Sungyeol - INFINITE

Imagination is Everything: Oneshot Request Shop [Busy]

Y O U ' R E    M Y    F I A N C É

Lee Sungyeol    |    Shin Yina

requested by gmellyexo97


Sungyeol's POV


I tugged uncomfortably at the tie around my neck. It was too tight, and it felt suffocating.


I grunted in annoyance, before quickly flashing a smile at the elderly couple who was walking towards me. The woman pulled me into a hug, pecking me on both my cheeks. I tried not to immediately wipe off the lipstick stains.


Her husband shook my hand firmly. For a guy his age, he was pretty strong. When he released my hand, I shook it a little, trying to inspect it for broken bones without them noticing.


"Sungyeol-ssi. Congratulations on your engagement! We wish the best for you and your fiancé. Speaking of which, do you know where she is? We would like to give her our congratulations as well."


What a joke. Heck, I don't even know her name.


I showed them a gummy smile. "Unfortunately not, but I will pass your words to her when I see her."


They nodded, and I walked away after giving my thanks. I let out a sigh, tugging at my collar again.


"Stupid parents. Stupid engagement. Stupid fiancé. Stupid stupid stupid. Why did I even come back."


I was perfectly happy in America two days ago. That is, until my father decided 'Hey! Why not arrange a marriage for my son with someone he doesn't even know? Yes, I'll do just that!'


So here I was, at the engagement party with an extremely irritated neck, sore cheeks from fake smiling, and bleeding ears from hearing the same words of congratulations over and over again.


And guess what. That wasn't even the worst bit.


2 hours 13 minutes into the engagement party, and I still had no idea as to who my fiancé was. Like, absolutely none.


To my fiancé. In case you didn't know, sometimes, it's a good idea to actually attend your own engagement party. I don't know why. Maybe because you're one of the stars of the night? Dunno. Just a thought.


I let out a groan. I grabbed a drink off the refreshment table and walked over to a couch. I plonked myself down, the couch letting out a puff of air as my weight sank into the soft surface. I took a mouthful, but not even the sweetness of the punch could smother out the bitterness I was feeling.


Three gulps into my drink, someone else sat on the other end of the couch in a fashion similar to mine. I looked over a little, slightly shocked to find that it was a girl who had just sat down, honestly, like an elephant.


She must have only just noticed me, for she looked flustered and blushed. It was slight, but it was obvious. And undeniably cute.


"Oh! S-sorry! I didn't see you there!" She started getting up, but I stopped her.


"No, no, it's okay. Really. Sit."


She looked hesitant, before biting on her lip and sitting back down. "O-okay."


There was an awkward silence, and I took the moment to really look at her, as creepy as I was.


She was...beautiful.


Suddenly, she caught me staring at her, and I choked on my spit.




I dared myself to ask her.


"W-what's your name?"


She blushed again, smiling shyly.


"Shin Yina."


"I-I'm Sungyeol."


"Hi, Sungyeol-ssi."


I bit the inside of my cheek, breaking eye contact. "O-oppa. You can call me...oppa…"


"Sungyeol...o-oppa…" She giggled. Right there and then, I went to heaven and came back.


"It's nice to meet you." She extended her hand, donning a warm smile that reached her eyes.


It was my turn to blush as I shook hands with her. She was sweet, gorgeous, well-mannered; perfect.


Okay, fine. Other than the fact that she sat like an elephant, she was perfect. But even that was cute. It was intriguing.


I could feel myself falling for her, even though it had only been a matter of minutes since I'd lain eyes on her.


Is fiancé?


Maybe, just maybe, for once, my parents weren't so stupid after all.


Yina's POV


"How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh?" Sungyeol leaned forward, eager to hear my response of 'I don't know', like the last 7 times.


My grandma had dragged me along to this engagement party, saying her company once worked with the hosts' before. Mind you, I would have been perfectly fine staying at home, watching a movie and stuffing my face with food.


But no, she had to pull off the 'I'm old and if I slip and hurt myself or suddenly forget where I am and get lost, it's your fault' card, and so I had no choice but to go with her.


For the past two hours, I'd been bored out of my mind. I didn't know anyone there - unless you counted knowing that the hosts went by the surname 'Lee' - and so I wandered around aimlessly and hovered around the tables and tables of food.


I may or may not have been filling up my stomach with everything that came into my sight. Even if I had, I prefer to call it sampling. I was simply testing the food for poison. I am a very important and selfless person.


Despite the fact that I could eat a lot, my stomach could only hold so much food. Sadly. So I resigned to a corner in a room, away from the crowds of people.


I had sat down onto a random couch huffily, wondering to myself when I could leave the place for the nth time, when I realised I wasn't the only one sitting.


