

Xiumin sits on a tan leather chair as he stares out the window, lost in thought. Luhan is across from him, staring intently at the elder and wanting so bad to know what's on his mind. 

"Hmm," Xiumin sighs, pushing away his orange bangs from his soft, baozi-like face. It reveals two single-lidded eyes, as beautiful as it is captivating.

"What's up?" Luhan is concerned; he doesn't like it when Xiumin's upset. It makes his heart hurt. Luhan reaches to caress Xiumin's soft cheek with his slender fingers, but the elder pulls away.

"Please don't do that, Luhan.." Xiumin is scared. He's been desperately in love with his best friend for years.

"Why? What's wrong, baozi?" Luhan was genuinely upset. He pouts at the elder, eyes wide and stern, complimenting Luhan's handsome features.

'Please, don't let me break down in front of you,' Xiumin thinks. 'Whether you feel the same way or don't, I'm telling you the truth.' Xiumin takes a deep breath and looks straight into his best friend's chocolate brown eyes. "I--" Xiumin couldn't do it, he couldn't risk tearing down the many years of friendship he built with Luhan. He looks down and shakes his head.

"Hey," Luhan lifts Xiumin's chin to face him, and is shocked by the sudden close proximity. "Look at me, Xiumin-ah.." Luhan closes in more, and Xiumin widens his eyes, frozen. The younger closes his eyes and pecks Xiumin's lips soft and quick. "I'm sorry, I didn't know what else to do.." Luhan became very hesitant, and steadied as he said the next words. "Actually, to be honest, I've liked you for a while now.."

"I.. I.. like you too.." Xiumin's mood changed from gloomy to hopeful in a matter of seconds. 

"Yeah," Luhan interlocks his and the elder's fingers together, feeling each other's warmth as the younger squeezes Xiumin's smaller hand. "I know." 

Luhan pulls the elder's hand up to his face and kisses the back of his hand. "How did you know?" Confusion is etched on Xiumin's face as he tries to gather the younger's words.

"Your very subtle blush whenever I praised you," Luhan kisses each of Xiumin's fingers. "You look away when I stare at you for too long, embarrassed." The younger pulls the smaller into a long, wanting embrace. Xiumin could feel the younger's breath on his neck as Luhan snuggled with the elder. "I notice these things because I like you more than 'just a friend' would." 

The elder whispers 'thank you' over and over again as he leans against the younger's shoulder, wrapped in his embrace. The sweet smell of Luhan's body makes Xiumin feel tired, causing him to fall asleep as Luhan plays with the elder's hair. 

"Good night, Xiuminnie." He whispers, although Xiumin has fallen asleep in his arms. The younger then carries the smaller bridal style and lays him softly on his bed. Tucking Xiumin in, the younger gently kisses the elder's forehead, and sits beside him, his hair.

A while later, Luhan gets exhausted and gets in the bed with Xiumin, pulling the elder close and inhaling his scent. Wrapping his arms around the smaller's waist, Luhan sends butterfly kisses to his neck. The younger can hear the soft breathing of his lover, timing his breathing with his own. 

Time slows as Luhan closes his eyes and thinks to himself, 'Finally'.

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Chapter 1: When Luhan thinks "Finally"- I died there. XD
Chapter 1: cuddling.too muchhhhhhh. <3

Chapter 1: awww so cute! <3
Chapter 1: /cuddle cuddle/
Chapter 1: ahh this is so soft and warm and xiuhan♡