The Gift



The warmth of the body curled up next to him was slowly seeping into his own, which made him happy and content. However, knowing that they both had to get up soon, brought a sadness to him, it happened every day at the same time. They would get up get ready and go there separate ways, each having their own jobs, not seeing each other again until late at night. Key knew what he was and wanted and showed it without shame or hesitation. Jonghyun on the other hand did not like the world to know about him or Key, He did not show emotion in public, he was, as they say (whoever they are) still in the closet. Key was always so proud to be next to Jonghyun show him off, hold his hand. However Jonghyun and him were never around one another during the day. They only came together at night, where no one would notice, much to Kibum's disappointment. Key always hoped that Jonghyun would one day acknowledge him around other people and not be ashamed of him or their love for one another. Jonghyun would always say that he was not ashamed, just--------not ready.


Key worked as a manager of the best clothes store in Seoul. Jonghyun was the leader, main vocalist and front man (and eye candy for the girls) for a local band called Wild Boyz.

Even though Jonghyun got all the girls numbers he wanted, he always came home to Kibum, and as far as he knew, Jonghyun never cheated, with anyone, although he could, very easily. Kibum loved his job, he met a lot of wealthy and famous people, and made a lot of friends. Jonghyun was always after him to introduce him or his band to at least one of the famous that Key knew, but Key wouldn't, saying that he didn't want to use his friendship with his customers in that way, beside he kept telling Jonghyun that he would make it on his own and make it big.


On one particular hectic day at work, one of Key's favorite customers asked him if he knew of a band. He wanted to showcase a new style of band and hadn't found anything new or exciting lately. A smile played on Kibum's lips as he thought how best to present his lovers band to his friend and best customer, Lee Soo – Man.


Yes.” said Key, “I certainly do know of a new and exciting band that you may be interested in.” “Great” said Lee Soo – Man. “Have them come to this address tomorrow at this time, and make sure they are ready to play and impress me.” “Yes sir, I will definitely make sure they are ready, even if I have to put them together myself.”Thank you for this opportunity.”

“Don't disappoint me Key.”


Key was very distracted, happy and sad all at the same time for the rest of the day. He couldn't wait to get home to tell Jonghyun the great news. As always Key got home before JJ (his nickname for Jonghyun). However tonight was different, he made a special meal and set the table with the best they had, and waited. And waited and waited for him to come home. When he finally did come through the door two hours late, he had a (cat that ate the canary) look on his face. Key grew instantly suspicious along with being extremely upset.


Jonghyun walked over to Key to give him a kiss, but Key turned away with a tear starting to form. “Baby, please, it's not what you think, I was talking with an agent that was at the show tonight, and he wants us to play at the Busan Cultural Center.” Five hundred a night for the whole week. Isn't that great?” “I have the contract right here.” I have to wait to show the other guys and explain it to them, and get there signatures as well.”


Jonghyun was so happy that Key couldn't tell him about his news. Who would have guessed that JJ's band would go from nothing to getting two requests to become famous in one day. “Well, dinner is ruined you know.” “Oh baby, I am sorry, let me take you out to celebrate the good new.” “I thought you didn't like to go out in public with me, that it would make people assume.” “This is a special occasion.” “Ok, just let me get myself together. Where are we going, Italian, Sushi, French?” “Where ever you want, your decision.” As Key came out of their bedroom dressed only in a chef's apron, Jonghyun had to do a double take. “Don't get me wrong, I love the view, but I thought you were getting ready to go out to eat.” “Well” said Key with a wicked look on his face, “since it is my choice, I would rather stay in and celebrate, don't you?” “Well” said Jonghyun, “since you put it that way.”


Jonghyun walked over to Key, planted a kiss on his lips, then took his hand and led him to their bedroom, smiling all the way. “This will be the best celebration I have ever had, what about dinner, aren't you hungry?” he asked with a smirk.” “Of course, but, there's always breakfast.” said Key, smiling back at JJ.


The next morning as Key rolled over into the the warm side of the bed where JJ had been, he sat up and wondered where his lover was. They always woke up together, usually tangled up in each other. As he sat and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, he heard movement and rustling of paper. He got up and walked into the living-room and found JJ sitting at the desk looking at the contract he got last night while drinking coffee. “Mmm, smells good, is there any coffee left?” “Oh babe, I'm sorry, did I wake you?” “No, no you didn't, it was time to get up.” “How long have you been up?” Asked Key with concern on his face and in his voice. “Since about six.” “I have been going over these contracts I got before I have the other guys look at them. I want to make sure everything is right and that we don't get ripped off.”


