Into the Abyss


They are never meant to be together. They had fallen into the abyss, and they will be trapped for eternity. Everything went wrong the moment they start to create bonds between themselves, creating love. Fate had drown them into more misery. Happiness is fading away while misery has yet to come. Fate condemned on the love of the two and it tried every ways it could to separate them apart. They fought against fate, and they have to accept the consequences of doing so.

Will they ever escape from this never-ending fate of being trapped in this abyss?

If they'll ever be together once again, will fate still try to separate them?


Promise me you'll love me forever

I'm sorry...  But I can't...



Kim Jongin:


He's called Kim Jongin, a 19 years old guy with a personality every women ever dreamt of. His defined jawline hangs perfectly on his chiseled face. His masculine body his love ones from the enemy while his charming smile is able to melt a person instantly. His heart is only commited to one girl, Lee Minyoung. He dropped off school at the age of 15 due to lack of family income, and he worked as a dectective in Seoul.


Lee Minyoung:


She's Lee Minyoung, 16 years old girl with a beauty all men would fall for. Her long brunette hair falls perfectly down her shoulders. She is kind and sweet, with a degree of femininity just right. She is currently studyng in the same school Jongin used to. Her parents passed away when she was 8, and they left her as an orphan.



“Yah! Kim Jongin! I’m late for school! JonginJonginJongin! You’d better be ready by the count of 5! 1... 2... 3...” Argh! This Jongin is getting into my nerves! What took him so long just to get out of his house?!

“Boo! I’m here!” Jongin beamed as he opened his front door.”Aigoo this lady... Missing me that you called my name out loud so many times?” Jongin grinned.

“As if I would” I rolled my eyes and the both of us burst up laughing at our silly jokes. We would always laugh at every little thing and we enjoyed every bit of our lives. Jongin and I had been dating for a year, and he had graduated but he still sends me to school every morning to ensure for my safety.

“All on board?” Jongin asked while fixing his legs on the paddle of his bike.

“Ne!” I nodded in delight, waiting for another day ahead of me. I hugged Jongin while he paddled down the road.

“Woohoo!! Here we go!!” He exclaimed and I shouted my heart out as the morning breeze blew my hair.

We crossed cherry blossom trees and we admired the sceneries. Couples were having their own time under the tree, some families sitting on the picnic mat taking their meals. Jongin and I shared looks and beamed at the sight as we imagined ourselves in the future. 

We then passed by several old buildings. They are left abandoned with weeds overgrowing in the field. I felt so insecure at the sight and I began tightening my grips on Jongin’s body. I’m always like this when we passed this area.

“Still feeling scared again? You don’t have to do this every day... You have me” he commented at my fear while I just nodded.


“Woah what is happening??” the wheel screeched.

“I d-don’t know either...” I stuttered as fear had conquered my entire body.

I checked our bike while it’s still ongoing. There indeed isn’t anything wrong. I constantly looked at the wheels with anxiety. I wanted to get over from this area as soon as possible. I looked back to search for hints of the screeching of the bike, but I found nothing except for a black limousine behind us. I turned back, not anticipating another screech


“Wait. Another one? Jagiya can you please check the road behind us? I don’t see any obstacles in front to cause the screech.” Jongin commanded.

I turned back to pay attention to the road and I noticed that black limousine again. Is it following us? I swallowed my fear down my throat and turned to Jongin.

“Yah Jongin...” I stuttered.


“I-I think that black limousine behind us had been following us from just now...” I told him. Fear was clear in my voice.

“What?!” He looked back. “Hold on tight. I'm going to speed up now”

With that, he paddled faster, but the limousine sped up too. The sceneries that we passed had turned into vague images. The gas pedal was stepped at a full speed and the steering wheel of the limousine turned left, then right, to the maximum angel when it was ahead of us, producing a high pitched screeching sound of the wheels with the car’ body facing us. We were left with no choice but to stop behind the car.

4 men in neat black suits stepped out of the car. They looked almost identical to each other. Same height, same movements, same faces, and... Same square shaped moustache! Wait. I’ve seen them somewhere... Are they the second Adolf Hilter or something?! Panics me as I recalled the holocaust. Oh no. This. Is. Bad!

“Back out” Jongin said in a low voice, using his muscular arms to push me behind him.

“What do you want?” He growled.

“We just want our money back. Simple isn’t it?” They replied, echoing in a monotone voice.

Da heck? Are they even real? They sounded so robotic. The four of them ran towards our direction and grabbed us by our arms. I started shouting but one of the men covered my mouth while the other on whacked Jongin down. I was left powerless. They dragged and shoved him and me in the car.



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