From Preparations to the Surprise

Paper Roses

January 22

Yunho is thinking a perfect gift for Jaejoong. Something unique, yet made with effort.
He is in the library, researching something for his report for his class. But instead of focusing on it, he thinks of what he will give to his special someone.
Donghae, his friend, is sitting beside him. Donghae suddenly looked at his friend when he noticed that the other isn't doing his schoolworks.
He elbowed Yunho, "Hey, Yun."
It was effective and Yunho suddenly snapped and looked at Donghae.
"Oh, sorry."
"Are you... alright?", Donghae smiled.
"It looks like you're tired already with those", Donghae said as he points to Yunho's scattered things.
"You can just rest first", suggested Donghae.
Yunho smiled back, "Actually I am not tired. I'm just thinking of something."
Donghae asked while writing at his notes, "Thinking of what?"
"A perfect gift for Jaejoong"
"Ah~ oh yeah. His birthday's coming up, right?"
"Yep", Yunho nodded.
"Could you just simply give him chocolates? Or cake? Something sweet I mean", Donghae said as he look at Yunho.
"What?! Those are common, dude. I want something unique and something with effort that he will definitely be glad if I gave him one"
"Hmm. What about flowers?"
Yunho chuckled, "Flowers?! No, not that. Flowers die easily, they don't last"
The latter didn't answer back as he also help Yunho to think a perfect gift.
"Uhm, how about flowers that don't die?"
"What do you mean, Hae?"
"Artificial flowers!"
Yunho laughed again. "Seriously Hae, you make me laugh a lot with your ideas. Those were more cheap, cheap for a person like Jae, dude."
Donghae pouted, "B-but I'm serious.."
Something came up within Yunho's mind as he recalled Donghae's words 'flowers that don't die'.
"Ah!! I know! Donghae-yah, what about.. Paper roses? Roses made from paper!", Yunho proudly said like successfully solved a Math problem.
Donghae laughed, "What?! Paper roses?"
Yunho's wide smile faded as he notice Donghae's laughing.
"Eh? What's funny? I mean the ones were made out of Origami."
Donghae stopped laughing, "But Yunho.. it's hard to do."
"No, nothing's hard just for my Jaejoong."
The other laughed heartily with Yunho's words, "You're so corny Yunho. Did you just say 'my Jaejoong'?! And how dare you to say that? He's not yours anyway.."
"Hey! I know he's not mine.. for now. And someday I will.. and excuse me, when you're inlove, you'll be corny. So accept the fact."
"Pff. Okay, okay I understand.. Yunho lover boy!", as Donghae left Yunho with those words, he quickly packed his things and ran away laughing.
"Hey!! Lee Donghae! Comeback here! I forgot to tell you that.. thank you!", Yunho said as he brought his things and followed Donghae.

January 23

Yunho searched a lot about Origami in the internet. He watched a particular video of making a rose out of origami many times just to learn it. He also tried several times to make a rose out of origami and after some tries, he finally made it.
Yunho asked his closest friends to help him to make his gift for Jaejoong.
"Origami?! Isn't that hard hyung?", asked Changmin with shock.
"Please, please guys.. I'm begging you to help me to do a bouquet of paper roses!", Yunho begged at the three men standing at the front of him.
"Fine, fine. I'm in to help you, hyung.", said Hyukjae.
"Thank you, Hyuk!", Yunho said as he patted Hyukjae's shoulders.
Changmin rolled his eyes, "Okay, me too I'll help. For the sake of because my friend's inlove."
"Me three!!", said Donghae.
"Okay. Let's start to do Origami!", Yunho ordered as if he's the leader.
Then he started to teach the three. He demonstrated it several times so that they could get it easily.
"Ah, I can't get it", Donghae said, frustrated.
"One more time, hyung. I could almost get it", said Changmin.
"Aish. Donghae-yah. Try to focus, alright?", pleased Hyukjae.
Donghae answered Hyukjae by pouting.
Yunho just smiled by his friends' reactions.
"Guys, you can do it. Okay? Practice makes perfect. Anyway, we'll start making the bouquet tomorrow. Meet me tomorrow same time", ordered Yunho.

