Equilibrium: maybe one day

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Equilibrium:the balance of two forces



Equilibrium: the balance of two forces
Sorry for lack of description. My phone is glitching. But if head on to the preview the description and forward part is there. Please enjoy!



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Pebblestran5 #1
Chapter 8: DON'T YOU DARE LET SOMEONE DIE WHEN THE STORY JUST STARTED. I AM NOT READY FOR ANY DEATHS YET. ESPECIALLY IF IT'S A MAKNAE. IM SO NOT READY. On instagram, you said you thought it wasn't good...? This is great! I'm actually thinking of making a gang related fanfic as well, and I'm kinda jelly you did it before me and wonderfully as well. :P You're way better than me haha good job chingu and keep working at it!
Pebblestran5 #2
Chapter 3: Omg the song Equilbrium came on the moment I started reading, talk about fate. Lmao it's good so far chingu!