Rainy Days ☂.


Title: Rainy Days ♦ Pairing: eunhae  Genres: romance, angst  Length: one-shot

Warning: English is not my first language, I'm sorry for mistakes!

 A biiiiiig and lovely thank you to Nika for this awesome fiction poster! Love you♥!!!



♦ Looking up into the sky, dark and heavy clouds were covering the sun, not even a sunray made it through the strong barrier.

Suddenly, a loud thunder as two clouds crashed together. It echoed through the city and he closed his eyes.

1 second. 2 seconds. 3 seconds. 4 seconds.

Opening his eyes again, a bright and short lightning struck his way through the sky. Then he waited for a few and - Drip drip drop.

"You´re the only one I have now," he whispered with a sad smile, opening his palms and staring at the raindrops as they poured down on him.

A sob escaped his mouth and he bit on his lips, his drenched shirt to hold it tight until his knuckles turned white.

Donghae was crying - and heaven cried with him. 

[edited; tweaked a few things here and there and corrected a bunch of typos]


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Chapter 1: This... wow Mimi, you've done really well! This is so well written, and you can feel many emotions while reading it. And despite being one-shot, it doesn't feel rushed at all (which happens sometimes). I loved every second reading this ^^ The way you didn't tell what's wrong with Donghae at the beginning makes people to read because you manage to make people curious. Mimi, wonderful♥
shincan #2
Chapter 1: wow...daebak!!...
i love it....
thank u...
NegaFairytale #3
Waiting for the first update o/
VirtualShawol #4
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^
Mimi, where is my first chapter, you just CAN'T leave me hanging here like this after such foreword! It's not acceptable! :D