January 24

Yunho brought the materials they needed for the bouquet. He brought red cartolinas for the bud. Green cartolinas for the leaves.
"Guys.. today we need to do many roses as we can, alright?"
The three just nodded.
When Yunho noticed the three aren't talking, "I'm just thinking.. I'm sorry guys if I am doing this to you all, if you don't want, you can---"
"Ah. Come on! It's okay to us.. Don't worry. Come on, let's start to do it.", Hyukjae said.
"Thanks again," Yunho smiled.

In an unexpected moment, Jaejoong crossed their way. He quickly saw the four men and the materials they're holding. As Yunho saw Jaejoong, he tried to hide the materials but failed.
"Hi guys! Oh, what's that for?", asked Jaejoong as he points to the things Yunho is holding.
"A-aaah. T-this? Ah. This is for my project.. Yeah. Project!", Yunho answered as if he's honest with his answer.
Jaejoong just chuckled with Yunho's weird actions. He find those cute. 'kekeke. He's really so cute. Ah whatever Jae.'
"Ah really..", Jaejoong finally spoke.
Yunho then nods.
"So.. I must go now. Bye, guys!", Jaejoong said as he left the four men.
"Phew!", Yunho relieved.
When Jaejoong was far enough from them, the three laughed out loud as they noticed Yunho's actions while talking to Jaejoong.
"Wahahaha!! Aigoo Yunho-hyung! You're too obvious!!", said Changmin as he bursted in laughter.
Thankfully that day, they were able to finished the bouquet of paper roses. Yunho really appreciated the beauty of their creation and the help from his friends.

January 25

The four men were having their lunch together at the school canteen.
"Oh yeah, guys thank you for your help yesterday for my.. gift for Jae", Yunho shyly said to the three men looking at him.
"Aww. It's nothing, hyung.", Donghae smiling widely as he answered Yunho.
"Hmm. So, the roses are done.. And, are you ready?", Changmin wiggled his eyebrows and smiled evily as he asked his hyung.
"Of course!---- Ah w-wait? What do you mean I'm ready? And what's with that face, Min? You look scary", Yunho suddenly curious of Changmin's sneaky expression.
"Hyung, I'll just suggest that I think tomorrow's the best time to tell Jaejoong------"
"No, Min!! I cannot.. Mayb--"
"No, Yunho! Tell.. him!"
"W-wait! What?! Ah, oh wait!! Where's the hyung?!"
"HEY STOP FIGHTING!!!!", Hyukjae commanded with his voice raised and Yunho and Changmin suddenly stop arguing.
Donghae just chuckled with the scene.
"Hey. Yunho-hyung. I guess Changmin is right. Why don't you try? It's your chance!", Donghae suggested.
"B-but.. What if---"
"ssh!! Yun-hyung!! Be positive, okay?", Donghae cheered.
"You know, what is important is Jaejoong knows he's special for you, okay?", Changmin said as he patted Yunho's shoulder.
"You can do it, hyung! We'll go with you tomorrow as you give your birthday present to Jaejoong..", Hyukjae assured as he let out a gummy smile.
Yunho listened to his friends' advices and realize maybe they're right. There's nothing wrong if he'll try. He sighed, he also thinks of what if Jaejoong would reject him. There's nothing he can do, but to grab the opportunity to Jaejoong.


January 26

Kim Jaejoong's birthday.
As for him, he don't expect anything at his birthday. For him, today's a normal day. Though his sisters and his parents greeted him already at home and they told him that they will going to celebrate when he got home. He is certainly contented if his friends will remember today's his birthday.
Even though he wants his friend or his long time crush, Yunho, to know that today's his birthday, he just can't. He don't want to be oh-so-obvious to him and he'll definitely be happy if Yunho will greet him today, not expecting any gifts.. but what he don't know is that Yunho's got one.

Jaejoong is at his last class for this day. He is obviously bored that he don't listen to his professor's discussion. He just want this class to end and go home and spend his day with his family.
He suddenly thought, 'Yunho didn't greeted me yet, aww. Fine, I'll just joke him tomorrow that he already forgot me..' then out of the blue, he pouted.
Little he don't know that, that someone is waiting for him outside.