Key got sullen and sad at the same time, thinking about the card in his pants pocket from Lee Soo – Man, Chairman of SM entertainment. He only had five hours to get JJ to listen to him and get him to go to the audition at SM by one o'clock. How in hell was he going to pull this off? “Key, babe, what's wrong?” “Well, I, I just don't know how to tell you.” “Just tell me, we don't hold secrets from each other.” “Ok,” said Key, “hold on a moment.” As he went into the bedroom to get the card. “Here,” he said as he held out the card to JJ. “I got this yesterday.” As Jonghyun took the card, his eyes got large and his mouth dropped. “You know Lee Soo – Man?” asked a startled JJ. “Yes I do, I told you I have a lot of important high profile people.” “He want's to see my band play?” “Yes he does, at one pm today.” “That is only five hours from now.” answered a confused Jonghyun. “I know and that is why I hesitated to tell you. You have that contract, and you have been so happy and I didn't want to burst your bubble. Both are very good opportunity's and I know this is a very hard decision to make.”


I do know that with SM, there will be a lot of hard work, training and also the reward of being on shows and television. You would have to give up a lot for them.” With the other you would have to practice a lot and hope you can get a tv break but not have to give up as much.” said Key, as if in a way to give his lover a bit of his opinion.


Well” said JJ, “I am going to get the guys together so that we can discuss this and make an informed decision.” “Sounds like a great idea.” Responds Key, with a hopefulness to his voice and a smile on his lips. He would love to see the Wild Boyz with SM Entertainment, he thinks it would be a wonderful opportunity for his lover and the guys in the band.


Jonghyun got up went over to Key, gave him a nice long lingering kiss on his lips told him that he would be back soon, grabbed his coat, the papers, the card that Key had given him and left. Key stood there for a few minutes in a daze, then he set about getting dressed and cleaning up the apartment. They both had the day off today, so he took his time, trying not to dwell on what decision Jonghyun and the guys would ultimately make.


Key knew that if they decided on SM, there would be a lot of changes for the two of them. He wondered if he was ready for that. He only wanted the best for JJ and the guys, whether that was with the agent JJ met at the club or with SM.


As one o'clock came and went, then three o'clock went by, Key was beginning to worry.

 At four thirty Jonghyun came bursting in the door with a smile on his face as wide as all outdoors, grabbed Key and swung him around, kissing him all over his face. He finally put Key back down, both out of breath. “Wow, what was that all about?” “Well” said Jonghyun. “The guys and I finally made a decision about which way we want to go.”


Key had waited for this all day. “So, which way is that he asked?” “Well, we decided to go with, are you ready?” “Come on JJ spill it.” “We are going with SM, we talked and all of us agreed that SM would be the best for us even though there will be a lot of changes for all of us. Are you happy Key?” Key stood there for a few minutes not knowing what to say or do, he was very happy that JJ went with SM and then, made his own decision that he would be with JJ no matter what came their way, he loved him to much to just let him go. He hoped Jonghyun felt the same way.


I am extremely happy for you babe. I know there will be a lot of change and I am willing to do anything to make this work.” Jonghyun looked at Key with that same smile on his face as when he came in the door with the news and said, “I am glad for that, because I too am willing to do whatever it takes to make this work.” Key practically knocked JJ over as he ran to him, hugged and kissed him until they both needed to come up for air.


As Jonghyun regained his balance he looked at Key with love in his eyes and said,

now for my small gift to you for helping to make this decision a bit easier, I am going to take you out for dinner and a movie.”


Key stood still, looking at Jonghyun with a question in his eyes as well as in his voice when he says, “but JJ you don't like to go out in public with me because of the assumptions people would make.” “That, my wonderful sweetheart is going to change, starting tonight. So, what will it be, Italian, Sushi, French?” “Well,” said Key since you ask,” he took Jonghyun's hand and walked him to the bedroom smiling, “there's always breakfast.”






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blind_angel #1
Chapter 1: Key's so ual >.< I love this story though
Chapter 1: OMG- that was so cute!!^^