Xiuchen's Date.....Sorta

When Jongdae's Tummy Hurts

Minseok woke up extra early today. Why? Because he and Jongdae are gonna go on a date today. They haven’t been on a date in a loooong time. Well they’ve gone dates recently but they were never able to enjoy them fully because a certain other couple *cough* baekyeol *cough* always tagged along with them.

So earlier in the week Jongdae promised Minseok they would go on a date, on their free day during the week, just the two of them.

Minseok was extremely excited; he got up early so he could make Jongdae a nice breakfast; pick out something really nice to wear. Make himself look more attractive than usual…….

Jongdae didn’t tell him where they were going. It was a “surprise”, damn troll. But knowing his lover, Minseok knew he wouldn’t go with something too fancy so Minseok decided to go with an outfit that wasn’t too dressy, but relatively casual. So, a plaid button up, jeans, and converse. Minseok nodded yeah that'll do the trick. 

After getting dressed, Minseok headed to the kitchen and noticed…..he had no idea what to cook. Feeling bad he went to Jongin and Kyungsoo’s room to wake up the latter….he was gonna need some help from the food expert.


When Jongdae got up, he felt a little warm….kinda light headed.

Maybe a shower will help.

When he got out of the room, the smell of food reached his nose…..he felt like vomiting …not because the aroma was revolting, oh no at all…but Jongdae wasn’t feeling too swell today. I hope I’m not getting sick. I promised Minseok, dammit



After the food was ready and the table set, Minseok left to wake up his little troll. When he got to the room, Jongdae was sitting on his bed, holding his head.

“Baby, you okay?”

Jongdae looked up and managed a soft “Yeah, I’m ok.”

“Are you sure?-“

Jongdae sniffed the air “What’s that smell?” The food smelt delicious, but it really wasn’t helping Jongdae’s tummy ache. But he didn’t want to disappoint Minseok so he decided to act as if he was really enjoying the smell.

Minseok smiled brightly “I made you breakfast, come on.”

Pulling Jongdae out of bed and out of the room, and into a chair at the dining table, Minseok sat across from his lover. He smiled and told Jongdae, “Go on. Dig in”

Jongdae smiled uneasily but still did as he was told, taking small bites and eating rather slowly.

“Is it not good?”

Jondae panicked, he was hoping Minseok didn’t notice his hesitant behavior, the food was perfectly fine but his tummy wasn’t. Jongdae stuffed a lot of food in his mouth all at once and said something like “Nooo, iths delithoths”

Minseok giggle and nodded “Ok Jongdae”

Finishing their meal, they decided to wash up and head out to Jongdae’s first location for their date. Jongdae had planned this day extremely well. First shopping, then go to the park because Minseok liked feeding the little duckies, then lunch, then karaoke and so on. Jongdae wasn’t feeling good at all but he tried his best to make their day as fun as possible.



Finally, it was time for a lunch break.

Jongdae wasn’t eating much, Minseok looked at him with s worried expression on his face. “Baby, is something wrong?”

Right when he said that, Jongdae felt his food climbing its way back up, holding up a finger and running to the restroom, he almost tripped over his own feet.

Feeling too worried to laugh at Jongdae’s semi of a fail, Minseok ran after his boyfriend. When he got to the restroom, he heard someone vomiting in one of the stalls. Knowing who it was, Minseok stepped into the stall and started to pat Jongdae’s back “its okay, baby. Let it all out.”


When Jongdae was done, he washed his mouth, paid for their bill, and started walking back to the dorms with Minseok, who was holding all of their shopping bags and refused to let Jongdae carry them. “I’m sorry, hyung. I ruined our day.”

“, why didn’t you tell me you didn’t feel good?”

“Because I promised you a date, I didn’t want to break that promise.”

“Idiot, we could go always go on a date any other day, and diss Baekyeol when they tag along with us. You’re health is much, much more important to me.”  Minseok shifted the bags to one hand and held his boyfriend’s hand tightly “So when we get home, you’re going to take a shower and go to bed. I’ll get Kyungsoo to make you some soup.”

“But hyuuuuuuung we didn’t get to finish our date, I had sooo many things planned~~~~”

“Well then we’ll just have to take a rain check on those things. If you want we can have a scary movie marathon in our roooooom~~” Minseok said smiling at his adorable, pouting troll.

Jongdae smiled back when he heard those words escape his boyfriend's lips.  “And then we can guilt Tao into watching them with us, and we can laugh at him when he gets scared?”

“Only because you’re ill, I’ll let you slide with being mean to Tao.”

Jongdae smiled at his favorite hyung “I LOVE YOU~~~~”



A/n So tell me what you guys think....please~~~ Thanks for reading ^^ nothing new I just kinda edited some of it....i think I got  most of the mistakes....

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Chapter 1: xiuchen is always adorkable
Chapter 1: So cute! OMG