"Oh gosh. I'm so nervous", Yunho told his three friends.
Changmin patted Yunho's back, "You can do it, hyung! Fighting!"
"Yeah, I bet Jaejoong would be glad to receive those gifts from you!", Donghae said cheerfully.
"Thanks guys," Yunho just smiled with his friend's encouragement.
Suddenly the bell rang, signaling the end of Jaejoong's class.
"Goodluck!!", Donghae cheered Yunho for the last time.
Yunho felt his nervousness more as he stand near at the classroom and he wait for Jaejoong to go out. As Yunho saw Jaejoong going out of his room, he stop walking as he saw the man standing outside.
Jaejoong was speechless as he saw Yunho's standing at the front of him, holding a bouquet of flowers.
"Y-yunho? What are you doing here? And... for whom are those?", Jaejoong asked pointing the bouquet.
"H-happy Birthday!!', Yunho greeted just fought out his nervousness though it's obvious that he is still nervous.
As Jaejoong saw Yunho blushing, he can't stop himself to chuckle. 'kya. he's so cute. ugh. stop Jae. and don't be too obvious.'
"What's with that face, Yun? Y-you... looked cute. By the way, thank you..", Jaejoong just assumed that the bouquet wasn't for him as he said thank you.
Yunho hid his face as he realized that he is blushing. Blushing with the compliment he received from the other. 'Did he just told me I'm cute?'
He suddenly remembered that he didn't give Jaejoong his present yet.
"A-ah.. Uhm. These are for you, Jae..", Yunho said as he give the bouquet to Jaejoong.
Jaejoong feels his heart beating rapidly. He didn't expect that his crush would give him this kind of gift.
"W-why... did you made these? Are these made out of paper? So beautiful..", Jaejoong asked while he looks on the bouquet.
But instead of answering his question, Yunho just thought that this time is the chance to tell Jaejoong his feelings.
"I--- I don't know how will I say this but..."
Jaejoong looked at Yunho as he wait for the other to finish his words.
"I... I love you....."
At that moment, Jaejoong didn't say anything.. He can't believe of what he heard.
Yunho turned back, assumed that the other's response mean rejection. But then Jaejoong stopped Yunho to walk away by grabbing his arms.
Yunho turned back to face Jaejoong and suddenly Jaejoong just smiled and hugged Yunho and he whispered, "I love you too---"
The two pulled away and Jaejoong blushed as he confessed back to Yunho.
Yunho felt like he's dreaming, still can't believe of what he heard from Jaejoong.
"C-ca-can you--- pinch me? I must be dream---"
Jaejoong didn't know why but he suddenly had the urge to stopped Yunho talking by pecking his lips. He was suddenly shy by the act he did to Yunho.
"You... aren't dreaming Yunho. This is real. I've been loving you for a long time, and I decided it to keep it from you for I'm afraid you might avoid me. And.. I planned to confess it to you sometime but.. I'm too scared. So, thank you for making my birthday so special..", Jaejoong smiled and hugged Yunho again.
Yunho pulled away and told Jaejoong, "My love for you are like those roses you're holding, it'll not die.. but it'll last."
Jaejoong just smiled with those sweet words from Yunho.
"Happy Birthday... Jaejoong.."

(A/N: HAPPY BIRTHDAY Jaejoong!! *throws confetti to YunJae* thanks for reading ~ ^_____^ ah yeah guys.. i'm more active on my LJ account ^w^)

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the2ndwander #1
Chapter 1: that s a lot of effort. aww Yunho
Iluvyunjae #2
Chapter 1: AHHHH I'm reading way too much fluff today
Chapter 1: Awwwwww how sweet
Jj loves yun since forever hihihi
Krsobsessions #4
Chapter 1: Aaaaaaaa yunho is so romantic.......
Chapter 1: Yunjae love will last 4ever,,
AnhthuNguyen1988 #6
Chapter 1: So romantic, so cute.
mar1adyve5sa #7
Chapter 1: Awww so sweet ><
thanks for the story.
2minhaehyukyunjae #8
Chapter 1: So romantic and cute
Thanks for the story
kireyyuki #9
Chapter 1: cuteeeeee........