I had looked to my left, only to find a guy with slightly chubby cheeks staring back at me like I'd grown a third eye. Or rather, from the fact that I, a lady, had just sat down in quite an...unlady-like manner.


The first few minutes were quite awkward, considering the fact that I caught him looking at me even after I'd apologized for my actions and our conversation had ended.


But then we introduced ourselves, and as we started talking, we found we had a lot in common. By now, it felt like we'd known each other for years, and everything about him already seemed familiar.


His slightly round features. His cheeky aura. His childish personality.


And his extremely bad jokes.


"I dunno." I shrugged my shoulders.


"Ten-tickles!" He looked at me expectantly, extremely pleased with his joke.


I let out a giggle, even though it was terrible.


I didn't know whether the boredom had made me a little high, or whether I just had a thing for lame jokes. But I did know that Sungyeol had a knack for making me laugh. It was like he knew exactly what to say to please me, or draw out the girlish giggle I only saved for the people closest to me.


It was surprising, how I'd opened up to him so quickly, but I knew I didn't regret it. Meeting him was the best thing that had happened to me so far. At the engagement party, at least.


Or my whole life.


"Oh! Oh! I have another! What do you call cheese that isn't yours?"


Before I could give out my standard response, a woman who seemed mid 40s approached us. She seemed familiar, and an unsettling feeling washed over me.


I poked Sungyeol in the side, hoping he knew more people at the party than I did. "Who is she?"


I heard him gulp, before he leaned in slightly closer.


"My mum."


Suddenly, realisation dawned on me. The woman was the hostess. Sungyeol's last name was Lee.


And he had a fiancé.


Sungyeol's POV


My mother approached us, and I felt Yina tense up beside me. I wanted to give her hand a reassuring squeeze, but something told me that now wasn't the right moment to display signs of affection.


"Sungyeol-ah. What are you doing here talking to this...girl." The way she spat out the last word, she may as well have referred to Yina as a piece of trash.


I knew my mother couldn't care less about my feelings, but disregarding the feelings of others? That was overboard.


Especially if it was Yina. She was special to me. Special enough for me to place an hour's friendship over 22 years of family relationship. My mother never loved me anyway.


I immediately felt overprotective, and I stood up, using my tall height as an advantage. I looked down at my mother, but despite the fact that I stood well above her, her status was enough to slightly unground me.


"She's not just a girl." I scoffed. "She-"


"Sorry, but I have a name. It's Yina. And I would appreciate it if you referred to me with it."


Slight shock flashed across my mother's face, before it was replaced with a look of disbelief and scorn.


"Who the hell are you?"


"I told you already, it's Yina. Shin Yina."


I was impressed. She was standing up to my mother, which was something even I was hesitant to do. But now was not the time to give her the thumbs up and a gummy grin.


"Who do you think you are that you can speak to me like that? Do you not know that this party is only for those who are of a high status? Not some...peasants like you."


Right at that moment, someone else stepped behind my mother. She had dark, slanted eyes, her face much too sharp and angular in all the wrong places.


"Sungyeol oppa."


I nearly retched. This girl whom I'd never seen before just comes into my party, and refers to me like we're extremely close.


"Do you know this person?" She blinked at me.


I scoffed at her. Who was she, pretending to be innocent and kind, when the only angel here was Yina?


Before I could say yes, my mother turned to her.


"No. They don't."


The girl nodded at my mother, though I could see she didn't believe it, and she look back at me. "Annyeong, Sungyeol oppa! I'm Hyerin!"


I blinked nonchalantly at her. "Okay. So?"


"Sungyeol! Is that how you greet your fiancé?" My mother hissed at me.


My world turned upside down.


" mean...s-she's not my...fiancé?" I stammered, pointing at Yina.


"This girl? Your fiancé?"


My mother snorted, lips curled in disgust. "Do you think I would choose someone so lowly and cheap? Is my taste that bad? I may be getting old, but I am still intelligent enough to tell who is good enough for my son...and who isn't."


I was about to tell my mother to stop, but Yina beat me to it.


She bit down on her bottom lip, before raising her chin daringly. "Well I'm sorry that some lowly person like me has interrupted your...engagement. I shall take my leave now."




I stuck out a hand, grabbing her wrist in a desperate attempt to stop her.


"Sungyeol!" My mother warned me.


We had started gaining the attention of everyone at the party, but I couldn't care less.


Yina looked at me with a sad expression, and she lightly pressed her other hand on mine, giving it a reassuring squeeze.


Before she could pull away, an annoying voice cut through the air.


"Let go of him!"


Hyerin stepped forward and slapped her as the onlookers gasped in shock. It didn't take much for her to show her true side.


"Don't touch him, you worthless thing. You don't deserve to be so close to him. You don't even deserve to be here."


