
A Night to Remember

“Excuse me?” You frown, holding a bottle of water in your hand, “Uhm, how ..... much? Jusaeyo?”

The store keeper looks at you with a confused look on his face, shaking his head and shrugging his shoulders.

You let out a sigh, and rummage through your purse, trying to find a translator, or a dictionary, or your phone-- something.

You had been living in Korea for about a month now, and you barely could understand the language. It was one of the hardest things you had to go through in your entire life. Just going through a normal day was completely exhausting- especially trying to buy your daily necessities. Everything about living there was difficult for you to grasp, but you had figured out how to get by. Well, so far, at least.

You turn to the store keeper pleadingly- it was nearing midnight and you desperately needed to get home with your week's groceries. He looked back at you with the same expression as earlier. You were getting frustrated with yourself, and you let out a deep sigh. You tried to motion what you were asking, but again no luck. You honestly didn't know how long you had been standing there. Then suddenly, you hear a deep voice start speaking behind you- in fluent Korean. You turn around only to see a blonde boy, handsome and tall, with a well-built frame. His hair was long and untamed, tied up in a messy ponytail. He was wearing a fitted black t-shirt with some fashionable design on it, paired with some basketball shorts, and running shoes. He was also holding the same brand of water you were holding. He must've been playing a sport or something, you thought.

You could hear the boy and the store keeper exchange conversation. He smiled, and then the store keeper smiled and nodded back at him. And then he handed him some money. You looked back at the boy, wide-eyed, not knowing what was happening in front of you.

“You must really not understand, huh?” He said to you in English, cocking a smile.

When he said these words, you felt relief wash over your entire body. It was the first time you had understood something so clearly since you had moved there. You shook your head embarrassed, “No, I just moved here,” you replied shyly.

The blonde boy pushed you over to the side, you still holding the water bottle at hand, “But what about-?”

Don't worry about it,” he laughed, walking out of the convenience store, handing you your bags of groceries, “I've already paid for it,”

“Thanks,” you look back at him questioningly, folding your arms across your chest, “But I could've got it myself,”

“Maybe after an hour or something,” He laughed again, “Think of me as your knight in shining armor,” He opened his water bottle, clinking it against yours, then taking a sip, “Cheers,”

You watched as the cold liquid made his Adam’s apple bob up and down, how his jaw was chiseled and perfectly shaped. His side profile was flawless, the way his nose was sharp and pointed, his eyes round and a deep shade of brown. His skin was like this bright ivory color, glistening in the moonlight. He looked like he was filming for a commercial or something. And to think, he was just drinking water.

He puts down his water bottle and looks in your direction again, only to catch you staring at him. He raises his eyebrow. “What?”

You blush in embarrassment, shaking your head again. He laughs, unfazed by what had happened, and starts walking down the dark city streets.

He turns around, after a few steps, and faces you, “Are you coming or what?”

You look back at him, with the same wide-eyed expression you had earlier. “But I don't even know you,

“I'm your knight in shining armor, remember? C’mon,” He laughs, motioning for you to follow him. “I'm going to show you around Seoul,”


Night life in Seoul was completely different than anything you had ever experienced back home. It was bright and vibrant, and just as loud as it is during the day. There were still crowds of people walking about, restaurants opened, people walking in and out of night-clubs, and lights flashing before your eyes. You could only marvel at everything in front of you.

“You've been here what? A month?” The blonde boy laughs, “And with that expression, you look like it's your first time here,”

You playfully stick your tongue out at him, then continue to look up and around at the city life.

“Wait,” he says excitedly, pulling his phone out of his pocket, “Nothing says tourist than a few pictures!”

You laugh, and pose a silly face in front of his camera.

“Okay,” he smiles, before wrapping an arm around your shoulder, positioning his phone in front of you, “Now one of the both of us,”

The gesture was so sudden, you were caught off guard- you barely had time to smile. He looks at the picture and laughs, “Cute,” he says to himself, before placing his phone back into his pocket.

You divert your attention to a street vendor in front of you. The aromatic smell of freshly made, greasy, food took over your senses. Excitedly, you follow your nose to the corner of the street, where a little old man is selling spicy rice cakes.

You're eyes sparkle as you watch him meticulously make the food in front of you. You smile at the older man, because it was the only common understanding the two of you had. You turn to face the blonde and point at the cups of food neatly lined on the trolley cart, steam filling up the night sky.

“Please, tour guide,” You say cutely, playfully batting your eyelashes at the blonde.

He rolls his eyes at you jokingly, and kindly asks the street vendor for a serving. You wait eagerly like a child, squirming in place.

The blonde hands the cup over towards you, your eyes following the food. An eager smile forms on your face as you watch the steam rise up from the cup. You look up, and smile back at the older man. “Thank you,” you say excitedly, your eyes widen as you take a bite.

“So... good…” It was all you could say.

The blond laughs at your expression, watching you eat.

“Oh,” You look up at him, “I forgot to ask if you wanted some,”

He grimaces at your cup of spicy rice cakes, “It's okay,” he looks back at you with this cool-guy look on his face, “It's really not my style.”

You roll your eyes at him, and continue eating.

After a few minutes, you see his expression change. He's watching you with a questioning look, as if he was thinking about something.

You look up at him with an eyebrow raised. He then quickly says, “Okay, just give me one piece,”

“I thought it wasn't your style,” You laugh, moving the cup away from his hands.

