He rescued me

i'm in love with a wolf I just met

Kris POV

I really heard something

I  can't wait any longer maybe she's dizzy again and

maybe she'll drown if I don't help her

* runs to the bathroom*


 oh nooooooo I grab a towel put it on her

and lift her up out of the water and run to my bedroom.

Becca wake-up,Beccaaaaaaa wake-up 

 I need to give her mouth to mouth resuscitation.

I give to mouth resuscitation and she starts to cough up all the water.

I stand up and looks if she's allright.



Becca POV

K....K....K......Kris is that you


Kris:i'm here don't be afraid you're out of the bath 

go sleep you need rest.


I whisper: oke but what happend

and you didn't see me or did you.


Kris:don't be afraid I only saw you 2 seconds because I grabbed a towel

and laid it on you and then I picked you out of the bath.

and laid you on the bed and give you...... uhm...... mouth to mouth resuscitation.




Kris: uhm.... you need to be happy if I didn't do that you would be dead now


oke that's true. thank you for saving my life on a ert way

I think I need some rest now i'm still tired and dizzy.

you know I think i'm starting to like you you're nice.

* Kris starts blushing*

Kris: uuu... thanks * feels reallyyyyyyy happy inside*

 I'll go now so you can get some rest.


tnx oppa* winks*.


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