
Side Business

Did not want to rush the story...hence will have a final part...hope you enjoy this.


Siwon has never been in a serious relationship before. There is simply no need to. Why give up the entire forest for a single tree? He is young, he is wealthy, he is the heir to one of the richest and most established families in the world. People are falling over themselves just be near him, even if it is to be one of his entourage. Given the obscene amount of money he has got, coupled with his idol looks, he knew he could get anyone just by snapping his fingers. So he makes no apologies about his lifestyle, believing that if he works as hard as he plays, no one could complain about that. There is nothing to harp on as he has been able to not only follow in his father’s footsteps but even surpasses his achievement in the few short years that he had debuted in the business world.


Ad then he met Kyuhyun.


At first, Siwon was just interested in breaking down the police officer’s defence and took great pleasure in teasing him, wanting to see how far he could go. He had never meet someone like Kyuhyun, stoic and could stand up to him, unwavering in his dislike, yet professional. It piqued Siwon’s interest to have someone who was not affected by him and who would go about his business without putting Siwon at the forefront.


But as they spent majority of their time together for the past one and a half months, Siwon came to appreciate the person Kyuhyun seemed to be. Never one to mince his words, the police officer gives his all, often going into intricate details to ensure he has everything covered, he cares enough for his colleagues to take on longer shifts so that those with families or important personal matters can go without worry and has pretty smart brains too, having risen through the ranks in a few short years, making him one of the youngest officers in the squad.


The definitive moment came just a week ago, when Kyuhyun opened the door to his office, slipping in as Siwon was on a conference call with one of the major suppliers in Europe. The younger man had stood quietly as he always did, near the windows, hands behind his back. Siwon remembered in his breath as he took a cursory glance at Kyuhyun, for the setting sun was framing him from the back, picking out the reddish highlights on his hair, making his pale complexion contrasts with his dark blue suit. Siwon thought Kyuhyun looked amazingly beautiful. Ad when the younger man cocked his head to look at him with curious eyes, Siwon knew he genuinely liked the police officer more than he should.


Siwon thought it was karma that Kyuhyun still did not give him the time of day. Often rejecting his advances and invitations. But Siwon is known for his persistence and he had hoped he would be finally successful in capturing the heart of Kyuhyun one day. And so it is with confidence that Choi Siwon stood in front of Kyuhyun, dark onyx orbs boring into the brown almond ones. “I am not…about to let someone I love and care about get hurt.”



Kyuhyun looked at Siwon with widened eyes, then he finally snapped. Raising his hand, he delivered a stinging slap across the face of rich heir, hearing the collective gasps echoing in the room immediately after. He then spoke through gritted teeth,” Don’t ing play with me, Choi Siwon.”


To his utter surprise, Swoon stepped closer as he backed away uncertainly. Holding out his hand to grab him at his waist, Siwon said softly, without anger, “I am not. I am serious. About this. About you. About us. If you allow it.”


Freeing himself from Siwon, Kyuhyun said flatly “You are crazy.” He then walked out of the room without a backward glance.


“Cho Kyuhyun!” Siwon called out in his low voice, pleased that Kyuhyun stopped at the doorway, back still facing him. “From this moment on, I, Choi Siwon will be going after you, Cho Kyuhyun.”



“Are you ok?” Kangin asked as Kyuhyun closed his tired eyes after getting onto the passenger seat.


“I just need to go home for a shower and a change of clothes,” Kyuhyun replied with his eyes still closed.


“Maybe we should get another…” Kangin started before he was quickly interrupted by the younger man.


“No! I will not allow him to rile me,” Kyuhyun said with determination.


“What I am afraid is that he seemed serious” Kangin offered as he glanced at Kyuhyun. “Luckily for his fast reaction or else you might be the one injured just now…I am just saying it as it is.”


“I have it covered,” Kyuhyun retorted though deep down he knew what Kangin said probably was true.



Two weeks after the attempt on Siwon’s life

Kyuhyun looked surprise as he came face to face with a casually dressed Siwon who was holding out his door for him. He had taken over one of his colleagues who was not feeling well for the weekend shift.