Yina clutched the side of her face with the hand that had been resting on mine just moments again, tears threatening to spill over her eyelids.


But she refused to appear weak in front of my…so-called-fiancé and mother. She gave one last glare at them two, before looking at me with an unreadable expression. She turned away quickly, just in time for me to catch the tears that ran down her cheeks.


An elderly woman walked up to her, leading her tenderly by the arms towards the exit, and together, they walked out.


Yina, the girl who had made me fall for her in one night.


Just like that, she was gone.


* * * * * * * *


I turned around to Hyerin, glaring at her with all the intensity I could gather.


"Why in the world would you do that." I stepped forward, voice dangerously low.


Her sneer dropped immediately, and she put on an innocent act. She pretended to get teary, eyes downcast and bottom lip trembling.


"O-oppa. I'm sorry! I-I didn't mean to! I was just scared that she would hurt you!"


"Hurt me? Hurt me?! And so you slapped her and talked trash about her? You don't even know her! You have no right to speak to her like that!"


"Sungyeol!" My mother stepped forward. "You have no right to speak to her like that. Apologize to Hyerin."


"No." I looked at my mother. I was sick and tired of her controlling my life. It was time I stood up for myself and what I wanted.


"No, I won't. I didn't do anything wrong. If anything, she should say sorry. And even then, it won't be enough."


Hyerin looked at my mother, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Mrs Lee, don't worry. It was my fault. I should say sorry."


I snorted in disgust. "And cut that crappy act of yours. I don't know if other people buy it, but I certainly don't. I don't know what you did to my mother to make her think you were fit to be my fiancé."


"Sungyeol. I think that is quite enough." My mother said stiffly.


I scoffed, appalled by the fact that she believed Hyerin.


Hyerin leaned over to whisper something to my mother, and I saw her nod before turning to leave.


When she was away from earshot, Hyerin huffed.


"Yeah, yeah. Fine, whatever. I'm not as sweet as that person you were talking to before. Your mother takes me as some dumb person, but she's the dumb one. She thinks I'm a lovely daughter-in-law, and she actually thought I'd buy it that you didn't know the girl from earlier." She stepped in closer so that I got a whiff of her suffocating perfume. "I'm not dumb. I know there's something between you two, and if you do something funny, I can't guarantee something won't happen to her."


She stepped back so that I could breathe again, but her scent still lingered in the air. She pretended to examine her long nails. "After all, guys are stupid enough to do whatever I tell them to, as long as I've got money. And the looks."


She flipped her hair, flashing me a fake smile. "Your choice."


"I won't let you lay so much as a finger on her. You'll never be my fiancé."


She looked at me sympathetically. "Oh, hun, don't you see? I'm already your fiancé. And soon, I'll be your wife."


She giggled like a maniac, and I could only look at her in horror.


"Yes, oppa, our wedding. It'll be in a week."


Yina's POV


I kicked at the dirt underneath the bench. There was already a little trench in the ground, and the tip of my shoe was already soiled, but I kept going. If I didn't kick it, I might end up kicking something else, or someone.


I sighed, watching my breath fog up in the cold air. It had been one week since the engagement party. One week since I'd last seen him. One week since I'd fallen for a guy who I wasn't supposed to love.


Going to the engagement party was just to ease my guilt. It was just to keep my grandmother company whilst she caught up with her business partners. It was just...another party.


Never would I have thought I would meet someone; a guy. Never would I have thought I would fall in love with him. And never would I have thought he would be the person the party was being thrown for.


I never got the chance to talk to him after I left. All I had of him was his name, appearance, and personality.


And, his stupid, lame jokes.


I'll never get the chance to, either. It's too late.


My grandmother was at a wedding right now. His wedding. I couldn't bring myself to go - I was afraid it would break my heart more than it already was.


* * * * * * * *


"Are you sure you don't want to go?" My grandmother asked me.




She sighed, knowing I had been both fortunate and unfortunate in meeting Sungyeol. "Okay. Call me if anything happens."


I nodded. "…"


She kissed me lightly on the forehead, holding me in a cozy hug. "Grandmother?"




"I'm going to take a walk in the park. I need to...clear my head."


She pulled back to look at me. "Do you want me to stay with you?"


I shook my head, smiling to tell her I was fine.


"Okay then. Be careful."


I opened my mouth to ask her for a favour. It was a simple one. I just wanted her to tell Sungyeol I said hi. But I hesitated. Maybe it would be better for the both of us if we just forgot about each other.


It wasn't like he liked me anyway. It was stupid. I was in a one-sided relationship. It was obvious we would never become a couple. His mother and fiancé was right. I didn't deserve Sungyeol. 


"Nevermind. Bye." I watched as my grandmother made her way out the door.


