Mark Tuan? Sounds familiar...
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You are on the plane, heading to California, for what? A WEDDING!! A wedding which you really didn't want to attend. No, no its definitely not your wedding *thank goodness* but you had to accompany your parents and you were displeased because honestly you didn't even know who these people were, even though you were related to them somehow.

" This is going to be a long trip~~"

You peered out at the scenery of miniature landscapes and buildings as the plane started to get near your final destination.

After what seemed like forever, you had finally landed in LA. Heading towards baggage claim while diligently following your parents. You see a couple around the same age as your parents, waving cheerfully at your direction.

"Hi!!!! I can't believe we're finally here!" You watched as your mom exclaimed excitedly rushing towards the lady and tightly hugging her without any hesitation.  Following your parents you bowed respectfully at the two elders as they both smiled brightly at you.

"This is our daughter. Say hi to Aunt and Uncle!" Your dad softly patted your back and introduced you politely. You greeted them shyly as they kept smiling at you.

"You're so pretty dear" The lady. which you had to call Aunt said, as you shyly looked down but softly said thank you, respectfully.  

Soon after that, you all went to go grab your luggage and finally get to departure from the airport. You followed your Aunt and Uncle as they lead the way to their parked car. While your Uncle and dad loaded the luggage in the back chatting nonstop. Your Aunt, mom and you took a seat in the car. Tilting your head, you were curious as to where you were going to be staying since the wedding wasn't until Saturday but today was just Thursday. Leaning towards your mom as you tapped her arm to get her attention, you asked softly, "Mom, where are we staying since the wedding isn't til Saturday?"

"Oh dear, you guys are staying with us at our house!" Your Aunt cheerfully chimed in. Your Uncle and dad finally got in the car and off you went.

Looking out the window, you were actually enjoying the view and the pretty nice weather, compared to back home where there was snow filled streets and cold temperatures.

It wasn't long after that you started seeing neighborhoods of houses and the car street after street. As the car slowly approached another round of houses, it came to a halt at a very lovely two story house.

Everyone got out of the car as your Uncle and dad went to grab the luggage from the trunk as your Aunt lead your mom and you towards the entrance of their house.

Immediately after walking in, you gasp at how even more beautiful the interior of the house was compared to the exterior. You looked at how organized and clean everything was, as your Aunt gave you both a mini tour of the lower level. When your Uncle and dad came in with the luggage your Aunt then brought you guys upstairs to the bedrooms.

Slowly walking up the stairs, you noticed countless picture frames hanging from walls beautifully. Glancing at them, obviously they were family portraits as you noticed four kids along with your Aunt and Uncle. The pictures didn't look recent as your Aunt and Uncle looked a tad bit younger but none the less they still looked good. You didn't really pay much attention to the kid's faces, just quickly glancing as you walked by. "Do they have 4 kids?", thinking to yourself as you finally reached the last step of the second floor.  

Your Aunt gestured you to follow her towards the first door on the left side of the hallway. As you entered the room, it was like a picture from a magazine, extremely tidy and clean.

"This is actually my oldest son's room but since he moved out a few years back, we made it into a guest bedroom." She smiled explaining to you while you looked around the room.

"Its a very nice room, its quite big too, are you sure you don't want us to all sleep in one room? We really wouldn't mind." Your mom spoke up feeling bad for occupying 2 rooms of their house.

"No no, don't be silly, there is plenty of room. We only have one of our children living with us now, my youngest son, Joey. My 2 daughters Grace and Tammy have their own places now and my other son will be flying in tomorrow night but he can share a room with Joey, so don't worry." Your Aunt reassured your mom, as she lead your mom towards the door to the other bedroom. Your dad brought your luggage to you and quickly left to where your mom and Aunt were.

Glancing around the neat room, even though it was a guest room there were still small traces of what you assumed to be as the previous owner. Walking to the bookshelf near the side of the bed, you saw books from all subjects and spotted a rubbix cube. A smile appeared on your face, "very typical Asian", you thought to yourself scanning down you saw lots of CDs and recordds from all kinds of artists and genres. "So he must real

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Chapter 1: It's already 2018 and I still come back here and reread your story. I'll never get tired of it. It's really cute. ^^
Chapter 2: The story is good, kinda slice of life thingy. But i think you shouldnt rush it, take it slow cause if suddenly it becomes like this and that when they just met, it doesnt make sense. And one more thing, please dont describe every single thing according to what theyre going to do. I mean, you can just describe the important things that concerned the storyline, not telling the readers all about how they arrived, strolling around the house, have a dinner, sleeping, waking up the next day and yadayada without even knowing the real context about the story. It will get boring you know. Yeah, so there it is a piece of advice from me. No one starts off good anyway, we learn by the process. I'm sorry if my words hurt you in any way, but trust me I don't even mean to hurt you. Fighting for your next story!^^
Chapter 3: Sequel!!! :)
14 streak #5
Chapter 3: Hahaha i reread this soo~ many times but today i just have the urge to reread this!!
14 streak #6
Chapter 3: Hahaha i reread this soo~ many times but today i just have the urge to reread this!!
JosePink #7
Chapter 1: this story is awesom!!!
06reader #8
Chapter 2: your story is really good & cute..
kianacel #9
Chapter 2: This story is adorable~! ^-^