

“and you are a father of three.” Sooyoung said, tears bound to fall. Siwon looked at the test and found three pictures that bore positive match to his DNA. “You have three sons.” Sooyoung broke down, leaving the room with a heavy heart. “three sons?”

Three sons? What would the possibility of him fathering three sons? Siwon was just as surprised as Sooyoung was. The news of Sunggyu being his son was relatively light. Taeyon has been emotional but it worked well in the end. But now double blow on his soul as Sooyoung handed him test results and claiming that he has 2 more sons.

The second son of his was Henry and he grasped the test result and looked at it intently; 90%, a high percentage of him being the father. “Victoria..” the name slipped from his mouth and he sighed deeply. What will he do now?


“Victoria wait!” Zhou mi was trying to stop the mad Chinese girl from taking Henry but her motherly instincts was on full gears.

The girl made an abrupt stop and faced Zhoumi. “You better shut up Zhoumi. I trusted my son in your hands but what did you do? Here he is suffering rejection and what’s worse? You let Siwon do this to him! The freaking monster hurt my precious son! I am taking Henry with me and no one can stop me!” Victoria let out the anger he felt.

“I’m sorry! I tried to stop him! I did try to convince him not to let Henry perform with SHINee and Infinite. I did Victoria.” Zhoumi pleaded.

“But you didn’t to everything to stop him. You tried yes, but you didn’t do any actions after the first live stage. You dragged it this long and now Henry, my poor baby is feeling rejection all over again!” Victoria spat the last word and turned to her heels, dragging Henry with her hand while Nickhun trailed after her.

“Henry wait!” Sunggyu suddenly dashed towards the running family. Henry looked at him sadly then turned away, trying not to cry in front of him. ‘Wait Henry!!” Sunggyu panted as the three disappeared from the building’s glass door.

Sunggyu clenched his fists and walked towards the office of his father. He went in without permission, anger seething through his body.

“How could you do this to Henry?” Sunggyu shouted at his father. “You could’ve done something but you didn’t!” He shouted.

“Sunggyu listen to me” Siwon said calmly.

“No you listen to me! You are a jerk and you are not worthy of my respect or recognition. You are just some CEO who craves for money! I thought you were different but I was wrong. I am ashamed to be your son!” Sunggyu shouted then left the office, but not without slamming the door hard.

“My life’s ed.” Siwon said as he ran a hand through his hair frustrated.


Victoria held Henry in a protective embrace, something Henry was very thankful for. Sure Victoria had him up for adoption when he was born but she had been a struggling teen with only that option to save both their lives. Victoria had visited him often and his adoptive parents were very open with the mother and child relationship; they even helped her out with her life.

Victoria loved Henry despite that the kid was the reminder of her mistakes with Siwon; Henry was too innocent to bear his father’s fault.

Henry felt a hand on his shoulders and looked up to see a smiling Nickhun. He was a very warm person and he was very grateful that the former idol accepted him and his mother wholeheartedly. Nickhun never treated Henry differently; he was like his real father, ever since Victoria broke him the news.

“We’re going home Henry. You’re safe.” He said and Henry nodded, understanding the sincerity of his step father.

The flight to Thailand was peaceful, without the black ocean and the deafening chants of only12. He was grateful that the country wasn’t like Korea, a tropical country filled with warm smiles and genuine hearts. Henry took light steps; screw his dream.


They heard a knock on the door and when Henry opened it, he saw two familiar faces of teens and a tall girl with a faint smile.

‘Henry!” Sunggyu and Jinki embraced him tightly, the poor kid didn’t know how to react. “Hi!” Sooyoung greeted him and he nodded, motioning for them to enter. He called his mother who joined them in the living room.

“I’m sorry for dropping unannounced.” Sooyoung started and Victoria held Henry firmly.

“I’m not going to let you hurt my son.” Victoria replied.

“I’m not going to let that happen Victoria-ssi.” Sooyoung replied.

“I heard that quite a lot of times already and all of them failed to keep their promise.” Victoria said firmly.

“I understand where you’re coming from, as a matter of fact, I’m here to sympathize with you. I know how it feels to be betrayed by someone you loved dearly.” Sooyoung said, sadness laced her words.

“I was betrayed and lied upon thrice Victoria.” Sooyoung continued, face stern and determined to settle this conversation. “I’m sorry that Henry has to undergo such tormenting act from Siwon, and I am sorry that I lacked as a mother. I should’ve been his mother but I failed.” Sooyoung broke down and Sunggyu rubbed her back for comfort.

“I am very sorry that I failed but please don’t let Henry’s dream end like this.” Sooyoung uttered then went down on her knees. “Please forgive Siwon and let Henry continue his dream.” Sooyoung bowed low and soon Sunggyu and Jinki followed, bowing while on bended knees.