“Get in, I will be driving today.”


Siwon switched on the radio and pressed the cd player, “Motown. Ok?”


“Marvin Gaye?” Kyuhyun blurted out in surprise as the smooth voice of the legendary singer filled the car.


Nodding his head, Siwon took a quick glance at Kyuhyun before stepping on the pedal of the car.


Kyuhyun was somehow glad to have the motown singer to accompany him for the rest of the journey.



Kyuhyun bit himself from asking Siwon what they were doing at the orphanage as the heir parked his car carelessly along the driveway.


“Surprised?” Siwon asked as he fell in step with Kyuhyun. “Come with me.”


Strangely, the playboy seemed familiar with the place, as he greeted the staff at the front office and led the two of them further into the big house. Excited voices were heard as they neared a large hall and when the door was finally opened, Kyuhyun was surprised to see a number of children of various ages crowding around Siwon excited, all wanting to be carried and speak to him.


“Siwon, you are late!”

“I have got full marks for my spelling!”

“Come, let’s play!”

Siwon laughed heartily as he took time to answer the barrage of questions thrown at him, making time for all the little children who were surrounding him.



“Who are you?” a curious voice asked as Kyuhyun looked down to see a small pair of hands tugging his pants.


“He is one of my friends, Rina” Siwon cut in as he carried the little toddler up, winking to Kyuhyun.


“You are pretty,” Rina continued as she giggled seeing the surprised look on Kyuhyun’s face ,” Are you gonna be Siwon’s boyfriend?”


For once in his life, Kyuhyun was flabbergasted, not quite knowing how to respond.


“Well, Siwon will try his very best to make Kyuhyun his,” Siwon said to Rina earnestly as he peeped at Kyuhyun who was staring at him, speechless.


“Yay! Everyone….finally Siwon found someone,” screamed Rina as she tugged Siwon and Kyuhyun along with him. “Let’s play!”


Two hours later

A fully drenched Kyuhyun slid into the passenger seat of the car as Siwon passed him a towel, “Are you sure its ok, I am all wet….”


Laughing, Siwon nodded his head ,”In case  you haven’t noticed, I am as wet as you are.”


Supressing the urge to help Kyuhyun dry his hair, Siwon quickly the heater and started the car. He drove slowly as the heavy rain pelted on the car, somehow feeling comfortable with the silence in the car. He smiled to himself as he recalled the impromptu football match with him and Kyuhyun each leading a team which turned into a tag game in the sudden downpour. To tell the truth, he had not enjoyed himself so much in a long time, and judging by the laughter and large smiles adorning his face, Kyuhyun seemed to think so too.


“I volunteer my time with the orphanage, once every two weeks,” Siwon shared with his eyes still on the road. “Those kids are usually abandoned by their parents and are now waiting for people to adopt them.”


“For how long?” Kyuhyun could not help but ask as Siwon certainly does not strike him as someone with a philanthropic heart.


“Ever since I was about 18,” Siwon guffawed seeing Kyuhyun’s surprised face,”Well, not everyone is as lucky as I am. I was finding out more about the organization that we want to donate money to and came across the orphanage. I thought I could do a bit more than donating money”


“Don’t they know you are…”Kyuhyun started.


“Choi Siwon? No. I am just Siwon to them, even to the staff,” Siwon replied a matter of factly.


Which explains the plain sedan Siwon was driving today, Kyuhyun thought.


Well, maybe… just maybe…he has been too harsh on him, Kyuhyun thought as he sneaked a peek at Siwon.


Two days after their visit to the orphanage

“Coming…” Kyuhyun croaked as he got out of bed groggily, the headache still pounding incessantly in his head. He sneezed twice before his doorbell rang again. Peering into the keyhole, he stepped back in surprise to find Siwon on the opposite side.


“What are you doing here…” he sniffed again as he opened the door to allow a concerned Siwon through.


