Chapter 2

Wedding bells


I felt like a little fan girl inside the church when the ceremony started. I almodt forgot that I was one of the bridesmaids until an usher handed me a mall boquet of pretty pretty flowers. I made Eunhyuk carry my bag for awhile until the ceremony gets finished. Good thing he was in his 'gentleman' mood for the day because he really isn't a gentleman when it comes to me. I wouldn't even break a sweat thinking of a reason because I'm like his sister that never stopped pestering him about his hair, face and everything.

The moment I held the boquet I felt the giddiness crept on my spine. I was that exited. I'm not even the bride. Just the bridesmaid. But you do get that kind of feeling, right? You can't not feel excited to see the bride walk down the aisle with the most astonishing beautiful face ever. People will look at her awestruck.

I turned to Donghae and Eunhyuk who were just behind me. I automatically flashed a smile when Donghae held the camera close to his face and snapped a picture of me. They were both smiling at me. And damn it they looked very handsome in those suits. Well, sharp dressed men are really attractive if you look at 'em.

An usher quickly told us to fall in line and we did what we were told with our boquets and smiles on. I watched as parents of the kids chanted "Chin up! Smiles on!" to the cute little children. Some children don't seem very comfortablee with what they were wearing. Poor kids. They'll get their candies and desserts later anyway for being such a good kiddo.

I lazily turned to look at the car where the beautiful bride was in hoping she'd let the window down and let us take a peek at her. I tried seeing her through the car window. I gave up and went back to the line and that was when the melodious sound of piano was heard.

The ushers began to open the door slowly and signaled the kids forward. They were walking too quickly as I realized that I'm almost next. I took a deep breath and there I took graceful steps to my seat while I held white roses close to my chest. I graced the center aisle with a smile that sought attention. I wanted them to see how happy and honored I am to be a bridesmaid.

I don't know but it felt nice to have some attention at you especially when you're wearing a posh dress and your face covered with light make-up that make you look oh-so-beautiful. Some whispers weren't loud enough to be heard but it just felt so good knowing that they might be saying something about you. It doesn't matter if it's good or bad as long as you felt they seem to acknowledge your presence.

Before I got to my seat of course there were cameras. See? I absolutely felt like a star there. A few more steps and I saw Donghae pointing his camera at me and yes, I shared a smile.

Then there came the moment. That one very moment when it's the bride's turn to be recognized as the most beautiful and luckiest of her own. Once the huge doors were pushed open everything went in slow motion. The sunlight shining against her dress, her hair, her skin it just made her glow. And when she held her chin up with that proud, happy smile on she was like a portable sun for she brought not just light but heat to the place. I observed the groom and I can tell that he was already sweating. I understand. Who wouldn't be nervous? And maybe he's just really excited and all.

I unintentionally glanced at Donghae after observing the groom. His eyes were too full of life like he'd seen hope in front of him. He was supposed to be taking pictures but he was too busy admiring the bride. I even saw him swallow a lump. It was the little movements of him that made me realize something. It's either he was too carried away by the glorious beauty of the bride or he was in love with her at the moment. I don't want to judge but that's just what I observed.

I like watching people and trying to guess how they feel at the moment. I think I'm good at that. I just wish I'm good at guessing what I feel whether it's for a person or something. I'm like a confusing math problem. I can't be simplified.

Everything went perfect. The sound of the piano blended well to the smooth voices of the choir like calm waves passing through your ears. It's all perfect. Hugs and everlasting emotions were passed on in front of the altar as the bride and groom hug each other's families as they were ready to commit and offer their etternal love to each other.




The moment she walked the aisle I was taken aback by her charm she smiled as I pointed my camera at her. I have never seen Sari like this.

Hearing their vows was bittersweet. But the bitterness consumed me more than the sweet content of their words. They meant a lot yes. For them.

"You may now kiss the bride."

My vision blurred at that time. I don't know if I should thank the tears for blurring my vision and not being able to see their kiss clearly. I raised my camera to my eye level and snapped a picture. It was to cover my sight from that painful moment.