“Please Sooyoung, stop this.” Victoria went to her and made her stand up. “Why would you go to the extent of begging?” Vitoria asked, face full of concern.

“They are Siwon’s sons, Even if they didn’t come from me, they are my sons too.” She said as she took in a breath.

“You deserve better Sooyoung.” Victoria smiled and took Henry’s hand. “If I entrust my son to you, would you take care of him?” She asked and Sooyoung nodded. “I will Victoria, like my own son.” She replied and the two girls hugged each other.

“I’m very sorry that I have to ruin your life Sooyoung.” Victoria uttered but Sooyoung dismissed it. “You’re not at fault, you were pretty brave and I admire you for being this strong.” She replied and the two laughed like they were best friends for life.

“Uhm Henry, I want you to meet your brothers, Kim Sunggyu and Lee Jinki.” She said as she turned to Henry.

“Brothers?” Henry repeated.

“Apparently yes. You’re not happy?” Sunggyu asked and Henry shook his head. “Why is Jinki taking this lightly?” Henry asked and Jinki just smiled at him. “It’s just my disposition in life, that’s all.” Jinki said and Sunggyu puffed his cheeks.

“Disposition my face. You practically tried to kill appa with your ttakkbam.” Sunggyu deadpanned and Henry laughed at the two. “Come here I’ll tell you the juicy bits after you left!” Sunggyu pulled Henry down on the Sofa, sitting between Jinki and Sunggyu.

“I’m the eldest, you’re the middle child and Jinki’s the maknae.” He said with authority. “And he never let me forget this.” Jinki rolled his eyes and Henry chuckled.

Victoria led Sooyoung towards the kitchen to prepare some snacks for the 18 year olds who looked like hamsters.


“Ryeowook, Where’s the lyrics for the New song?”Siwon asked but the composer didn’t respond. “Ryeowook.”Siwon called out.

“On your desk. Did you bother to look? Did you try searching?” Ryeowook responded with an angry tone.

“What’s gotten into you?”Siwon asked and Ryeowook’s nose fumed with anger.

‘What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with you!” Ryeowook stood from his piano and pointed an accusing finger to Siwon. “You already ing know what was wrong Siwon yet you didn’t do Anything. First and foremost, you had three sons. Sunggyu, Henry and Jinki; Three sons who were deprived of a normal life because you screwed their mothers when you were younger.”Ryeowook’s voice was very angry and Siwon couldn’t help but think why Ryeowook knew this much.

“Second, you freaking let Henry out there to be devoured whole. How many ing times did I tell you not to do it? You freaking ! You fed your son to the wolves!”Ryeowook balled his fingers into a fist.

“Shut the up Ryeowook.” Siwon shouted back.

“Shut the up? I’ve shut the up for so long Siwon. You never had the burden to keep so many information in your life. You never been the trusted one but now that it’s all out, let me share you my little story Siwon.”Ryeowook paused and took a breath.

“Taeyon. She told me about Sunggyu when you started dating Sooyoung. He wanted me to stop her friend from making a mistake. She did made a mistake but you Siwon because you are hurting such a pure soul.”Ryeowook glared at him. “Henry was another case, Zhoumi told me when he arrived. I was against it but Henry had so much potential in him not to nurture.” His voice was full of concern. “And Jinki? Poor kid had to be adopted by some childless couple because his mother died of childbirth.” Ryeowook then took a deep breath.

“Why would I ing insist of putting Jinki and Sunggyu to be part of the group? It’s because the two are your ing sons and they deserve to be stars. But you are an !” Ryeowook spat and left the room.

“ this is confusing.” Siwon let out a frustrated groan and kicked the metal trash bin by the side of the table.

Ryeowook walked towards the practice room where Donghae was teaching the 12 idols some new choreography. He walked in and held both Jinki and Sunggyu then dragged them out of the room.

“Hey Wookie they are …” Donghae tried to say but a glare from wookie effectively shut him up. “..Ok, I guess they’ll have one on one later.”Donghae retreated and focused his attention to the ten in the room.

“now listen here, I want you to tell your father everything that’s bothering you and bring back Henry.”Ryeowook said while he led the two towards his studio.

‘Ryeowook hyung, what do you mean we?” Jinki asked and Ryeowook grinned at him. “You as in the two of you.” Ryeowook replied and Jinki stopped walking. Ryeowook looked at him.

“Siwon hyung is my father?” Jinki asked and Ryeowook nodded. “The hell.” Jinki suddenly punched the wall next to him and caused his knuckles to bruise. “Jinki!” Sunggyu ran to his side and took the bruised knuckles.

