
6 feet


It’s been awhile since you visited me, do you ever miss me?




The train station is crowded at this time of day. It’s the time school ends, and for people to head home after  a long days work. Are you tired? How was work today? Did you work hard? Did you write more lyrics?


A congestion of people surround me, but I still notice you.


I have always watched over you. Even in a crowd, I can spot you in just a second.




6 feet.


6 feet between us, I know because I counted.


We are 6 feet and 4 people apart.


Now that I think about it, there has always been a 6 feet distance between right?


You shift from foot to foot, it makes the soft strands of your hair slowly flow with each movement.


You turn your head back and forth, and occasionally you would slowly lift your feet up to look over the crowd. Are you waiting for someone?


Our eyes swiftly catch each others, and for a millisecond I feel like you have finally noticed me. The expression on your face softens, and you look so warm that I want to run to you, but my feet won’t move. I feel so heavy and restricted that looking at you hurts.


So from that 6 feet distance we greet each other almost passionatly with our brown hues.


I don’t speak, but my lips move, It’s been awhile.


My pulse slightly quickens as the corner of your mouth forms a small curve. It was a small and beautiful curve that made the corner of my eyes burn.


This beautiful moment, of you looking at me with that flawless face.. can I use this memory to erase all of the bad ones we once had?




I feel a subtle brush against my shoulder and I watch as your eyes slowly move out of the focus of mine as a girl runs up to you.


She’s cute.


I laugh to myself, she’s just your style.


I don’t know what she was saying, but you looked at her so lovingly that it feels like my heart is crumbling into my gut.


And the way you hold her hand. The way the sleeve of your sweater covers up a little bit of both hands, look pretty.


A year ago you looked at me like that.


A year ago those eyes gleaming at her, gleamed for me.


When your eyes caught mine, what did you think of? do you ever find yourself  missing me? Do you ever find yourself trapped in the same old memories as me?


Or is it just me that’s fading away?


My body is shaking violently. It’s shaking so hard that I put my hand over my mouth to stop my jaw from trembling. I’m crying, but why aren’t tears falling?




The both of you slowly board the train. You look down at her with a graceful smile, one that makes your eyes beam.


The doors slide shut, and the both of you are out of sight.


and I feel like i’m falling, falling, falling.




The wind is blowing just right. The branches in the trees are rattling and it sounds beautiful with the gust of wind.


You look pretty with your brown hair flowing just above your face.. and the flowers in your hand looks beautiful.


I hear your footseps and I can’t move. I can’t move closer to you, or farther away. I’m frozen.


You kneel down as you brush your long fingers against the grass blades.


Why are you looking down at me with those sad eyes? Why are you crying?


Why can’t I reach you? Why can’t I hold you?


but then I realized why.


6 feet.


I’m 6 feet below the ground.


[A/N] I'm just a bit depressed. xD xD 

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Chapter 1: omg this is so nice i loved it
Chapter 1: That was sad, a simply written nice story. Please, continue to write.
Chapter 1: That was really good!