We're One..

Cause We're One..

It was a Monday morning. Eight o'clock to be exact. 

I found myself looking out the van window.

It was raining. 

The light drops flowed down the glass, and I vainly wanted to touch them. 

I liked hearing the noise of those drops did, it was very relaxing, at least for me.


-Sehunnie, are you listening me?? - 

A voice interrupted that moment of peace. It was Chanyeol. 

-Eh .. I'm sorry I was distracted, tell me as well-

-You are always the same, I have just asked you if you will come to shopping with me tommorow or not-

-Oh ok ..... Chan Chan - 

-When will you learn to call me hyung Sehunnie eh?? - 

Hmm .. - 

-Chanyeol-ssi, leave him alone please .. Hunnie don't care about him-Luhan said, giving me a pat on the back. 

Thank-hyung. - 

"Maknae is so hard!"  

I thought.


While Chanyeol still continued to blather I went back to admire those little drops of rain that became more numerous.

The rain that was getting thicker ....

Looking at them it seemed that the window was a sort of great audience and drops the fan.

My desire since the very beginning has always been to perform in front of our fans, but unfortunately there hasn't still been possible and this

it saddens me greatly.

But every time we have the opportunity tomeet them, such as in fansign, my heart is filled with joy, because I love to see our fans that come from far only to see us.

As I continued unperturbed those waterdrops, I remembered the destination of the day: a fansign.

It would have been one of the usual private fansign, due to the continual chaos. The manager said there were about 400 fans.

I could not wait to go there.

After about an hour of travelling, we arrived at the destination. 

We were like an hour in advance for the beginning of the fansign, so we had a chance to relax comfortably before the coming of fans. 

As usual, I was sitting near Luhan and Kai, and while waiting the start of the fansign, we were intent on drawing with markers. 

-You three please stop playing with that markers, the fansign is going to start soon!- the manager said.

-Excuse us-manager-nim. - We answered in unison. 

At last the long-awaited moment had arrived.


From the door we saw come the fan.

In a few seconds the room was filled.

You could only hear their voices, despite the staff invite everyone to do at least silence.

But I was fine. It was enough to see them smile.

As soon as the first fans arrived I felt my heart beat with excitement.

In a few moments I found a girl in front of me. I looked at her and she was wiping her tears with a handkerchief.

-What's your name? - I asked 

-M..Minyoung- she said shyly.

I smiled at her and I saw that her cheeks became red. 

"Minyoung...cute name...oh here you go-I said shaking her hand, and she moved to the next member. 

People were passing by quickly, there were even fans who came from China just for us. 

The thing filled me with even more excitement to the heart ... but something stopped everything. 

I heard screams very strong but I did not know where they came from, when we saw the girls who were arguing and even fighting.

One of the girls was the one who first came to us: Minyoung. She was on the ground with bloody lip. She was crying. 

I'd wanted to get off to calm the situation, but of course I would not have had the manager permission. 

Fortunately, with the help of some staff members, the fans were taking out and the calm finally returned.

All became quietly again.

I felt something strange inside me, I did not know what it was, but I just knew that I would never, ever forget that day. 

Luhan gave me a pat on the shoulder to reassure me.


While the last fans were coming to take our autographs, I looked at the various gifts we received: peluches, love letters, sweets, etc. .. and made me to smile a little.

At a time when the last fan passed in front of us I felt all was going to over...

-Do not you have no gift? - asked Chen.

-Ahhhhh.. look at this rude- said Baekhyun.

All laughed.

Then the fan said something that would change the atmosphere.

-My ... uh .. you will receive my surprise soon.- she said really shyly.

She ran toward the center of the room, bringing with her a guitar.

All looked puzzled.

What exactly had in mind that girl???

Suddenly we could hear something.

A sweet melody...


"As long as I'm with you

I can't go wrong

Oh baby what you do to me?

Cause we're one!.....

I've been trying to see you

For such a long long time

Maybe I'm just sad to face that I was out of line

When it comes to loving you

All the things that I would do

Been waiting for this day for far too long

I never could imagine it so strong 

As long as I'm with you, I can't go wrong

Oh baby what you do to me?

Cause we're One

How I try to reach you

Oh In every way I can

But it's hard to find a way to show

that we're your fan

When it comes to loving you

All the things that I would do

Been waiting for this day for far too long

I never could imagine it so strong 

As long as I'm with you, I can't go wrong

Oh baby what you do to me?

Cause we're One

When it comes to loving you

All the things that I would do

Oh yeah

Oh baby what you do to me

Cause we're One"


I started to cry at the sound of that song .... 

* How hard is the maknae life...* I repeated myself. 

I felt something strange inside me, I did not know what it was, but I just knew that I would never, ever forget that day.



http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDURuop2JSI (LISTEN)

Author Note:

* The song that inspired the text above is this: The One of FTISLAND. 

Obviously I changed some of the text to make it fit with the situation. 

Hope you like it!!!!! ^ _ ^

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emmyrose #1
Chapter 1: :') it was beautiful...i almost felt as though this was really Sehun writing this ff....this was good...great job~