The real meaning of a real friend

What is the real meaning of a real friendship :D
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You are in a high school life right now . It’s your last year in high school . You’ve one very best best friend in universal name “Krystal” . You already friend with her since you are in your first year in a kindergarten . You know everything about her secret same goes to her . Every time you have a problem you will tell her straightly without any doubt . No matter how hard you try to avoid to tell your problem to other people , but you can’t avoid Krystal .


You like one of the boy in your school . He is the new student in your school same goes to in your class . You fell in love with him at your first sight . You don’t think to be close to him because you want to have a special relationship him but you want a male friend . You just have one real friend that is Krystal . You are with her 24/7 until you forget that you don’t have any other friend except her . So on the first day he came in your class . He have to sit beside you as Krystal don’t attend to school because she is not feeling well .


He greet you at first and introduce himself . He is so friendly and kind that make you more fell in love with him . And yeah he is “Kim Jongin” or more known as Kai . You spend the whole day with him . He is so gentle . Since that day you become more and more close to him . When you are back home you try to call Krystal and you want to tell her about him . But then , you just receive a message from Krystal through her maid that she is actually in New York because to cure her sickness . She actually have a lung cancer which in stage 3 . And maybe she will not attend to school for a month .


You feel really lonely as you can’t tell any of your lovey dover story that happen between you and Kai . You really miss Krystal . Kai even went out with you every week . He asked you to take him around Seoul . You’ve been to Namsan Tower and guess what you make a love lock there . He is so caring . You just love him the way he look at you , protect you and everything that he do .


He really want to meet Krystal as you tell him a lot about Krystal . A month has passed . It’ s time for Krystal back . The day that Krystal was supposed to be in school , you attend to school very early . You even left Kai behind cause you are too excited to meet back your best friend after a month . You sit in class boredly and keep waiting for Krystal . After 30 minutes she still not there . And guess what , your patience is worth it . Cause she arrived 40 minutes after that . You hug her tightly and you shout in happiness . Kai just look at you and chuckled because of your childish attitude . You introduce Krystal to Kai . She seem to be happy to get to know that I have a new friend . You tell Krystal about how you think about Kai more than a friend .


You also tell her that you actually wanted to proposed him at first but you decided to tell her first before you take any action . Krystal seem to support you in every way you do . Time flies fast . What we did ? We come to school together , eat lunch together and even shopping and spend our weekend together . After a while , you can’t seem to hangout with them together cause your parents send you to a extra class after school every day . And every weekend you have to work at your father company as a practical work for your exam before you could handle you father company completely after graduate your high school .


You seem to be apart from Krystal and Kai . You just have a lunch time to spend with them . And even sometime you are required to go and meet teacher during lunch time . You have no time to talk to them in class unless teacher are not in class . When school time end you have to go straightly to your car as your driver is waiting at you . You have to go home take bath ,, change your cloth , take you meal and go to your extra class . That extra class is required because to be a big CEO is not an easy task . So you have to mastered in business management .


After a while you are not hangout with them anymore . You seem to miss them so much especially those your sweet , happy moment with them . Every time you are with them on a lunch time you seem to noticed that they both started to avoid you . You just sit there looking at them while they are cuddling , laughing together . You feel like you are not even exist anymore to their life . You feel so awkward while just eating your meal . Every girls and boys walk will look at us . So I decided to back off . I stand up and Krystal stopped me . She asked me where are you going ? You don’t even finished your food yet . Are you not feeling well . I answered hurtly . No I’m fine . I’m just full as I take my breakfast too much this morning at my house .


Kai seem not so interested to know about me . He looked at me expressionless . I was hurt . My friend that was with me more than 10 years just betrayed me . She know that I like Kai but why she is acting like nothing happen before this . Is she forget what I’ve told her before this . I even planned to proposed to Kai . My eyes started to teary . I quickly ran and go straightly to the toilet . I cried and I’m curious why my own best friend that I thought she will be with me all of my life just dumped me . A

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Wow,you almost made me cry late at night,eonnie! I mean,your story was incredibly nice! Actually,I dont read angst so I gave it a try by reading your story!.hehe,eonnie! Good luck writing other kai fanfics! I will support you!
tamariska_jason2320 #2
Chapter 1: Wow your story has a really good moral.. jjang *two thumbs up*
melissa4eversone #3
Chapter 1: Love your story
K_Junghwa #4
Chapter 1: good story update please
Chapter 1: OMG author-nim~ this story is jjang! *thumbs up*
I like this story ^^
CutieTaem #7
Chapter 1: make me shed a tears in the morning..good story but I think you can fix the paragraph..^^