Second Injury

Second Injury

I was sitting on the couch surfing through my twitter’s timeline. I was kinda missing my boyfriend. I was so bad mood because the last few days people like abondon my chats, only red it then left it with no answer. And I’m bored only talking with that some of friends. The new house environment really far from anywhere and I had go nowhere. Also a bunch of tasks from college made me dizzy. Yes I’m a first year student college. I sent a tweet telling the whole world that I miss my boyfriend and lonely.


DING! Some of tweets has come and one of it saying TOP couldn’t come to the movie premiere due to his disk neck injury. He needs 4 to 6 weeks to recover

What? Seriously, what happen? I replied that tweets “What movie premier? And where?”

I was so impatient and chose to leave this case. Then another tweet came, revealed a photo oppa wearing mask going out from hospital. I closed the twitter application and made a phone call immediately.


“Yoboseyo? Clarin-ah? What’s up?” he asked me. I sighed and calmed down my rage because I felt my blood boiling inside.

“Why don’t you tell me?” I said.

“Tell you what?”

“Oppa, it’s not like your girlfriend is a dumb. I saw you, going out of hospital” He chuckled.

“Don’t laugh! How dare you oppa! I’m talk seriously over here” I whined.

“I’m alright. You must know this thing is a big risk of my job”

“I knew it oppa but at least you could be more careful. You’re a baby!” I shouted to the phone.

“Aniiiiii~” he whined. I tried so hard to keep my laugh inside.

“So what will you do for spending the time?” I asked more concern.

“Mollayo. Watching movies, staying inside” he mumbled.

“And everybody has their job so you’ll be alone. Who’ll taking care of you?”

“I should ask you that. Are you home all the time?” he changed the topic. I rolled my eyes.

“Don’t change the topic, nappeun!” I hit my knee, I really wanted to bite him.

“I’ll be fine, I told you I’m not a baby” he mumbled with sad tone.

“Sure?” I tilted my head like talking to him in real in front of me.

“Yeah” he said cheerly. Moreover to cheer himself.

“Okay then. I’m hung up” I said.

“I love you” I smiled.

“Love you more”


I laid on the couch smiling to myself. Oppa could be so cute sometimes. Then I interuptted by a knock on my door. I walked to door, opened it without checking who.

“Opppaaaa!” I screamed due to my surprise because the handsome guy I had talked to on the phone before already standing here on my doorstep.

“What are you doing here?” I smiled ear to ear checking outside, make sure no one watching us. I pulled him inside and gave him a kiss on his cheek, putting my arms around his neck.

“My neck!!!!!!” he shouted.

“OMO miane” I stepped backward. He smiled and pulled me into a hug, I snuggled into his chest, roaming the structure behind his shirt. He let go of me.

“Are you taking granted from me?” answered by my big grin then we ended up cuddling on my couch.

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Unknown-J-B-L #1
Chapter 1: Nice one and to was so sweet.