first time I see him

i'm in love with a wolf I just met



I slowly open my eyes and I see a roomI don't recognize 

I look the window and I see tree's 

wait I looked out a window I though I was lost in the woods.

House-in-the-Woods-13.jpg      the house


I sniff and I smell a strange dog-like oder.

I want to stand up and but as soon as I try I realize that I'm very dizzy so I fell down to the floor again


*someone comes in to the room 

I mumble he's handsome he has light blonde hair but wait his eyes are red

I mumble who.....who are you. He frowns at me with so much aegyo.


why am I here


Person:i'm sorry but I cant tell you 


wait..... what,    do you mean I cant tell you because i'm a monster


and you cant go away.........


Person:uhm sort of but 


1. i'm not a monster!!!!


2. I cant let you go because they will hunt me down if they see you they smell my odor.


3. do you want stay i'm so lonely and I think that you're kinda cute


uhm yeah about the i'm not a monster, why are you eyes red  if you're not a monster.

Person;..... that......that.....that's hard to explain 


but hey i'm Kris.


uuuuuh yeah hey i'm Becca


uhmmm nice to meet you I think


Kris: i'm sorry to make you feel uncomfortable


and i'm also sorry to put you maybe in my own problems



wait wait wait...... problems what kind of problems.


Kris: uhmmm you heard a growl huh


that was me I'm a sort of werewolf that's why


I have still the red eyes it will dissapear in a couple of minutes


you were chased by my clann they kinda banned me out of the clann


because of a miss understanding......


ooooh ha I knew it 


I knew that you weren't an everyday boy


1. because of your eyes, btw their gorgeous but also kinda creepy


2. why would someone live deep in the woods


3. you were talking so mystical and weird in the beginning


Kris: yeah I know that my eyes are kinda creepy if you see it for the first time

but you really need to stay because if you don't we're both dead

and I don't think that you want that or do you


uhm no I really prefer to be still alive tomorrow.

and why did you helped when I was lost in the woods and

couldend you just appear in human form than scare me too the dead 

to growl behind me......


Kris; sorry but my ex clann was chasing you so I ing saved your 



wait.... did you just say that my is gorgeous.


Kris: sorry but you're really pretty


uh thanx I think

but do you have a bathingroom because I feel dirty 

of the mudd and earth of the woods


Kris: uh yeah I have follow me


oke right but is there a lock on the door because I dont like to have erts in the bathroom while i'm bathing.


Kris: yeah I know,I know girls like privacy.

and yes there is a lock on the door

I'll carry you to the bathing room.


uhm thanx I guess you saw that I couldn't stand up right?


Kris: yes I saw you struggling to get up and fall down again


*lifting me up

woah don't let me fall

Kris: I won't let you fall my lady*grins....



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