“why hurt the wall when you can hurt the man who took your mother’s life?”Ryeowook stated and Jinki walked with determination. He entered the room where Siwon was pacing to clear his thoughts.

Siwon was thrown on the floor with Jinki’s punch. He looked at the boy but was surprised when the usual calm Jinki was seething with anger.

‘Jinki?”He muttered.

‘Don’t call my name! you are the reason my mom is dead! You are the reason why I lived a life with constant bullying! And you are the reason why I wanted to be freaking famous! That I can beat that idol father of mine because unlike him, I was born with talents!” Jinki was clearly frustrated with him.

“Son...” Siwon trailed off. “Don’t call me son! You don’t deserve the privilege of being a father.” He said then walked out.

“I am very disappointed in you!” Sunggyu spat then hurriedly walked to catch the brother.

“My life is so ed now.” Siwon sighed.


“Is it true that Sunggyu hyung and Jinki hyung are brothers?” They heard the trainees say as they passed by the corridor to their training room.

“So what does it mean to you?” Jonghyun asked the trainee with fuming anger and the kid scurried away.

“Don’t threaten them Jonghyun, it’s not worth it!”Key said but Jonghyun was taking this way seriously.

“You think it’s easy because none of you are experiencing the pain of having your dirt dug up and scattered straight on your face!”Jonghyun barked and the others walked a few steps back.

“Calm down Jonghyun hyung!” Woohyun said and pulled the guy away from the group.

“how can I calm down when they are talking about our leaders!”Jonghyun barked and Woohyun just shook his head. “I know but calm down. If you don’t want your secret getting out, I advise you to shut it.” Woohyun reminded him and Jonghyun looked at him straight n the eye.

“what are you saying?” Jonghyun asked.

“Let’s just say that we’re in the same situation, you’re just the brother of Super Junior’s vocalist while I am the brother of 2pm’s vocalist.” Woohyun said then walked away.

“Woohyun..”Jonghyun tried to catch him.

“We hold secrets Jonghyun hyung.”He smiled placidly then walked away.


“So... That’s when Sooyoung omma told us to pack and we’ll be leaving for Thailanfd to get you!” Sunggyu happily ended his story and Henry just looked at him like he just told him the hardest word to spell.

“I told you i should’ve been the story teller.” Jinki face palmed himself.

“So we are brothers.” Henry said in disbelief and he felt two pair of arms wrap around his waist and head rest on his shoulders. “I have brothers?” Henry asked aloud while Victoria and Sooyoung went in the living room with snacks.

“and a sister soon.” VIctoria added as she winkrother.” She winked at her son.. “Or another brother..” Victoria trailed off.

“You’re pregnant?” Henry asked and Victoria nodded. Henry ran towards her and enveloped him in a hug. “i’m so happy! “ Henry was smiling, a happy and genuine smile.


“it’ll be okay Henry.” Sooyoung smiled reassuringly as she took Henry’s hands and walked down the airport corridors. Henry was surprised to see such people waiting for them att he terminal but figured that it was mostly for Jinki and Sunggyu.

“Henry oppa!” he heard one girl screamed. “Henry-ssi saranghae!” “Henry fighting!” He heard and when he looked around, there were a few girls holding banners for him; a few girls who braved odds just to be there and cheer for him.

“You’re not alone Henry. You have us and them.” Jinki reassured the brother who smiled and hugged both Sunggyu and Jinki.

Henry took a deep breath as he stepped into the familiar halls once again, Sooyoung was leading the way. They went inside Siwon’s office and the CEO gaped at the sight of the four.

“Listen here Siwon. These three are my sons and if you touch a single strand of their heir, you’ll never live to see the day. Got it?” Sooyoung asked and Siwon nodded.

“I have setup a presscon tomorrow. Tell the world about your sons. Acknowledge them and let’s get this over with. I don’t want to live with lies anymore than you do.” Sooyoung then stormed out of the office followed by the three boys.

“Wait!” Siwon tried to stop them but the three sons didn’t even look back. “I deserve this.” HE said as he sunk on his chair.

“Henry? My darling!” Zhoumi was delighted that he hugged the boy tightly. “Hyung, i can’t breathe!” Henry uttered and Zhoumi let him go. “I just miss you. I’m sorry i was no good.” He apologized but Henry shook his head. “I’m grateful hyung.” he replied.

They then heard footsteps and saw Ryeowook approaching. The three brothers ran to him and hugged him tightly. “Ryeowook hyung!” They shouted and Ryeowook laughed hard. “Come on guys, i have something to show you.” Ryeowook invited them to his studio and the three eagerly went with him.


