Night In England

Maybe Dream's Do Go Further

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Jonghyun walked around the house with everyone else, but wasn't happy like them. He really wanted to talk to Jade alone, but everyone was making it hard.


Heechul had asked Jade for some milk and she had asked Abbi to show him the kitchen. Jade had offered for them all to stay there. Most them had accepted but SNSD, f(x) and The Trax had decided to go to a hotel and there really wasn't enough room for them all.


'Wow, Jade now did you get such a nice house?'


'Well Taemin, my Umma started her own company and it took off really well. She bought me this house for when I came home or when my friends wanted a place to stay.'


Taemin nodded and they continued to walk around.


They made it back to the living room and they all made themselves compty.


The house phone rang and Jade went to answer it, Jonghyun's eyes following her.


(In English)


''Hey Mommy.....''


''Hi, Huni. Can I come over today? I hear you have some visitors...'


''Yea, that's fine. There's one guy here that's bursting to see you..'






''Ok then, I've just left the hospital and I should be there in 15...'


''Okies... see you soon''


(Back to normal)


Jade hung up the phone and turned, bumping into someone. She looked up and saw her big brother smiling down at her.


''Was that Mom?''


''Yea, she's on her way..''


He looked excited.. 'Wow, I can't think of the last time I saw her. It was probably Obachan's funeral...'


Jade nodded and they walked back to the others... Jade walked up to Jonghyun and motioned for him to follow her..


They walked down the hall and out onto the balcony.


''So how have you been?'' Jade asked, looking out towards the fields...


Jonghyun came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist.


'You really ask me that question? I've been worried sick, pestering Danielle all the time. Heechul even slapped me once for pestering her too much.... Why didn't you text or ring me?'


Jade turned around, looking up at him... ' I wanted to ring you believe me, but if I had then I would have had a breakdown. I was always asking Danielle how you we're, she would say that you were upset and then I would cry.... Umma got worried about me and rang Abbi and asked if she could stay with me...'


Jonghyun listened to her. He felt guilty for making her cry.


'I'm so sorry.... I never thought you would cry over me...'


A tear ran down his cheek. Jade reached up and wiped it away. She leaned up to kiss him, but she was interrupted my a 'cough'. They both turned around and saw a lady standing there. Jonghyun didn't know who it was, until Jade left his arms and ran over to her shouting 'UMMA'


''Heya Baby'' the older woman said, hugging Jade back.


So this was her Umma....


After the 5 minute hug, Jade pulled away and motioned for Jonghyun to come to them.


He walked over wairy of her..


'Umma this is Jonghyun..... Jonghyun this is my Umma...


'So this is the boy you were talking 24/7 about....' Jade blushed, looking down.


'Yah, Umma not appropriate......'


'I'm Kim Jonghyun.....nice to meet you' he held out his hand and Jade's mum laughed at his directness.


'It's nice to meet you finally... I'm Sandra by the way...'


'Like Sandra Park??'


Sandra laughed.... she had heard that before..


'Well lets me the rest of the gang then shall we... And I need to talk to my son...'


Sandra walked off to find Kintarou, leaving Jade and Jonghyun alone again....


'So you staying in my room?' Jade teased, kissing his cheek...


'If you want me too I will.....'


Jade nodded and pulled his hand, dragging him into the living room.


'Where are the others?


Half the room was missing.


'They've either gone to get the luggage or onto the hotel.'


'Ahh I see. So who's staying where? Danielle and Kita have their own rooms here along with Abbi. So whoever want's to share with them can decide between themselves. For the rest there is the top floor free, with 7 different rooms, with double beds in them.'


'Jade why do you have such a big house??'


''Well I've got a big family so Mum bought me a big house for them to all stay. But my friends seem to have moved in...............well I'm tired so I'll show everyone to their rooms, then I'll head off.'


Well as they knew it would be, Danielle and Heechul were together along with Ha-neul. Kita had ordered Siwon to share a room with her, Abbi had offered Onew, Taemin, Key and Minho her room and they accepted. Abbi had decided to sleep in the loft room. Yasmine and Yunho wanted too share a room so they went off. The rest of them spread themselves out and went off.


Jade said night to her Umma and brother, he had decided to sleep there to give them some room.


Jonghyun followed Jade to her room, shocked when she opened the door.


Her walls were red, with cream a carpet. She had a kingsize bed with black and red sheets. She had a built-in wardrobe with glass doors. There was a door to the side, that was for the bathroom. One of her walls was filled with posters and kpop posters at that.


'I see you liked us before you came with us....' Jonghyun asked placing his bags down.


'Uh....yea.... I'll be right back.' Jade grabbed some pyjama's from her bed and walked into the bathroom. Jonghyun also changed and sat on the end of the bed waiting for her to come back. The bathroom door opened and Jade came out..... well a wolf came out. Jade had a one-piece wolf outfit.




Jade smiled at Jonghyun and got into one side of the bed. Jonghyun climed into the other side, pulling the covers over them. Jonghyun wrapped his arm around her waist and they fell asleep like that..



Danielle showed Heechul to her room. Her room was bright orange and yellow. Her bedding was yellow.


'Bright' Heechul chuckled making himself at home.

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:D *laughs evily* Yah i thought this was funny!!! Obviously not :(
AriokaAbbix #2
... what the hell
*Pout* Not So Interesting :P Nah Kindding Haha Wrong Chicken Got Humped!
^_^ she's weird....... Lol
AriokaAbbix #5
she wrote me in yay :D i'm abbi aand i love Onew and Chicken :D
AWEEEEE!! Love You Appa~~ Hehe I Have A Kitten and The Pic Is Soooooo Cute >< ! so Many Inuendo's Here Haha !! Lol At Picture Of Heechul! No CLue What He Is Doing (Btw Poor Leeteuk! :'( awe ) Hehe Update Soon !
@ OI__33 << the pic isn't that bad, its cute :D x