XIII. Grateful

My All

It was a month after Taemin and Kai officially started going out. From weekend hangouts to morning drives and late dinners, everything went well. The two were still in the getting to know each other phase and Taemin can’t deny the fact that he’s enjoying Kai’s company a lot.

Taemin’s arm cast was finally removed and so as Key’s wound was finally healed. Jonghyun organized a surprise hang out with the gang to celebrate Taemin and Key’s quick recovery. Of course Taemin and Kai were there, some of their soccer team mates (some brought their girlfriends along, too), Key and some of his friends from his department. Jonghyun rented a whole villa overnight, prepared beer and alcohol, set up a great sound system to complete the celebratory vibe. He, too, rented a mini shuttle that could accommodate all of them.




The group arrived at the rented villa around 9 in the morning. They went to their respective rooms of 6 persons each. Jonghyun, Key, Taemin, Kai, Eunhyuk and Donghae shared a room together. Minho, on the other hand was with his other group mates despite Jonghyun and Key insisting he should share the room with them. He’d rather not, he thought. The mere existence of Taemin in the same room is hard, seeing him with Kai makes it harder.


Taemin was honestly disappointed, he thought this out of town getaway could improve his and Minho’s relationship, even as friends, at least. But seeing Minho avoid and ignore him almost all of the time, he realized they are far from being friends. He’s confused, at everything. The last time he checked, Minho asked his mom to prepare side dishes for him. He haven’t even said thank you for that. He never got the chance to talk to him because Minho walks away every time Taemin tries. He obviously still cares, he obviously doesn’t hate him but he acts as if he does.


They all agreed on dividing the chores for the day. Who’ll go grocery shopping, cook, prepare the dining, wash the dishes and clean the place. Draw lots.

Much to Taemin’s disappointment, or a blessing in disguise I should say, he’s paired up with Minho to cook everyone’s lunch that day. He was worried. Not about cooking or anything, Minho has always been a good cook. Not great but Taemin was sure he’s hell a better cook than him. His biggest concern is the amount of awkwardness and tension. He’s not talking to him at all, he won’t even look at him for ’s sake how is it possible to cook lunch together? He thought.

He tried asking Key to switch chores for he was assigned to wash the dishes with Kai after lunch but Key won’t even consider. He plead, he act mad, he persuaded but he still ended up at the kitchen, alone with Minho that late morning.

Everyone was outside either playing volleyball or swimming, some are playing cards too. Enjoying the break at its finest. Except two certain people who would rather call it torture than leisure.


Minho knew that Taemin is a bad cook and he told the younger to stay still rather than help. Cooking for him wasn’t easy but the possibility of Taemin being injured on knives, being burnt on the stove, or the lunch being not eatable would be harder.

He heard the lad please Key to switch chores. Does he hate me that much? 

“Look I know you hate these and so I am. You can stay still and I’ll do the cooking.” Minho said without even looking at the younger.

Taemin can’t help but just huff and sit still at the end of one of the kitchen’s counter. He fiddled his phone and decided to play a game to past his time.


It was awkward. No conversation was made, ever. Minho focused in cooking while Taemin immersed himself in his mobile game. Stolen glances were made, conversation attempts, too. But they were both cowards and their pride won’t let them do it first.


Taemin called on Yunho and Changmin to set the dining area for the food are almost done and Minho didn’t fail to notice the extra greasy look on Yunho’s eyes as if Taemin is his prey. He even pat his a bit making Minho agape displeased. Yunho is known to be a casanova, a player, someone who’ll get in your pants, leave you and act as if he did nothing wrong. He was a good friend, on that note not until he adds you on his to do list. It’s like dealing with a brand new person. A brand new hungry person.

“I could help you setting up the tables in the backyard!” Minho heard Taemin offer help to Yunho. His head keeps on telling him not to get involved but his mouth rather acted without his control. “You can’t!” And Taemin was surprised.

“I mean… uh, I need some help here and you’re assigned here in cooking.” He explained.

“But you’re just making me sit—”

“You cook the last dish.”


“It’s just egg rolls!”

“But I can’t cook, you—”

“Just stay. Here.” Minho’s tone was in a matter of fact one and no one actually argued on that making Yunho leave the kitchen area to start preparing outside.


Taemin doesn’t know why but a part of him, no scratch that, the whole of him wants to stay. It’s like every moment he could spend with Minho could be a chance to talk about things, to at least improve their relationship and patch every whole the two of them have.


He started preparing the ingredients for egg rolls. He pre heated the pan, too. Everything went tell for him until there’s the need to flip the egg. For ’s sake he hates cooking. He catched a glimpse on Minho who’s now sitting in the counter, waiting for him to finish. “Uhm…” He coughed. “Would you mind…” and Minho finally looked at him.

It was as if his tongue was missing or something but words won’t come out easy. For how many weeks he tried getting Minho’s attention and it was only now he actually looked his way. “Could you please…”

Minho hopped down the counter and approached the stove. He held the turner and flipped the egg in one go.

He held the turner.

He held the turner to flip the egg.

The turner in Taemin’s hand.

He flipped the egg using the turner with Taemin’s hand holding it too.


Everything went slow mo and Taemin sure wants to pause everything. Few minutes ago Minho won’t even notice him, talk to him, nor look at him and now they were this close. His hand on his.

"Thank you."




Everyone gathered in the set up dining in the backyard for lunch. Jokes were thrown and laughs were heard nonstop. Random conversations, couples feeding each other, bitter singles mocking at them jokingly. It was rather a pleasant view to watch. Friends enjoying each other’s company, students enjoying the break they have.


