Is It Love?

Fated To Love

"Why aren't you eating anything?"

Staring at his food, he didn't realize that his mother just talked to him.

"Min Ho-ah!" His father called him worriedly.

Seeing as how his brother was still in his own world, Jun Kyung kicked his leg under the table.

Instead of getting mad at her like he normally does, he just looked up at his sister expressionless. That right there made the whole Lee family even more worried.

"What is wrong with you? Look at mom and dad!" She hissed.

Turning around apologically, he faked a smile. However, his family knew better but to be fooled.

"Sorry, my mind is really busy these days." He said as he picked up the sticks, trying to eat. Though he felt like he can't eat anything, he knew better to show it in front of his family. He could rarely eat with them. He didn't want to ruin the night.

Seeing as how hard their son is trying to eat though he looked like he really couldn't, both parents gave each other a meaningful glance.

"Go up and rest. You only have tonight and tomorrow to rest before starting to film again." His father told him warmly.

He looked up. "But omma.."

"It's ok honey. Don't worry about the food." His mother smiled.

"Thanks omma. Night everybody." He got up without protesting.

Once he was gone, they looked at each other worriedly. "That was so unlike him. He would never get up from the food table even if he was dying!" His sister exclaimed. "I'm so going up." While her parents wanted to protest, they knew better but to do so.

Meanwhile, he was laying on his bed, staring at the ceiling. Why was he like this? Though he would tell himself that it was not really his fault, he still couldn't help but feel guilty. He had lost count of how many times he was so close to going back to her boss and beg him to give her job back to her. She said to leave her alone. If you really care, then try to listen to her. But then, why did he care in the first place? It was the curiosity he kept telling himself. A sick sister? Court? How could he eat so easily when he had probably taken away the chance from her to eat. She was already skinny. What if..

He nearly got out of bed. The clothing store was the last place that he could probably find her in. At least, can't he apologize? To make sure that she's ok? Didn't you go there to apologize but instead got her fired? With that thought, he layed back down and promised himself that he will control whatever that is going through his mind. "You have made enough promises." Her voice came back to him. As if thousands of voices went through his head, he sat up on his bed and put one of his hands on his forehead as he breathed loudly.

"Please stop.." He begged weakly. There was no denying it. He was going crazy.

"Stop what?" He heard someone ask.

Startled, he turned around and looked at his sister who was looking at him with a concerned face.

"Thanks god that you actually heard me." She said with relief as she sat next to him.

"What do you want?" He whispered. 

He felt her hand on his shoulder as he looked away.

"I want to see what's bothering my little brother. You never hide anything inside. So why now?"

So why now??? His mind yelled at him.

He could no longer contain himself. He was officially crazy.

He didn't reply. What could he say when he himself didn't know?

"What's the matter? It can't be about work so it's about a woman, isn't it?"

Not really surprised with how well his sister knew him, he kept quite.

"Who is she? Are you.."

He embraced himself for the worst.

"..perhaps falling in love?"

As if he already wasn't crazy, he felt the pain in his heart. I have never been in love and I am not in love right now either.

Seeing as how much it seemed to bother his brother though she was only joking, she decided to change the subject.

"Thanks for the gift."

Min Ho looked at her, helplessly. No.. Please.

"Really, I never knew that you have such skill in choosing a dress. The height was perfect. How Di.."

She stopped in midst of her sentence. Min Ho had teary eyes. He stared at her, his face full of pain.

"Don't thank me, I wasn't the one who chose it." He said with a cracked voice.

He felt that he couldn't hold the sadness inside any longer. And he want going to cry in front of his family.

His sister looked at him confused as he picked up his coat and walked out of the door.

"He is most definitely falling in love." 

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Chapter 33: Thank you :)
alinuta #2
Chapter 34: Let me tell you that this wasn't boring at all :) thanks for updating.
Chapter 34: cuteeeee..... Thanks for updateing
eunsihaelover #4
Chapter 33: omg thank you for updating
good chapter :)
Chapter 33: Why is Minho mad at her????
Hi.... Its me:-P When are you gonna update this story??? I am so excited and curious..
Chapter 32: update soon... are they gonna DIE???
Chapter 31: aishh.... pity LMH.... lol
Chapter 30: lol.... typo hahahhaha
Chapter 30: Love it so much! Byw who is that freeky guy? I trembled when that giy said that... hahahah.. lok