Grabbing a jacket, I followed shortly after, towards the one place where I felt free.


* * * * * * * *




That reminded me of someone. It reminded me of...Sungyeol.


I sighed, feeling tears starting to gather in my eyes again. Why was the world so cruel? I'm trying to forget him, and yet everything seems to be bent on reminding me of him.




The voice was closer. I felt like it was taunting me. Reminding me of someone I so dearly wanted to see, but knew I would never be able to.


I heard footsteps padding towards me, my name being called out again. But the word made no sense to me. All I could hear was the voice.


His voice…


I was yanked out of my self pity when a hand grabbed my wrist, stopping me in my tracks. I turned around angrily. Could people not just leave me alone?


I stopped short of slapping the person senseless. Even though my eyesight was blurry from tears, I could clearly tell who was standing before me.




A hand reached out to wipe my damp cheeks. "Yeah...are you okay?"


I took a step back, shocked. It really was him.


"W-what are you doing here?"


He smiled. "To see you of course!"


For some reason, that just irked me, and I started crying. "You're smiling? Smiling? How can you be smiling when I'm here crying over a stupid guy like you? Why are you even here? Why aren't you at your wedding and kissing your fiancé? Why are you even looking for me, some lowly person, who will never reach your standards? Can't you leave me alone? I try to forget you and it hurts my heart. But at least it doesn't hurt as much as seeing you right in front of me, but not being able to love you!"


I breathed hard, tired from shouting at him and pouring out all my feelings. I wiped the hot tears on my cheeks messily with the back of my hands, sniffling and hiccupping.


"Hey...shhhh…" He whispered.


He stepped forward and enveloped me in a hug, and I leaned against him weakly. "Yina, listen. I never wanted the wedding. It was my parents' plan. I would say I wish I'd never agreed to the stupid engagement and wedding, but if I did, that would mean I would have never met you."


He leaned back to look at me. "And that would be a pity, because are the best thing that's happened to me so far."


I sniffed again. "B-but...what about your wedding? What about your parents? What about your fiancé?"


"Oh, it doesn't matter. All that matters is you."


I could feel myself starting to cry again. Dammit Sungyeol.


"Plus, who cares about the wedding and the fancy church, when we can have it here?" He knelt down on one knee, pulling out a small red box.


"Shin Yina." He opened it to reveal a ring.


"Will you marry me?"

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Character: Cha Jaerin (oc) / Kim Myungsoo INFINITE

Scenario: When Jaerin was heartbroken after Myungsoo lashed out to her because of simple mistake. After realizing Jaerin is not at home during dinner, he looks after her and saw she's kissing Hoya. Myungsoo punched Hoya in face and Jaerin had to stop him. Turn out Hoya only kiss her cheeks to cheer her up but the angle from his view is like kising . Myungsoo get embarassed and apologize.

Extra:Jaerin and Myungsoo were martied

Characters : OC Kim Inna || VIXX Leo

Scenario : Leo is cold and heartless boyfriend. And Inna is like a female version of Hakyeon. She's being clingy all the time because she's afraid if Leo leaves her. But when Leo suddenly scold her for being clingy, she started to change and become cold. And Leo missed the clingy Inn.

Extra : Make it more angsty nae <3

And author-nim ~ fighting !Take your time <3
Chapter 25: KYAAA finally XDD can I request for a sequel for thisss? XDD
Character : Chu Xiao Yu / Luhan / EXO (optional)
Scenario : Luhan's an extremely rich business man. He's CEO at his company and he work his off. All he cares about is money, money and MORE MONEY. He's the type of guy who makes a 100 bucks every 6 minutes. Doesn't cares about love and doesn't have time for it either. But a funny romance begin when Xiao Yu boldly barged into his company's meeting and told him to be her boyfriend.

Extra: Xiao Yu: smart, strong witted and funny. Always takes up challenges.
Luhan: Neat, Have issues with leftover food, can't stand girls who stuck up like glues. (These are all extras so it's ok if author-nim don't consider these facts!)
Please write this very soon! :)
floralwy #5
hwaii, can i request c8

The characters: Areum(OC) and Bts's V

The scenario: Its up to you author-nim cx as long it is super fluffy lol oh yeah

opt detail: its their 3rd months of dating ♡ i like it extra cheesy ㅋㅋ
Chapter 21: Awww, this was sweet :')
Hello~ May I request?

Characters: EXO's Luhan and Yoon Julie (OC)
Scenario: They just started dating and everything is fine until the other EXO members comment to Luhan how Julie doesn't express her affection for him often, making him doubt her feelings for him. In reality, she's extremely introverted and simply doesn't know how to display her love for him. It's hard for her to open up.
Extra: I was hoping that they'd have a confrontation with a sweet resolution.