The drive to the reception was awfully quiet. Hyukjae though very talkative he respected the sillence I wanted. I was just thinking too much. I should be happy. I should be.

I chugged down the bottle I was holding and let the cold beer quench my thirst. I set the beer on the table and stared at the vase on the center. The table shook as sari set her knuckles on the table with a thud.

"You guys are not gonna believe this. The boss just assigned me to cover her wedding." She announced with a grim expression.

"You sound so unhappy about it." Eunhyuk said.

"I am unhappy about it! I thought this would be the time to be just relax and have fun but ugh. I had to go pee then when i saw him he was like 'oh hey!' So I just went with it."

"Then?" I sounded interested because I knew how chaotic it gets when the boss interacts with Sari.

"He asked me how I am now that I'm a little low profile lately and I lied that I was doing fine but I wasn't but that didn't really matter." She grabbed a beer from the waiter and drank. "Then he belted out that 'can i ask you a favor' and ."

"Oh I'm getting the whole thing! He just asked you to write about some event or some sort of party. Am I right?" I said pointing at her to say that my guess was right.

She set the bottle down followed by the distaste look on her face. "Yup. He asked me to write about the wedding and how Ahreum will love to know that I, her loyal, kind bestfriend wrote it. I was clear to myself that I'm rejecting the favor but its a freaking favor and I just thought it's for Ahreum so I accepted it."

After finishing her sentence she downed the beer until there was just one fourth left. I took a sip of my beer and chuckled.

"Your boss is so intimidating." Eunhyuk commented.

"Every boss is. Imagine working with deadlines under the control of that guy." Juri said as she asked the waiter to give her a bottle of beer.

Juri raised her bottle proposing a toast. "Well, we might as well be happy about things that are happening. Cheers to Ahreum's marriage and to Sari who's going to write about it. And to us still living and embracing 'singlehood'"

"Singlehood." I scoffed then raised my bottle.

"Embrace it." Sari sneered as she leveled her bottle to ours.


Our bottles clanked and we drank and drank and drank. Sari already finished her bottle and asked for another. I also asked for another bottle. The cold beer crawling down my throat and its bitter taste didn't made it less painful for any of us. For Juri for losing her apartment, Eunhyuk for still chasing over Juri, Sari for agreeing on a job when she's on leave and still not emotionally stable and for me who is also emotionally unhealthy because of this wedding.

"I'm going for a walk by the bay after this." Sari said and nodded repeatedly.

Juri's face turned sour. "I thought you hated that place."

"Used to. I don't hate it anymore. I need the fresh air and I badly need the calmness of that area."

"The bay is a lovely place. A lovely place." Eunhyuk nodded.

"It was until her boyfriend ruined her impression to the bay." Juri laughed softly while her bestfriend shot her a glare.

I laughed along seeing Sari's face.

"Ha ha. Okay so he-who-must-not-be-named chose his career over me. So what? At least I let someone follow their dreams." Sari uttered and drank more beer as we just laugh at her scrunched up face trying to hold all the emotions in.

"He said he was sorry that he doesn't want any long distance relationships. Fan-freaking-tastic! Me too!" Her hands wailed around and she downed her beer again and again.

Sari was about to ask for another bottle but Juri stopped her. "Hey, I want you to stay sober, okay?" She told her whil her hands were on Sari's shoulders.

I chuckled. "Are you really telling her that, right now? She's getting a little red."

"That's just the lighting. I'm fine. Really." She assured and stood up to prove it. "See? I can still stand up."

"Right. As if." I scoffed and drank beer.

She had her hands on her waist like a mother ready to lecture her son and that glare was fixated on me already. "Don't make me say what you don't want to hear." She sneered.

"I'm very threatened."


"Thanks. Haven't heard that in awhile."

"You're welcome."

The newlyweds surprisingly approached their table with much excitement. They were showered with congratulations and best wishes for the many time they've been roaming around the venue.

