
ISE Archive

Suggested song: Jung Joon Young - 10 minutes before breaking up



“Hey, Krystal. Want to go out for dinner tonight?”

Krystal laughed her melodic laugh. It was music to Chanyeol’s ears. “What’s the occasion?”

Chanyeol smiled proudly and sat up a little straighter. “Payday.”

“Sure, just don’t make it too expensive,” Krystal reminded him.

“I know, I know. Love you.”

“Love you too.”


Krystal stepped out of her – no, their – apartment in high spirits.

“Taem? What are you doing here?”

Taemin walked out from the shadows, greeting Krystal with a melancholic smile. “Hey, Krystal.”

“Well, it’s nice to see you. We haven’t met in a long time, haven’t we?” Krystal mused, beaming brightly at him.

“Why did you choose him, Krystal?” Taemin asked after a pause. He slowly looked up, adding to the drama of the situation. “Why Park Chanyeol?”

Krystal was completely flustered. “Wha… I mean, it was a mistake, I didn’t choose him.”

“Then why’d you keep the baby?” Neither of them was smiling now. Krystal could see a glint of madness in Taemin’s eyes. She quickly backed away. Her back hit something hard – the emergency exit door. She pushed it open and tried to close it before Taemin could enter, but her strength was no match for his. “Tell me, Krystal. Why? Don’t you regret it?”

“N-no, Taemin. Despite our past, I’ve grown to love him, so I don’t regret it,” Krystal managed to utter.

Krystal could Taemin eyeing the bulge at her lower abdomen. Her eyes widened in realisation. “No, Taemin. Not that!”

“I’m sorry, Krystal,” Taemin whispered, a cynical smile on his face. He placed his hands firmly on Krystal’s trembling shoulders. “It’s for your own good.”


“Taxi, taxi!” Chanyeol screamed, tears rushing down his face. “Taxi…”

At long last, a taxi in a light blue shade pulled up the curb. More tears, if that was possible, streamed down Chanyeol’s face. That was Krystal’s favourite colour. Chanyeol even knew its exact name – pearl light periwinkle.

The ride to the hospital seemed to take ages. It was miraculous that Chanyeol could find Krystal’s surgery room.

The couple’s parents had long arrived. They were startled to see Chanyeol in such a bad state – huffing and panting, unruly hair, wrinkled clothes – especially since he had not harboured any particular emotions for Krystal or the baby at the start.

The lead surgeon appeared from behind the sliding doors. Everyone immediately rushed towards him, clamouring him with questions about Krystal and her baby.

“Most unfortunately, the baby has been lost. The mother, on the other hand, is fine. She is expected to awake in a few days,” the surgeon informed them with a heavy sigh. “We’re sorry. We did our best.”


Chanyeol sat beside Krystal’s bed. His head was buried under her covers, his hand gripping Krystal’s tightly. He wept bitterly.

What will happen to us now? he questioned. We came together because of the baby. Now that it’s gone, will we have to separate? Would you want to separate?

I remember how it used to be like in the old days… he reminisced, smiling unconsciously. We were always bickering over such small things. ‘The enemies’, they called usIt’s amazing how much we’ve progressed. And now, he gave a dry laugh, I love you. I love you with all my might, all my heart. I don’t want to let you go, ever.

He raised her delicate hand to his lips. A teardrop dripped onto her pale fingertip.

Do you love me like the way I love you?

I don’t want to lose you.

I won’t.

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