
ISE Archive

Suggested song: Song Jieun - It's cold


In Sehun’s little mind, he could not comprehend why Hana was so upset. He wondered how she could love someone so much that she couldn’t bear to leave him. Of course, in his short but entire life, being the spoiled kid he was, he had never learnt to love anyone. Daddy was a name foreign to his lips while Mummy was just someone who bought things for him and stayed in the house all day.

For the nth time, he had caught Hana silently weeping in a corner of the mansion. He asked her, out of pure curiosity, “Why are you crying so much? Is it that painful?”

Hana shot him a steely glare. “Guess kids like you will never know,” she snorted.

Trying hard to ignore the fact that she had called him a kid, he asked again, “Is it like parting with a game that you love a lot?”

Hana made a sound of disbelief. “No,” she answered, obviously trying not to flare her temper. “Your ‘love’ for your game is just obsession. Once you get over it, you’ll just forget about it and get a new game.”

Sehun considered this. What she said was, surprisingly, true. He guessed he had never actually felt any real attachment towards any of his video games. “Then what is it like?”

“Look,” Hana said, standing up abruptly. “You and your curiosity are just making me feel worse, so either you go away, or I will.”

“But –”

“I guess I’ll go then,” Hana said, storming out of the room.


“So I guess what I’m trying to say is that… let’s end it,” Hana mumbled, twiddling with her thumbs anxiously.

Taehyun sighed, pounding his fist on the cushion beside him. “Isn’t there any way?” he pleaded.

“I… I don’t want to defy my father, and anyways Sehun and I are already married. If we continue this it would be adultery and – and…” her voice became softer, “I don’t want to hold you down. There are so many better girls than me out there waiting for you. You should at least get a chance to – to –”

Hana could speak no longer. She could feel a lump in . Her tears were threatening to fall any moment.

“Hana,” Taehyun whispered, embracing her. “I’m so sorry it has to be like this. I understand. I understand you.”


When Hana arrived home – it was strange to think of that as her home – there was a letter on her desk – they were using separate rooms for the time being – written in surprisingly neat handwriting.

She picked the letter up, tracing the letters with her finger as she read.

Hi, Sehun here. I know it’s still a little – scratch that – very awkward between us, but I hope you and I could work towards changing that. I know I have many faults, being a spoilt kid. Thanks for making me realise that. I’ll try to work on it.

I know you’re still hung up on Nam Taehyun (it’s correct, right? Nam Taehyun?) so I’ll try not to touch on that subject. Forgive me for my earlier mistakes.

So I guess I’m trying to say we should work together as a team. Even if we can’t be friends, at least business partners? I hope you’ll cooperate with me. I’m sure we have a bright future ahead.

Just then, her phone buzzed.

From Taehyunie: I’ll wait for you.

She sighed, and typed back a message. “Don’t.”

Well, the day could have been worse.

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