“Are you ok? Have you seen a doctor? Have you eaten medication?” Siwon asked consecutively, concern clear in his voice, and upon seeing the leftover cup of instant noodles on the dining table, whirled around, eyes widening comically, “How can you eat this when you are unwell?”


Shrugging his aching shoulders, Kyuhyun replied listlessly, “First, you are not supposed to be here. Second, I prefer to self-medicate. Third, there is nothing in my fridge, remember my working hours?”


Siwon steered Kyuhyun to the couch and opened up his recycled bag that he had with him, emptying the contents. He looked at Kyuhyun for a moment before picking up the cold medicine and paracetemol, “First, I can go where I wish, your team is downstairs. Second, you will eat this. Third, you will go and sleep and I will prepare your dinner for you.”


Kyuhyun vaguely remembered Siwon offering him a glass of water and guessed the heir must have carried him to his bedroom while he had fallen asleep on the couch. The last thing he remembered was the playboy ruffling his hair gently as he drifted off to sleep after the medicine had taken effect. When he woke up, it was past 11 at night. Feeling the faint rumbling of his stomach, Kyuhyun walked to the living room, feeling much better after his nap, half expectantly to see Siwon still around. He could picture him perhaps channel surfing with a tub of ice cream on front of him. Pushing that absurd thought immediately to the back of his mind, Kyuhyun shook his head and walked slowly towards the dining table, his eyes spotting something.



Hi Kyu,

Eat everything on this table. Spent some time making them, you know. I have a prior engagement that I cannot break. See you tomorrow.




With a faint smile on his face, Kyuhyun sat on the chair as he peered into the two thermos flasks. Pouring the porridge into the bowl, he scooped a hot spoonful into his mouth. The sweetness from the soft sweet potato masked the blandness of the porridge while the chunks of fishes were marinated just right, melting just when he put it in his mouth. Opening the other flask, he sniffed at the citrus aroma and knew that Siwon had prepared honey lemon for his cold. Satisfied after finishing every single bit of the porridge and drink, Kyuhyun burped satisfactorily and rubbed his slightly bloated tummy. He picked up hi handphone intending to type a thank you message. But deciding against sending it finally, he deleted the message and went to bed.



Two weeks later

Kyuhyun adjusted his headset as he scanned the surroundings, his eyes still trained at Siwon who was talking to a business associate within one metre of him. He disliked such events as there are simply too many ways his witnesses could be targeted. His mouth set to a grim line as a female acquaintance approached Siwon, sneaking a hand over the heir’s waist. When his eyes met Siwon, he looked away immediately.


Siwon allowed Tiffany’s hand to stay at his waist as he tried to catch Kyuhyun’s eye, wanting to see the younger’s man reaction. And was pleased to see the slight flare of irritation passing Kyuhyun’s eyes before a blank stare replaced it. Shrugging off Tiffany’s advances, he approached Kyuhyun from the behind and whispered as he leaned closer,” Just an old acquaintance, nothing more.”


“Does not matter to me,” came the quick retort.


“I know, but I just need you to know that” Siwon explained before nodding to the host who just called out to him. “I know it is difficult for your team during this kind of event. Trust me, I do not want to be here longer than necessary.”


Then all lights went off.


“Mr Choi!” Kyuhyun called out, knowing that Siwon had just walked away from him, his senses on high alert.


“Kyu,” Siwon sidled closer, able to make out the outline of Kyuhyun from the faint glow of the exit sign.


Putting his arm around his waist, the younger man said firmly, “We need to get you out of here. Follow me.”


“We need to leave the place now, get the car ready,” Kyuhyun barked over his mouth piece to the team who was on standby outside.


Wordlessly, Kyuhyun steered Siwon towards the alternative exit, having already planned for it to be their secondary exit if anything was to happen. He hoped they have enough time to slip out of the venue for his strong intuition told him that someone was definitely targeting the heir. He felt a pull on his arm, and Siwon said softly, “Kyu, we are not alone.”


“Choi Si Won!” a cold choice called out behind them, stopping the two of them in their tracks. Kyuhyun already had his hand on his silver colt as he ran through the various scenarios in his mind.


