
Trapped - Hoya

Everywhere you turned you were trapped, trapped between parents and rules, trapped between society rules and who you really want to be, trapped between the media and an image that you had to keep up, trapped between the manager of Infinite and your actions. There never seemed to be a way out. Too much pressure had built up and you were beginning to lose yourself within all of the rules.

Picking up your backpack from the corner of the room, you pulled out its contents before you folded a few extra shirts and your pictures and most prized possessions. Turning around, you looked at your room that you shared with your boyfriend, Hoya. With both of the beds made and your side of the room looking bland as you looked over at Hoya’s side, with every shade of purple.

"Sorry it had to end up this way." You said quietly as you hung your head low before walking out the bedroom door and closing it behind you. Heading to the kitchen you looked in the fridge as you took some non perishable items and put them into your backpack. Slipping in some of your money too, you looked at the quaint yet small apartment and bit your lip as you moved to the front door. Looking back once more, you closed the door and swore to yourself to look to the future.

Now you were off on your big adventures, with no ties to anyone, all alone in this big world. The challenge soon became real as you were walking for a few hours on your own, nevertheless you continued to look to the future.

— Hoya’s POV —

"Thank you Sunggyu-hyung!" I called as I high-fived Sunggyu before grabbing my bag and running out of the practice room. Just after a few short hours, the rest of the members and I were free for the rest of the day. Happily smiling to myself, I hurried and ran home as fast as I could to spend the rest of my day with the love of my life. Fiddling with the keys in my pocket I took them out and found the right key before putting the key into the lock. Pushing open the door, I dropped my bag and kicked my shoes off in a hurry as I called your name.

”_______-ah! Jagiya! Yeobo! Nae Sarang!” I used up all of my words for you as I checked around the whole house trying to find you. Running my fingers through my hair. I took out my phone to see if you left a message. Nothing. Moving into our bedroom, I looked at your calendar as it had nothing written down for today. Knowing that the last place to look would be your journal, I lifted your pillow to reveal nothing, pulling out the drawer to your bedside table, I didn’t find your journal which made me wonder where it could have gone.

Noticing that your side of the room was blander and plainer than usual, I scratched my neck as I wondered where you could have gone. Did you go to the store? Did you go and hang out with your friends? No matter where you went I was going to find out. With my determination fueling my efforts I pulled out my phone and messaged you letting you know that I was concerned where you were and that I missed you. Then the waiting game begun, moving around the little house, I looked at the pictures on the shelves and noticed one was missing. Racking my brain over the one missing picture, I snapped my fingers once I found it. It was a picture with me kissing your cheek and you were smiling so bright with another picture right beside it with you kissing mine. It was one of my favorite pictures and it must have been yours too.

With minutes turning quickly and no response to my messages, I called you quickly but got the strange answer machine lady every time. Calling you about one hundred times, I let out a frustrated hiss, but now I knew that I had to jump into action. Grabbing my jacket I headed out the door as I looked around for any trace of you. I walked around the block frantically as hours were burning away. Picking up my pace I wanted to find you to ask you what happened. To ask if it was anything that I had done that made you run away.

Getting some leads to where you might be from strangers I followed their directions as the sun began to fade into a lonely sunset. I kept running, following the strangers directions as I hoped that you would be there for me when I reached you.

Rounding a corner, I stopped running to catch my breath as I looked over and saw the ocean crashing up against the harsh rocks and spraying its salty water into the air. Watching the sunset reflect on the water, reminded me of your shimmering eyes and the comfort of holding you in my arms brought me. Running my hands through my hair again, I looked over my shoulder and saw a woman leaning against a stone wall as her hand gently raised to her face, her shoulders moved slowly as she looked out across the water, a backpack dangled from her hand as she rounded her back.

I watched her carefully as the lights began to turn on around the small town, gently highlighting her figure, I saw her. My love. Sitting there in the dark all by herself, pulling at my heart strings, my heart broke for you as I looked at you with a worried face. Taking my time I walked up to you, my heart took over my actions as I walked over to you and wrapped my arms tightly around your shoulders, my head leaned against yours as I just closed my eyes and tried to remember this moment if you ever did leave me and I never got another chance to hold you again.

 ”I was so scared I wouldn’t be able to see you again.” I said with tears stinging my eyes. Your cold and wet hands reached up and wrapped around my wrists as your head dipped down and unwrapped my hands from around your shoulders. I raised my head and looked at you as you just stood up and walked away. Being so confused, I stood up as you swung your backpack up and over your shoulder and walked away from me. Watching you walk away cracked my heart as I ran up to you and placed my hand on your shoulder. Turning you around, I looked in your eyes and all I saw was pain. Letting my eyes read yours, I carefully walked towards you as my arms wrapped around you and held you flush against me.

"If I could, I would give you my world, give you everything that you need. Yet I need to know what is going on so that I can protect you and help you." I whispered in your ear as I felt your arms wrap around me and grip my shirt as your head leaned into my shoulder. Feeling my shirt get wet under your head, I held you tighter and rubbed your back slowly with my strong hands.

"Hoya?" You called as you turned your head into my neck as I felt your warm breath flow over my skin.

"Yes, my love." I kissed the side of your hair as my fingers gently pet your head.

"I’m trapped. I feel so much pressure from the media and from the manager on how I have to dress and act around everyone. Everything is just so confining. I can’t go anywhere without feeling suffocated. That is why I left and came here. I can’t be everything that people want me to be." You cried into my shoulder as you spilled out everything. I took in everything and listened to you with all of my heart.

"My love." I lifted your face from my shoulder as I held it gently and your cheek.  "I love you for who you are. I know you do a lot for me, you give up so much. I will try and make that up to you. I will try and make you happy while you are you. That is all I want you to be. You." My words came from my heart as I saw tears swell in your eyes again, coating your beautiful colored orbs. Stepping closer to you, I looked from your eyes to your lips as I watched you close your eyes, awaiting my kiss as I closed my eyes and pressed my lips on yours.

Moving my lips slowly against yours, I tried to show you how much I missed you as my hand gently caressed your back. You kissed me back softly as you moved closer to me. I smiled as we broke the sweet kiss, as I then kissed your forehead softly, wiping away your tears.

"Can we go home?" You asked me with your broken voice as I nodded, sliding my hand into yours, I grabbed your backpack as I lifted it onto my shoulder. With your head gently resting on my shoulder, you yawned as you closed your eyes as I guided you back home. Back to the one place where you and I could be ourselves, together.

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Chapter 1: Omg. I need a quite place to let out my tears. ;_; This is really daebak!!! *thousands of thumbs up* Amazing story author-nim ! *crying happily*
ValeKissme #2
Chapter 1: I love this~ family of idols don't have an easy life, but love can make up for it <3
psungjae1122 #3
Chapter 1: ;-; i love it!
Chapter 1: *tear* bet there is alot to take in when you dating a idol..i see why so many keep it a secret
Chapter 1: asdfjaskldg. All my feels. Hoya's ruining my bias list. D: Author-nim daebak! <3 I loved this storyy