
ISE Archive

Suggested song: BTS - Luv in Skool (If you don't read that fast, put it in a playlist cuz its short)


“So you step here and then here…”

“Aren’t they so cute together?” Nicole whispered in a singsong voice. “You can tell they’re so in lurve!”

“Why don’t you speak for yourself, Nicole?” Hyuna told her. “Eh? What about you and Kai?”

“He’s cute, but nah,” Nicole replied. “I’ve got my eye on that rookie group, BTS.”

“Look! They’re touching! Oh, they’re such cutie pies, with all that blushing and awkward smiling,” Victoria squealed excitedly.

“Seriously, girls, let them practice in peace,” Gain said sternly. “This isn’t a marketplace. Everyone, scram!”


“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Nina puffed breathlessly as the pair collapsed on the floor, side by side. “I just… I’m not used to putting that much power into dancing.”

“It’s okay,” Luhan laughed good-naturedly. “Do you want to watch the choreography one more time?”

“Sure, thanks,” Nina said, smiling in relief. She had never at dancing so bad before.

Luhan tapped on his phone a few times, then held it up for the two of them to see. The pair was so immersed in watching the dance that they didn’t notice how close together their heads were.

Nina turned, meaning to ask Luhan a question, but found her face just millimetres away from his pale cheek. Shocked, she froze in place. Luhan, feeling her breath tickling his ear, whipped his head around.

Their lips brushed against each other ever so slightly.

Nina quickly jerked backwards, touching her lips. Luhan cleared his throat and proceeded to scratch his nape awkwardly.

“I… I’m sorry. L-let’s just pretend this never happened, all right?” Luhan asked, his heart a little heavy. But he was sure that was what she wanted. Besides, it was for the best.

“S-sure,” Nina replied, biting her lip. Truthfully, she felt slightly relieved, yet slightly disappointed.

She must be crazy. She shook her head, as if that would allow her to wake up from this confusing state.


All the artists – from 4men to EXO to CNblue to Spica – showed up at the after party. It was one not to be missed. Vans after vans pulled up at the entrance of Seoul Urban Hotel. The event was private and invitation-only.

The members of Apink showed up each in completely different evening wear. Despite that, they all looked magnificent as a whole.

Nina was dressed beautifully in a peach dress. Save for her arms, the front was completely covered, from a high neck (no turtlenecks though) to velvet belt for an accentuated waist to a silk skirt flowing down like the smooth lines of a stream. From behind, though, the dress was almost scandalous. The upper part was see-through, and there was a low back to her waist, revealing her perfect line. There was a slit in the dress at the side, showing of her long legs.

Luhan was suited in an ed black jacket and a white-and-black patterned dress shirt, with a red tie and red skinny jeans. Black combat boots pulled off the look.

After the sumptuous buffet and idle chitchat, the dance floor was finally to be opened. Before that, there was to be the announcement of the best-dressed couple.

“… and the best-dressed couple goes to… Apink’s Nina and EXO’s Luhan! Would the couple please open the dance floor?”

Utterly bewildered, Nina and Luhan stepped out to the dance floor.

“Wow, they look so good together! Come on, people. Who wants to see a kiss?” the emcee shouted. “Kiss! Kiss!”

The crowd of celebrities soon followed the chant. Luhan and Nina stood rooted to the ground, glancing at each other unsurely.

At last, Luhan pulled Nina closer and pressed his lips onto hers.

It was the kiss they both enjoyed, though neither would admit it.

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