chapter 36

Road of Destruction

Charmaine walked out of the kitchen with a plate of freshly cut fruits and placed it on the table in front Raymond. Raymond’s eyes remained glue to the television lost in thought. He didn’t seem to notice that she was staring down at him curiously. “Ray, are you okay?”

Raymond snapped his eyes to her, “Huh? Sorry, I was thinking about something.”

Sitting down beside him, she picked up a slice of orange and handed it to him, “What were you thinking about?”

Raymond was at a loss for words. How can he tell her the struggle he’s been having with himself over whether or not to follow through with Michael’s order. This was his last chance to rekindle his relationship with Michael and yet killing Derek was something he did not want to do. Not only because of Charmaine, but because he never actually killed any one before. Sure, he held a record for brawls and fights and even beat up a few men every so often. However, not once had he actually taken someone’s life. That was one thing that he held onto even being in the triad for such a long period of time. Raymond valued life itself and scorn those who have a disrespect for it.

“Ray?” Charmaine called his name softly when she realized that his mind was drifting away again.

Raymond turned to her and placed the wedge of orange back onto the plate, “I’m sorry. I have a lot on my mind lately.”

“Want to talk about it? Even though I may not be able to help but I’m a good listener,” Charmaine offered tenderly, hoping that he would at least confide some of his problems with her. Ever since he left her house after his recovery, his mood seemed to have changed. He wasn’t as carefree as he was before. He seemed guarded and tense and it made Charmaine uneasy.

Raymond smiled and leaned back against the sofa pulling her down with him. “It’s nothing that I can’t handle.”

Charmaine placed a hand on his chest and pushed back to look him in the eye, “Are you sure?”

Raymond saw the worry on her face and lifted his hand to gently caress her face, “I’m positive.” When Charmaine continued to look at him searchingly, he asked, “What?”

“I don’t know but you seem distracted lately,” confessed Charmaine, “and distant. Even though you’re with me physically, your mind seems to be elsewhere and I wish you would open up to me about it.”

Raymond’s expression turned serious as he looked at her. Taking her hands into his, he said remorsefully, “Alright. I’ll tell you everything then. Promise me you won’t get upset.”

Charmaine nodded and waited nervously for him to speak.

Raymond looked away and released her hands. Taking a deep breath he blurted, “I’ve been seeing someone else besides you.”

Charmaine stared at him in stunned surprise, her heart pounding loudly against her aching chest. This was the last thing that she expected from him. Fighting back tears that beckoned to fall, she swallowed audibly and asked, “You want to break up?”

Hearing the destitute in her voice, Raymond turned to look at her and saw the distress and heartache on her face. It made him regret playing this cruel joke on her. Pulling her into his arms, he held onto her tightly and murmured, “I’m sorry Charmaine. I was only joking with you.”

Charmaine went stiff in his arms and furiously pushed him away. She grabbed her bag from the table and headed for the front door.

“Charmaine!” Raymond cried out frantically and chased after her. Before she had the chance to open the door, he wrapped his arms around her from behind and kept a steady hold on her. “I’m sorry! So sorry!” he said urgently. Charmaine went still and Raymond took the opportunity to turn her around to face him. He saw the tears dangling in her eyes and gently wiped at them with his thumbs and at the same time mouthing words of apologies.

Sniffling, Charmaine looked at him and in a weak voice said, “Don’t ever joke about that again.”

Raymond locked his eyes with hers and with a catch in his voice said, “I’m truly sorry. You should know by now that there will never be anyone else besides you in my life and heart.”

Charmaine brought her arms around him and hugged him tightly to her. Raymond returned the hug just as fiercely and they were still standing there in each other’s arms when Ron came home. He stopped upon seeing them in the compromising position and with his hands covering his eyes teased, “Whoa guys, take it to the bedroom.”

Raymond and Charmaine quickly broke apart. With embarrassment Charmaine quickly sat down on the sofa. Raymond on the other hand, took a jab at Ron’s ribs, “You really got to learn to watch your mouth.”

Removing his hands from his face Ron laughed loudly, the sound filling up the room. “If I were to watch what I say at all times then I won’t be that fun-loving guy that everyone loves.”

Raymond chuckled then patted his friend’s shoulder, “You’re right about that.” He then sat down beside Charmaine and picked up the wedge of orange from earlier and popped it into his mouth. “Come and have some fruits with us.”

“I think I will,” Ron answered with a wide grin then proceeded to plop himself down between the couple causing both Raymond and Charmaine to burst out in laughter. With an innocent expression, he looked back and forth at them and asked, “Am I in your way?”

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HottestVIPSone #1
Chapter 42: Surprised that Michael is the bad character! But oh my, Really can’t get enough of charay and honestly Bosco & Ron are too cute (: