Pirate Queen


Zico is the leader of the Block B crew. He got himself and his crew into some trouble when he stole the diamonds from the Pirate Queen Lady Red. Now the lives of the Block B crew rests in Zico's hands as he races to find the lost diamonds, all while dealing with the most annoying woman he has ever met. Will he be able to save his crew and keep his sanity?


All Zico sees is a crimson smile as he is thrown to the marble floor. The other guys in his crew and thrown, beaten and bloody to the behind him, soiling the pristine white. The sound of ragged breathing and groans of pain can’t drown out the sharp click of heels as a pair of black boots come into view. He tries to look up, but the iron grip the men have on him keep him from raising his head. All he can see are a pair of black heel boots with chains and studs. He would find them y if the too tights cuffs weren’t making his arms bend at an awkward angle. He fights flinching so they don’t know how much the iron is cutting into his skin or how much pain his dislocated shoulder is giving him.


“So this is the punk that thinks he can steal from me?”


The voice soft and dangerous like silk dipped in venom.


Zico lets out a chuckle that quickly becomes a hacking cough. The woman just continues to look down upon the self-proclaimed pirate, a bored look upon her sharp features.


“What’s your name pirate?”


“Zico… don’t worry you’ll be screaming it before long.”


A crimson smirk slides across her lips at his insolence.


“You think so? I think when I get done with you, you will be the one screaming...”




“For mercy that is.”


“Whatever does it for you babe.”


Her eyes narrow and with a flick of her wrist she indicates the men holding him to the floor release him. He falls over since they were the only thing holding him up before, slowly he makes his way to his knees and looks up at the women in front of him; getting a good look at her for the first time. Her feature are dark, sharp and beautiful. She has the kind of cold beauty that radiates from women who have killed to get what they want. Zico knows in that moment that he has found his pirate queen.


“Where are my diamonds?” Her sharp voice startles him from his musings.


“Don’t know… I lost them…” he says carelessly.


“Don’t lie to me pirate,” she spits, “You stole them from me and I want them back.”


“Well babe… I don’t know what happened to them. Trust me… If I did I would be in a different country by now. In fact, I bet you look good in a bikini.”


She blinks at the comment in boredom, she’s heard it all before from cocky men who think that just because she’s a woman that she will get flustered. She chooses to ignore the comment and pushes on with her interrogation.


“Alright… Why don’t we say that you don’t have the diamonds…”


“I don’t.”


“I’ll allow you to find them for me. You see I’m generous like that…” she says as she walks over to the desk situated behind her. Zico notices the collections of swords that decorate the wall behind the desk and the sleeping doberman in the corner for the first time. He notices the black and white decor punctuated by the crimson red that adorns the lips of the woman now lounging in a leather backed chair behind the mahogany desk before him.


Zico’s eyes narrow at the women, “And if I can’t find them?”


“I’ll give you a week, after the first week one of your crew dies… every week you don’t bring me the diamonds another and another and another until you are the only one left…. That’s what does it for me...babe. So I would get looking if I were you.” She says all this in a flippant tone, as if she they are conversing about the weather, she smiles pleasantly at him the entire time.


With that she raises a hand, her black nails glinting in the light as she waves them away.


“Release the leader, lock the crew up. You better get started...Pirate.”

So I don’t even know where this came from… but I rather like it… More soon!

Hey all! Welcome to my Pirate Zico story! I hope you enjoy it!




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