To See Him Again

Let Me Out of the Sea

I'm Sehun. I'm 23 years old and I've had a pretty rough life. My mom died when I was younger and my dad went into a drunken fury after that. I had to grow up too fast and work hard to get enough money for both me and my father. It's been tough, but I work on farms around my town. That's the only way I earn my keep. 

Right now, I was helping an elderly woman with her harvest on a small orchard. All of her children had grown up and moved to larger cities, so she was always glad to have help from me and paid more than was due. She also made soup for me to take home to my father a lot of the times. She is a very kind woman. 

A little before I usually take a lunch break, I noticed someone enter the orchard and get the elderly woman's attention. It was the bartender in town, Tao. After the 6th time of me picking my father up at his bar after drinking too much, I got to be friends with Tao. He even kept a guest room above the bar open incase I was working when my father got too drunk. 

After a few minutes, Tao headed over to the tree I was working on t back and called for me to come down and talk to him. So I started climbing down, praying that nothing bad had happened. Knowing that something had. 

"Hey, Zitao," I called, dusting my hands off on my pants. "What's going on?" My fears were confirmed when Tao sighed heavily and looked at the ground. 

"Sehun," he started saying finally. "I really don't know how to tell you this, so I'm just going to say it. Your father...he's dead." 

The news hit me hard, but I didn't react at all. I didn't know how to react. 

"W-what happened?" I asked, balling my fists up at my side.

"He was up in the guest bed because I knew you would be working out here today," Tao said. "I went up to check on him and he'd climbed out the window. They found him in a ditch under Renen's bridge." He gently put his hand on my shoulder before he said the next part. "Sehun. They think he jumped." 

"Suicide?" I mumbled, more to myself than to him. "They think he killed himself?"

"I'm sorry, Sehun," Tao said. "I already asked Mrs. Kim and she said that you can go home now. If there's anything I can do, please don't hesitate to ask." 

"Where's the...body?" I asked him, sitting down to catch my breath. "I want to see him." 

"It's in town," Tao said. "I can take you there if you want." 

"No," I sighed, running my hand through my hair and standing up. "I want to walk on my own. Listen, Tao. Thanks for coming out here to tell me."

"It's no problem, really," he said, giving me a smile. "That's what friends are for." And with that, we parted ways. He left on his horse and I just walked behind after saying goodbye to Mrs. Kim. But I couldn't go to town. I wanted to see his body and say goodbye to him, but I couldn't right now. I just couldn't. 

How could the world be so cruel to me? My father was all I had left, and even though he didn't act like a father at all, I still loved him. Sometimes, when he woke up after a long night of drinking, he kind of seemed like his old self. But then he would remember about my mom and he would disappear again. But I still loved him, even through all of the pain. But now I really am alone. How could he leave? Did he really kill himself? How could he do that? 

I'd been walking for awhile, not even thinking about where I was going, but when I looked up, I immediatly recognized where I was. 

The sea. The same exact place my mom used to take me. I hadn't been here in practically 5 years. Did I even remember how to swim? I sat down on the edge of the bank, dipping my toes into the water gently. 

A lot had happened in these short years. I was so young and I had to grow up so fast. And now I have nothing. It's over. 

I stood up and started to take my clothes off. When I was in nothing but my boxers, I started walking into the water. It was cool and clear, just like I remember it. When I finally got deep enough to dip my head into the water, I slipped under the water, laying down on the sand below. I kept my eyes open, starring at the sky above the water. I missed this. The water is always so pure and washes everything away. 

I miss my mom and going swimming with her everyday. She shouldn't have gotten sick. My father shouldn't have become an alcholic. He shouldn't have left me. And I shouldn't ever leave this water. I just wanted to sink away and stay here forever. Never take another breath. 

I held my breath, closing my eyes as my chest started to tighten, warning me and telling me that I need to breathe. But I didn't want to. I opened my eyes. I could sense my mind dwindling as I started to pass out, but something stopped that. 

A golden flash right in front of me. 

I was so startled that I quickly splashed around, jumping up and taking a huge breath of air, coughing as I did. What the hell was that? 


Luhan's POV: 

He's back! I knew he would be! 

I was sitting with my favorite book on one of the rocks outside of the cove, my tail dipping into the water, when I heard someone approaching. I quickly slipped into the water and hid behind the rock. When I saw who it was, I knew exactly that it was him. Of course he was older, not a kid anymore, but so was I. I am 29 now. One year away from my corination. 

But this person whom I haven't seen in a few years was looking wonderful. His hair wasn't as dark as it was before, but his eyes still looked the same. His arms were toned from what I'm guessing was work, but so were his legs. Wow, those legs! 

I watched him with wide eyes as he sat down on the bank and put his toes in the water slowly. He seems so timid. He was standing up again and then...started stripping. My cheeks lit up red. What was I supposed to do? Look away, I suppose. But I couldn't. I was mesmerized by his body. He was so perfect. 

He started to walk into the water so I sank lower, hiding behind the rock and tried to hide the glow of my tail so he wouldn't see me. He kept walking into the water and then suddenly sank down completely. I sank down too, still watching him from behind the rock. 

He was laying on the sand, just like I was the first time I saw him. He was watching the sky, just like I used to do. He was so perfect. Except for one thing. I'm pretty positive that humans can't breathe underwater. But he wasn't trying to get up and catch a breath. He was just laying there with his eyes closed. 

"Get up," I whispered. "Stand up!" But he didn't. He opened his eyes and a calm smile appeared on his face. But I couldn't just let him lay there and die. I couldn't! "No! Please don't go!"

I hurriedly swam out from behind the rock, headed right for him. I knew all I had to do is surprise him and his natural instincts would take over. He'd jump up, or at least that's what the books all said. I didn't want to scare him, but I had no choice. All I had to do was flip my tail in front of his face. 

So I did. 

I broke the most important law in the history of mer-people. No contact with the world above. No contacts with the humans. Ever. 

And I broke it, simply by flashing my tail right in front of his face so that he would freak out and jump out of the water. 

100s of years of isolation from the above world. Over. Just like that. 

What have I done? 


Hey everybody! Welcome to the first of my author comments. If you don't know me already, my name is Gem and I'm a hardcore EXO fan! But I'm also a hardcore Nu'est and BAP fan, so no fanwars here! My other stories are mostly Nu'est and EXO stories, so if you want to check those out, you would make me very happy :) (P.s. I seem to love throwing Taemin into my Nu'est stories, so expect him in those.) 

This story is going to have all memebers in it somewhere, but it might not end happily. I haven't decided yet....ANGST 

Anyways, thanks for checking out my story! I love this idea and I hope it ends up well. 

Thanks to whoever up voted it! PLEASE COMMENT!! PLEASE!! 

~GemGem out! 

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LettuceX #1
Chapter 5: Really good,update soon ^o^
Chapter 3: woah how many pov are there in one chapter man
Chapter 2: omo!!!! Cant wait for the next chapter ^^
Chapter 1: sehun life so sad
ExoticBox #5
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^