"They are all my greatest friends and coworkers. I want you too meet them and guys of course, this is my husband Changmin." Ahreum had that sparkle in her eyes as she introduced her husband to us. As much as it pains me to see the guy I'm quite relieved she was married to this decent guy. Well, he looks like he's capable of taking care of her. Pfft. Why do I even care? I'm happy. Happy for their marriage.

"And Changmin this is Sari, my bestfriend. She's a good writer." She pointed to Sari.

"Eunhyuk, Juri..."

"...And..." She cleared and looked like she hesitated on saying my name. "... Donghae. He's the perfect photographer."

I smiled and thanked her. I can feel Sari snarling beside me. She'd probably acknowledge my good acting later. What she said raised my pride as a photographer just like the old times.

I wish I could stop being reminded by those memories but they just keep coming in every time I see her and the way she says those things it's not helping at all. After they left our table, I grabbed my coat and left.

My feet kept walking until I reached my car and I opened it not knowing he reason why. Maybe once I leave the place I'll know why. I jump inside and started the engine and there I went gone like the wind. I drove fast as I could not knowing where I'm going until I reached the bridge and saw the darkness of the bay with the beautiful moon marking its place at the center.

I parked my car and grabbed my things too. I went out and pulled my camera out of my bag. I started snapping pictures of the bay and the moonlight. I breathed the sea breeze and it felt good running through my nose. I walked and sat on the top of the thick,concrete wall that seperated land and water. I sat comfortably and watched children run around with cotton candies in their hands. I took a picture.

I turned my head and saw the ferris wheel glow different colors of light that made it so bright and attractive as it spun around. Of course I can't not take a picture. I seized every moment. I didn't feel any bitterness nor pain inside of me. I just drove to the bay and took pictures. Everything felt better. It's like the air was cleared the dirt in my lungs and eased the pain in my heart. I felt light.

I was too busy admiring the peacefulness and beauty of everything that surrounded me at the moment and I didn't feel anything. That's probably it. Keep myself busy not just in photography. Keep myself busy for the sake of keeping myself busy. I got off the concrete and proceeded to the mini carnival.

I played like any kid at heart would. I rode the ferris wheel and the merry go round with kids that had wider smiles than a lottery winner. I shot those moments and every shot made me feel lighter.

2 hours had passed since the reception. I sat on the cold concrete again and viewed the pictures I took since the wedding to my carnival experience. Compared to my mood earlier, I was feeling a lot better although the pictures of the wedding didn't seem to bother me anymore. I was fine.

While scanning over the pictures, the freezing air hit my face that made me pull my coat tighter. To my surprise, I found a girl in a turquoise dress making her way to the concrete.

I recognized her by her hair and by the way she walked, Sari. Her hair was curled at its ends and she had a rose to make it better. She walked not as graceful as other girls because she was fond of slouching that conveyed a little of her personality.

I watched keenly as she had her elbows on the concrete with her chin on her palm. On her other hand was coffee and later on she took sips of it. I leveled my camera to my face and pressed the shutter button. I'd use this picture as a valentine's card and send it to her.

Her picture could be a movie poster about another one of those hopeless romantic chicks that couldn't wait for their prince charming. Well, prince charming my . There's no such thing.

I approached her and she was talking on the phone. I snapped pictures of her again until she saw me.

"I'm dead tired... Why'd you call?... Don't oh, nothing me! Why.Did you.Call." Her tone went sharper word per word.

I pressed the shutter button again and she turned at the clicking sound of my camera.

"Oh, there you are!" She beamed then goes back to her phone. "Sorry, my date's here... He's a.. uh.. a photographer I met!"

I chuckled at the idea of her calling me as a date. "Really? I'm your date?"

She covered the mouthpiece. "Shut up will you! I'm tryna get rid of someone."

"Okay. Okay."

"I'm sorry what was that again?... Why do you have to know?... Whatever you're annoying." She then ended the call and turned to me. "So what brought you here?"

I shrugged. "Stuff." Then I raised my camera.

"Interesting. Can I have a look?" She asked.

I was hesitating but handed it to her anyway. She put down her coffee and hopped on the concrete then sat down comfortably while viewing the pictures. I sat beside her and watched as she admired my art.

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