He could hear the faint cocking of a gun behind him and instinctively pushed Siwon behind and away from him while he faced the killer alone, his hand drawn.


“Mr Choi, Go, GO NOW.”



Bang! Bang!



Siwon watched in horror as Kyuhyun fell in front of him with a thud after the killer pulled the trigger. Then a shot hit the killer squarely on the chest, effectively killing him. As Kangin and the rest of the team appeared, Siwon scrambled up from his position and he half crawled closer to Kyuhyun, his mind not thinking of anything else as his heart beat painfully, fear coursing through his veins.


“Kyu!” Siwon cradled the younger man close to his chest. “Please answer me... call for the ambulance! Kyu!”


“I will be crushed to death if you hold me any closer,” came a muffled voice followed by a series of coughs.


Siwon looked down as Kyuhyun half opened his eyes, looking up at him, breathing shallow.


“I have this,” Kyuhyun jabbed at his body, indicating his bullet proof vest. He almost wanted to reach put to caress the heir’s grief stricken face but stopped himself.


“Thank god!” the playboy laughed, relief evident in his voice, as he held Kyuhyun to him in a bone crushing hug.


“Let go of me,” demanded Kyuhyun, embarrassed by the affection shown and especially when his team was around.


Siwon hugged him tighter, hand caressing his back soothingly and then whispered,” You either let me hug you or I will kiss you silly now.”


Kyuhyun wisely kept his mouth shut. Honestly, he too was too glad nothing had happened to Siwon. And it must be all the adrenaline pumping through him that made his sense of smell so strong because strangely, the man hugging him now smelled really good. “ You are an idiot, Choi Siwon.”



Two days after the incident

Kyuhyun rapped on the door curtly and stepped into Kangin’s office. He took his seat as Kangin nodded for him to sit down.


“Kyu…” Kangin started, certain that what he was going to say will not go down well with Kyuhyun.


“We just got news that they will attempt to kill him again. But I am pretty sure this time round, we will be able to get the mastermind. I have got my informant at where he should be…” Kyuhyun interrupted his superior, wanting to tell him the latest lead.


“Kyu!” Kangin looked at the younger man, silencing him. “Mr Choi instructed that you be taken off the team. You will no longer be protecting him. You will be re-assigned.”

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kyufever #1
Chapter 4: I love this <3 love rediscoverinv my wonkyu love throigh your stories
This story should be read in a secluded area because this will make you squeal and scream and fangirl over and over again.^___^ I certainly love this. Thank You !
Merettevan #3
Chapter 4: I absolutely loved this story!!! I could see them both perfectly well as the cool, collected officer with a passionate heart and the arrogant rich playboy who is more sensitive than what he appears! I enjoyed a lot how you developed their relationship, reading about them made me so happy! Kyu being so efficient in his work and Siwon being so caring made me melt. I imagined Kyu more or less as in the SS5's intro (Mamacita´s MV look is also good) and Siwon as in the M Countdown's Devil or similar look. Anyway I was squeaking happily when I read the final part :D
Angela17 #4
Chapter 4: Wow... How come i didn't read this before...??
Well, it's okay, i love it so much... Even tless fic still can be interesting as long as it's a WonKyu fic...
I love WonKyu, whatever reality they would have for their own life... :p
ThanKyu for this cute fic... :))
joannaxdiaz #5
Chapter 1: re reading this one again..:)
pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee a sequel!!!!!! we need moreeee... ^^
bl4ckm4lice #7
This is so so so so cute /swooooooooooooons
I just finished reading them all in one go and awww your Kyuhyun is adorable and your Siwon is perfect and of course Kyuhyun would secretly be a minx hihihihi
Thank you so much for yet another awesome read <3
SO CUTE. wonkyu is such a cute couple
MasiChoiFan #9
Chapter 4: SADGSDAFSHGA Didn't see that coming! His own kidnap...such a sweet boy!(?) kkk

Loved it!<3 Thanks~