Kai tried acting a little sweet towards Taemin but he noticed Taemin finds it uncomfortable. Every move he made to get closer to the boy, he was unconsciously moving back. He thought maybe it they were with a lot of people. He thought maybe it was because Minho was sitting right across them.

Eunseo, a girl from the fashion department was sitting beside Minho. She can’t seem to calm herself down. Every word she speak was rather in a high pitch, every move she made was flirty and as if in a suggestive manner. Taemin can’t help but notice this. Oh how he hates such girls.

“Oppa…” Taemin flinched. Oh my god her voice is so irritating! “Do you want some of this?” She continued as she offers Minho the plate of shrimp tempura. Minho politely declining the plate of allergies she’s insisting.

“Oppa you should try this! Min and I bought this at the restaurant earlier.” She insisted as she put some on Minho’s plate.

Taemin can’t help but frustratingly laugh at the scene before him. Why is he being affected? He thought. Why is he being irritated? The fact that Minho didn’t say anything and he just let her be irks Taemin even more and the  moment he realized he shouldn’t feel this way makes him more mad.

Before he knew it, he was forking the tempura from Minho’s plate directly to his mouth. “He can’t eat shrimp, he’s allergic.” Taemin said in between his chews with a sarcastic and rather fake grin on his face.


Minho was there, surprised at Taemin’s actions. The boy sure knows how to confuse him. How ignoring him was a hard thing.





Kai asked Taemin to spend the afternoon with him. As romantic and cliché it may sound, he asked him to watch the sunset by the beach with him much to Taemin’s surprise. It was so not Kai, he thought. Kai was rather sweet but he’s far from the book kind of romantic. He liked the idea anyway so he said yes without any hesitation.

To be honest, as days passed by, every moment he spend with Kai… it simply clears his mind what the real score is. The dates they had made it easier for his heart to realize one thing. He loved Kai, dearly. He’s thankful to him, forever. But the love he have isn’t the one great love he’s looking for.

Taemin just doesn’t know how to deal with things so he decided to let things fall into place. Everything will fall into place. In the right place, for the right reason, during the right time.

He’s always been open to Kai regarding all these emotions and Kai has always been understanding on that note. No hassles, no rush.





The two were by the beach when the skies were orange and yellows. It was such a nice view. It was something one would want to paint forever.

“Taemin...” Kai said as he playfully blew Taemin’s ear.


“You know you’re special… right?”

Taemin looked at him deeply in his eyes. He could see the love was there and he’ll always be grateful.

“You know you’re someone I’m always grateful for, Kai.” Taemin replied as he looked back on the waters in front of them. He’s getting where this conversation is heading and hurting Kai is the last thing he wants to see.

“I don’t want to make it hard for you anymore.”

“Kai, you’ve always made everything easier for me. I’m grateful.”

Kai turned Taemin’s face to him as he approach the boy slowly. He’s gonna give it one last shot. But as he was few inches away from Taemin, he could feel him tense up and retreat away. Taemin was trying. He was trying hard but his heart won’t let him and that, Kai always understands. He held his face with his two hands, cupping his favorite face one last time before kissing him in his forehead. A chaste and goodbye one.


“Thank you for at least trying Tae. But you can’t dictate you heart’s desire no matter how hard you try.”

Taemin can’t help but hug him tight. Even in the most painful goodbye, Kai was able to make everything easier for him. Even in the most painful goodbye, Kai was able to understand.

“I know I hold a special place in your heart. I’m someone you’ll always be grateful for, you said. But I’ll never be your one great love.” Kai calmly whispered in his ear. And that moment, Taemin knows Kai is someone he’ll be grateful for, for the rest of his life. He may not be his one great love, but he sure was a great friend whom he’ll dearly love.









Meeting you when everything was hard, I was grateful.

For making everything easier for me, I’ll always be grateful.

For coming into my life, I'm nothing but grateful.

For loving me unconditionally, I’m grateful.

The only wish I have is for you to stay in my life and forever, I’ll be grateful.

Thank you for being a special friend, Kai.

A/N So a chapter was closed! I was trying to make Kai the unconditional-love-second-lead here. (Shinwoo - You're Beautiful, Jihoo - BOF) ㅋㅋㅋ

But I think I wasn't able to build a good foundation for that. Anyway we're nearing the end so suggestions and comments people!

You have no idea how knowing your reactions and comments keep me going! :) Thanks for the subs! ;)

Let me get this straight... am I stretching the story too much? Was it too slow? Too fast perhaps? Boring? 

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Hi guys! So idk why I suddenly thought of checking aff again after years of being hiatus and this story gave me so much flash back! Kinda cringe on my grammar tho lmfao but I was wondering if this still has readers? I wanna get back to writing and continuing this!


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Beau1996 1381 streak #1
Chapter 7: Party hook up maybe??
Chapter 22: Happy that you're back!!!~
Chapter 22: Here, i reread all the chapters... Huhu. Welcome back
Chapter 22: I'm heeeere
Chapter 22: Oh my God! You are still there, and I am so happy you made us know you are still there... Since day one I am following this story. Everytime I will open my account, I will always check if you made an update. Finally, though its not an update, still happy and hopeful you will continue this story. God bless!
Chapter 22: I’m still hereee????
Chapter 22: I’m still hereee????
nikki_cro #8
Chapter 22: Still reading and rereading ~
Chapter 22: I just want to tell you that this is still one of my favorites so if ever you feel like continuing, know that I'm always here waiting ♡♡♡
Chapter 22: Yes please continue writing ~~~