closed it. He was right, their love really died then. But when did it die? 

"Baekhyun." She whispered, reaching for his hands. He abruptly took his hands away from her sight, putting it under the table as he fiddled with it. 

"I'm sorry but I'm not going to change my mind." He said, glancing down, "I don't think I could be happy if I continued living with you. It's for the best." 

Her eyes softened, feeling the tears flowing in her eyes again, "Are you saying, we'll never have a chance?" 

Baekhyun swallowed hard, nodding, "Yeah." 

Standing up, she grabbed the envelope, ripping it into little pieces, looking at Baekhyun's wide eyes. Throwing it towards his face, she huffed, "We're not going to get a divorce." 

The tears finally fell down her cheeks, "You promised me you'll make me happy. You promised me that we'll forever love each other, what happened to that Baekhyun? Just because of this little argument we're going to break apart?"

"~~~~," Baekhyun said, standing up, facing her, "I'm unhappy right now and you're unhappy with our life we're living right now."

She shook her head, closing her ears with her hands, "I don't want to hear this right now."

"Promises are meant to be broken."

Her hands fell from her ears when she heard the words come out of his mouth. Slowly looking at him, she saw his eyes were blood-shot red. He stared at her, not looking down. 

Her tears fell straight down to her cheeks, giving him a bitter smile, "There goes something I was afraid you might say."

Brushing past him again, she heard him call her name when she slammed the door as hard as she could. Slamming it, she saw the beautiful portrait on top of the bed fall from the wall and fall, breaking the glass into million pieces. She saw his and her face scratched from the fall and she could see that their smiles were no longer happy.

Falling on the ground, she grabbed the sheets with her trembling hand, trying hard to stop the pain, when she knew the pain was already over, when they finally released each other.

It was time to let go, but she just wasn't ready. She wanted to hold onto him, knowing that maybe if time passed, they would finally realize they were meant to be with each other.

As she cried on the floor, she hoped that Baekhyun would change his mind, as he walked in the door to see if she was okay and to hug her.

But as she fell asleep from the exhaustion, she noticed Baekhyun never came in.


She felt the cool autumn breeze slap her skin as she sat on the benches, looking at the people in front of her who seemed to be happy.

Couples, families, even random people exercising seemed so happy in her eyes.

Seeing the orange and yellow leaves fall from the tree next to her, she saw him.

He was in front of her, asking her to come towards him. His eyes were a crescent moon, something she really loved about him. As he asked her to come, her feet moved.

Slowly fidgeting, she tried to stand, when he disappeared.

Looking around for him, she saw him again by the hills, sitting on a red and white blanket.

He took out sandwiches and sushi that he made early in the morning for her from a brown picnic basket. Eating one, he looked at her and waved.

His smile was still there, waving at her. She gently put her right arm in the air, gently waving it back and forth when again, he disappeared.

Without knowing, she wiped the tears that fell down. Her lips tremble at the memories they once shared. 

The memories were brief, it ended short, and she didn't seem to remember what happened after that. It was as if all her memories stopped and were cut off after their relationship ended.

Biting her lips, she closed her eyes, forcing herself to remember all the good times she had with him. Opening them, she saw him sitting next to her, holding out his hand. 

Wanting to grab it, she hoovers it over his, bringing it gently down to meet his soft and warm hands, as she saw her hand fall through and hit the cold bench. 

She breathed out, shaking her head. This wasn't over, she wasn't forgetting the happiness they once shared.

Finally finding him again in front of her, his knee was kneeled as he looked up at her, giving her a huge grin. Taking out a box from his pocket, he opened it to reveal a silver diamond ring.

"Will you marry me?"

Gently bringing her left hand near the ring box and trying to feel it, she saw that her left finger was empty. Grasping her hand back, she held her left ring finger with her right hand, bringing to her chest as she bowed her head, feeling the tears flow.

She knew their memories were slowly fading and she was scared. She didn't want to miss the happiness they once shared and she didn't want to forget them.

Although she knew it was over between them, she wanted to remember everything they did. Their first kiss, to their first date, to their marriage, and even the fighting and arguing. 

She wanted to remember everything about him, even if he forgot about her.

Glancing up to see if Baekhyun was still there kneeling down with the ring, she put her head back down to see that he once again disappeared.

She thought that if they were over, memories would be the only thing that kept her love alive.

But as time passed, she knew that as he was getting forgotten, their happiness were getting forgotten as well.

Hey guys, so school has started for me again so I couldn't update any stories or anything. This story came to me after watching "Emergency Couple" With Choi Jin-Hyuk and Song Ji-Hyo. Although their divorce was a little like a comedy, I wanted to switch it into something sad and this song kind of inspired me to write it. I hope you guys enjoyed your holidays and is ready to go to school as well (Or work, or whatever you guys are doing). I won't be updating much, but I did delete my "To The Moon" story because I had writer's block and I knew I wouldn't be able to finish it. I think I just have to stick to one-shots, only. Hehe. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this short story. :)


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Theskyisfalling #1
Chapter 1: And here i am... crying again because of another absoloutly beautiful story written by you..

I mean. What you do is magic.

I can really feel all the emotions and storyline is just ... you're awesome author-nimm

Chapter 1: woah~ daebak!
Chapter 1: This story makes me want to cry! Good job, Author-nim!
I would love to see what happens to them in the end. Do they stay together or do they part ways and move on? :)
junmenpapi #4
Chapter 1: Pleaseeeeeeeeeee give us a sequel like pleaseeeee
Chapter 1: sequel please.
Chapter 1: There should be a SEQUEL! please authorrrrr >,<
Chapter 1: sequeeeeeeeeel ><
Chapter 1: I hope there will be a sequel !! I loveeeee it ^^
Chapter 1: Sequel please q u q