Siwon faced blinding lights from cameras as he spoke in behalf of SME. He announced that SHINee and Infinite will have their comeback soon. He also announced that they plan to debut a solo artist as well. But on top of everything, he revealed to the world that he had three sons out of wedlock and three sons who were now fighting for their dreams in the show business.

It was indeed a headline for gossip and entertainment news and Siwon swallowed his pride. He knew this was the least he could do but wondered if it will do enough to cleanse his guilty soul.

“And I have another important news to break.” Sooyoung said and Siwon prayed that it’s not divorce. “I’m pregnant. Siwon and I will be having our first child together. It’ll be Siwon’s fourth child.” Soyoung said with a faint blush and Siwon couldn’t help the surge of emotions through him; he kissed Sooyoung happily.


It was all fast and blurry but it was rather a happy ending.

But not everyone.. There are two more secrets yet to be uncovered.

“when will you tell everyone?” Ryeowook asked but Yesung shook his head. “I can’t” HE replied. “grow some balls Jongwoon hyung!” Ryeowook hissed as he left the older to ponder if it was indeed time to reveal his deepest and darkest secret.

Yesung stood in front of thirteen males, SHINee and Infinite with Henry, for their vocal training. He cleared his throat just as Siwon and Sooyoung returned from the press conference, both beaming with smiles at the turn out of events.

“I have a confession to make.” Yesung started slowly. “You see, Siwon isn’t the only one with a son out of wedlock. Yesung bit is lower lip nervously as Siwon eyed the hyung.

“I have a son... And he’s here.” Yesung locked eyes with Jonghyun who had a stern face. “Jonghyun.” He finished but the idol did not move, not a single emotion register on his face. “I’m sorry son, i have to lie about you.” Yesung broke down as the guilt flushed his veins.

Jonghyun slowly approached the father and wiped the tears from his eyes. “You don’t know how long I’ve waited to be acknowledged.” Jonghyun blurted out. Upon hearing the sincere words of his son, Yesung held him tight and cried even more. “I really am sorry Jonghyun.”

The moment was perfect and everyone was at awe, emotional Myungsoo was crying already and the maknae held on to their group omma for support.

But one member was still yearning for his secret to be revealed.

Woohyun sighed as he gaze out into the sky.

“Hey Woohyun, mind if I join you?” Jonghyun asked and the younger nodded.

“How long have you known?” Woohyun asked and Jonghyun sighed. “A couple of years.” he replied.

“Was it hard to accept?” Woohyun asked and Jonghyun smiled at him.

“At first it was. But then I was grateful to still be accepted as a son of the Kim’s.” Jonghyun answered.

“Do you know your mom?” Woohyun asked and Jonghyun nodded.

“Jihyeon. They had a fling back in highschool and ended up having me. Omma, or should i say halmoni, signed my birth certificate to make me her child instead of Yesung hyung.” Jonghyun told him.

“I wish my father would have the balls to do this kind of thing.” Woohyun said as he clenched his fist.

“It’ll come Woohyun.” Jonghyun re-assured the younger.


At the press conference for the first Infintely Shining concert, Yesung gladly introduced Jonghyun as his son, adding up to the three boys who had already inherited some good looks and talents from their idol dad. Jonghyun was accepted rather quickly and they even complimented the voice of the vocal protege.

Jonghyun was both happy and flustered with the attention and recognition. He was beaming happily as Yesung hugged him and showed him to the world.

Woohyun however, was tearing up inside. Why can’t his dad be proud of him as well?

And like an answered prayer, a familiar face crashed he press conference. He waved to everyone and Yesung handed him a microphone.

“Uh hello... I’m 2PM’s Wooyoung.” The former idol waved. “Uhm, I’m friends with Yesung hyung and He just got hte courage to reveal his son to the world.” He paused as a the cameras shoot off in hundreds.

“Well, the thing is, I also have a son to reveal. A talented young man who’ve made me proud at how far he’d gone without my influence. “ Wooyoung smiled as he walked towards a certain boy.

“My son. Would you ever forgive me for hiding this fact from you?” Wooyoung asked as he placed his hands on Woohyun’s shoulders. He looked at the younger’s eyes which was welling up as the reality dawned on him.

The tears spilled as Woohyun embraced his father; making him feel how this meant everything to him. He cried and let out all the frustration he had for this most awaited day. He was finally recognized.

“So I am asking everyone to support my son and his group. Support Infinite and SHINee. And look forward to Henry’s debut. Enjoy the tour everyone!” Wooyoung then waved as he stepped out of the stage and let his son shine brightly like he did when he was younger.

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Chapter 1: This is daebak!!
Chapter 1: waaahh wooy0ung!i never th0ught!
poylen #3
Onew oppa!<3