
Let Me Out of the Sea

Sehun's POV:

"Sehun! Are you ok?" I heard a voice call from behind me. I turned back in surprise to see Tao heading my way from far away. By the time I turned back to the mysterious boy, he was gone, all that was left were some bubbles and some ripples. 

"Yeah, I'm fine," I called back. Tao reached me sooner than I thought he would as I stared at the water. 

"You've been down here for ages," he said, gently putting a hand on my shoulder. "I got worried." 

"I said I'm fine," I replied, trying not to sound too harsh. I was mad at Tao for coming down here and scaring the boy away. I just kept staring at the water, wishing he would come back. 

"What are you looking at?" Tao asked, snapping me back into reality. 

"Nothing," I said. "I'm going to head home." 

"Do you want to come stay at my place for some company?" he asked. "Free meals and drinks." 

"Thanks, but no thanks," I replied. "I kind of just want to be alone for awhile."

"Sehun, I'm worried-"

"I'm fine, Tao!" I snapped. "Just give me some space." Tao put his hands up defensively. 

"Ok, I got it," he sighed. "But I'm always here, ok? Stop by the tavern if you want to. I'll be there." 

"Thanks, Tao,"I said, standing up and stretching, glancing into the water once more before I headed towards my lonely house, leaving Tao alone by the water. There was too much going on right now and I just wanted to think for awhile.


Luhan's POV: 

"Prince! Where have you been?" Xiumin called out as I swam towards him in the lessons hall of the castle. "You missed lunch. Do you know how much trouble I could get in for losing you?" 

"I'm sorry, Xiu," I laughed, bubbles floating upwards. I was in such a good mood now. I finally saw him again. 

"Why so smiley?" Xiumin asked, a slightly worried expression on his face. He was always such a worrier. 

"No reason," I replied, flipping my tail and watching the artificial light from the coral bounce off of the golden scales. The sunlight was so much prettier, but no sunlight could ever reach down here. I wanted to tell Xiumin all about the human, but he'd have a heart attack. I just had to tell someone! 

"What are you thinking about, Prince?" 

"I told you to call me Luhan, Xiumin," I chuckled. "Have you seen Kai around?" 

"He was in the music class messing around on the piano," Xiumin said, thinking for a minute. "Do you want to go talk to him for something?" 

"Yeah, but I can go by myself," I said, flipping up and swimming away quickly. "Thanks, Xiu!" 

"Um, ok," I heard him say. "Be back in time for lessons, Pri- Luhan!" 

If there is one person I can talk to about the human, it's my closest older brother, Kai. He wouldn't get mad at me as he's always encouraged me to be adventurous and learn new things. He'd probably be proud of me for exploring. 

I ducked into the music room, making sure nobody was going to follow me inside. Kai was sitting on the piano bench, plucking a few notes and singing a song I didn't recognize. 

"What are you doing, hyung?" I asked. He turned around, his sparkly, grey tail catching some of the light from the coral above us. 

"Hey Lu-prince," he said. "I'm just learning a new song. It's a really old one they used to sing up above." He instantly caught my interest. 

"The above world? Teach it to me!" I exclaimed, my eyes wide. I'll have to tell him about the human later. 

"Well, it's a song by a man named John that I found in the back of the library," he explained. "I'm not sure I understand the lyrics at all, but I think the music is really pretty." 

"Play it for me, hyung!" I laughed, sitting down on top of the piano and smiling at him.

"As the young prince commands," Kai replied, begginning the song. It was really pretty but got even better as a he started singing. 

"Imagine there is no heaven. It's easy if you try

No hell below us. Above us only sky

Imagine all the people. Living for today

Imagine there's no countries. It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for. And no religion, too

Imagine all the people. Living life in peace

You may say I'm a dreamer. But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you will join us. And the world will be as one"

When he finished singing, I realized that I knew what the lyrics meant even if Kai didn't. I knew what it meant because of the human. There was no difference between me and that human, nothing but the air we breathe. Even these beautiful songs could mean something to me even if I'm not a human. 

"That's it!" I said, jerking up suddenly. I know how I'm going to communicate with the human! "Thank you, hyung! Thank you so much!" As I swam out of the room quickly, I heard his distant confusion, but I ignored it. I wasn't sure this would work, but it had to! I just had to talk to the human, one way or another. 

Trying to update all of my stories right now. It's difficult, but I'm working on it! Q.Q 

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LettuceX #1
Chapter 5: Really good,update soon ^o^
Chapter 3: woah how many pov are there in one chapter man
Chapter 2: omo!!!! Cant wait for the next chapter ^^
Chapter 1: sehun life so sad
ExoticBox #5
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^