
ISE Archive

Suggested song: Yoo Jae Ha - 사랑하기 때문에 (Performed by Moon Myung Jin) (or you can listen to Baby Don't Cry hehe) 


The night was a stormy one. The winds howled; the thunder clapped. The lightning, in all its bright glory, created shadows and made everything in Minkyu’s room seem three times scarier than it should have been.

Clutching a silky lump stuffed with goose feathers, what she came to as a pillow, Minkyu unsteadily made her way to Sehun’s room. In all honesty, despite her sixty-something days of living on land, she had yet to get used to walking on two legs.

The door opened with a slight creak. There, on the bottom bunk of his double-decker bed, lay Sehun. He was resting peacefully on his side, cosily tucked under the covers. To Minkyu, he looked like the prince of angels. The top bunk, as usual, was empty.

Minkyu placed her pillow beside Sehun’s and placed herself snugly under his blankets, beside him. She sneaked her hands onto his waist and leaned her head on his sturdy back, listening to the sound of his rhythmic breathing.

She wept.


The atmosphere at breakfast was tense. Both knew what the other was thinking. Neither wanted to say it first.

At last, Sehun handed Minkyu his chopper. “Just do it,” he said, his tone serious. “Right here, right now. Make it fast.”

Minkyu was horrified. “No!” she cried, pushing the chopper back into Sehun’s hands. Her eyes were starting to tear. “I won’t, ever.”

“Well, I don’t want you to turn into ing foam!” Sehun shouted in frustration. “Even if it means sacrificing myself!”

Minkyu cowered at his sudden outburst. Sehun sighed and squatted down, pulling her into an embrace.

They were at a stalemate. Neither could move, neither wanted to move. Neither wanted to lose the other, but they were both afraid. There seemed to be no solution, yet the deadline was ticking away…


It was almost sundown when Minkyu brought Sehun to a cliff not far away from their little retreat. They stood, entranced by the reds and yellows of the sky.

“I would like to visit your brother,” Minkyu spoke, a tiny smile on her face. “Us together. Wouldn’t that be a nice picture?”

“But he’s – oh.” Sehun scratched his head. “Are you absolutely sure about this?”

“I’m sure,” Minkyu replied, staring out at the distance. “One of us has to die anyway. This just makes things easier, and we can be together.”

“Okay then.” Sehun pulled her close to his chest, taking in the scent of her hair – mm. Mangoes.

“I’ll start the countdown,” Minkyu mumbled, closing her eyes. She took one last nervous breath. “Three… two… one…”

They fell as one.

Sehun’s grip on Minkyu tightened.

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