He shoots you a glare, “Yeah, yeah,” he laughs back with you, attempting to reach for one again, “Just give me one, okay?”

You give in, handing the blonde over the cup. You smile as you watch his cool-guy expression immediately change and fade away. He has the same eager smile and wide-eyed look you had on earlier.

“So... good...” It was all he could say.

Once you finish eating, the two of you continue walking for the next half an hour. You take note of all the buildings you pass, the blonde giving your pointers on which restaurants are good and which stores are the best ones. After a while, his eyes widen and suddenly, he takes your hand into his own, guiding you over in his direction. His grip was firm, but soft at the same time, and his hands felt warm at the touch.

He pulls you towards him, “Follow me,” he smiles, “I know the perfect place to show you,”


After about twenty or so minutes, the blonde leads you towards the Han river- it's desolate and quiet, completely the opposite from the city. It’s the first time you see it in person- it’s long and wide, and the water is so calm, it’s glistening in the moonlight.

He sits by the edge of a hilltop, looking up at the night sky.

Beautiful, isn't it?

“Yeah,” you agree, admiring the breathtaking scenery in front of you.

“This definitely has to be my favorite spot,” he continues, staring off into the horizon. “I come here almost every night, and I just sit here,”

You look over to him- he's consumed with the view. You think about what his past is like in a place like this and why he's so attached to it. You think about whether it was an ex-girlfriend, or even a current girlfriend, a childhood memory, traumatic memory, or a happy one-- something. You look at the stranger in front of you, imagining a past you know nothing about, and who’s present is a complete mystery to you as well.

Recently, nothing had been making much sense to you, and with him, the mysterious blonde boy, there was no exception to that. But with him, it felt different. Like all the mysteries and the unknown were alright with being mysterious and unknown. With him, everything seemed easy- you were carefree and had not a single worry on your mind. Everything so far had been excruciatingly difficult for you, and for the first time in a long time, everything seemed to be going smoothly, everything just felt right.

The air had a slight breeze, whisping your hair softly away from your face, the grass felt cool to the touch. You laid back, your head to the sky, watching as the stars painted a picture over you. The two of you sat there in silence for a while, just watching the night sky drape over you. It was serene and still, as if the whole world around you paused, just for a second, and the only thing moving were the stars in front of you.

“It's funny,” you could hear him say quietly beside you, “How the stars are always the same no matter where you are,”

His words echoed in your ear and you could picture yourself back home, under the same set of stars. You look up at the vast night sky, watching as the scattered little lights sparkle in familiar patterns. The big dipper, the little dipper, Cassiopeia, they were all there. A smile crept up on your lips as the overwhelming emotions of nostalgia washed over you.

You turn over to his direction, “Thank you,” you say softly.

He rolled over so that he was now facing you.

“For what?”

You smile back, your eyes filled with such sincerity, “This is the first time since I've moved here that I've actually felt like I was at home,”

He smiled back at you, then turned back to face to stars again.

“That's what I'm here for,” he laughed.

He really was your knight in shining armor.


The blonde insisted on walking you back to your apartment, so you let him. The night-time air is colder by now, and you're both walking faster. After ten minutes, you are back at your apartment door, the blonde a few feet away from you. You stay there in silence for a few seconds, unsure of how to say goodbye. You think about saying something, but you don't. You just stand there in this comforting silence, eyes locked with one another.

The blond boy turns to you and smiles. His smile is gentle and inviting, the way his full lips softly curve at the corners, his eyes, round and full of warmth.

“I had fun tonight,” he says as he walks closer to you.

“So did I,” you respond back quietly.

His gaze is strong and engaging at the same time. He keeps his eyes fixated with your own, as he steadily makes his way over to you, the distance now incredibly close. He's still smiling, and you’re smiling, and you still don't know what to do.

And in one moment, he leans in and gives you a soft peck on the lips. It's short and sweet, but it sends butterflies flying in your stomach. You don't even move, you just stand there and let it happen. Your thoughts are going everywhere, and all you can think about are how his lips are so soft against yours, and the taste of sweetness- and suddenly he pulls away. You stand there in awe, not sure what to make of the situation in front of you.

He laughs, running a hand through his hair.

“I hope you had a great night,” he says softly.

“Yeah,” you say back, still half in shock.

He turns around, and begins to walk away.

Your senses suddenly awaken. “Wait!” You call out. He turns around, and looks back at you intently, “I still don't know anything about you,”

He laughs, “I'm your knight in shining armor, remember?

Before he disappears into the dark city streets, he turns around, and calls back, “My name is Kris, by the way,”


You smile as he walks further and further away from you, until his blonde head is barely in sight any more. You lean back against your door, sighing. Tonight was perfect, it was all you could’ve ever asked for and more.

This was definitely your best night in Seoul. A night you would never forget.

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ReinaPark #1
Chapter 1: wooowww...
really cute story
InspiritHamster #2
Chapter 1: So sweet and perfect ^~^ krisss the knight in shining armor!!! Hahaha
Chapter 1: i wish this became a full story or had a sequel this was soooo good!!
haesicarocks #4
Chapter 1: it was so cute and sweet i loved it thank you for your great job
unicornwhisperer #5
wjc912 #6
Chapter 1: Noooo, don't keep it a ones got, plz continue! It was really good!!!
RiceCakeBunny #8
Chapter 1: THIS WAS AMAZING!!!!!
Anylana #9
Chapter 1: make a sequel pleaseeee <3 sequel