Falling for Love

Falling for Love

Winters first snow broke out in the dark starry night looking as if the stars from the nights sky were falling down to earth. I felt a arch rise in my lips as I reached out my hand from under the bus stop shelter reaching for the fallen stars. Gently they fell one by one on my hand melting right away as the heat of my body refused to accept the cold snow. Before I knew it the bus arrived as I hopped on with the first snow of winter going away all too soon. My phone buzzed as I jolted in shock to see my fathers number flashing “hello” I whispered discretely trying to avoid more attention from the other passengers. It had been nearly 4 months since I moved to Seoul to study my graduate degree in pharmacology, Seoul is the city my mother was raised while I was raised in in the heart of Germany, Berlin. Swaying forward as the bus suddenly interrupted my world of thoughts as I hopped off back into the cold as the snow continued to sprinkle, creating Seoul into a pure white city. I tilted my head up as I raised my eyes into the sky as I snuggled my hands tightly into the pocket. “OMO BIYAN” is all I heard as I recognised a bike hit straight into me, my body flung crashing straight into the lightly covered pathway of snow as I tilted my head towards the direction of the noise and the fact that I just fell and the ache of my body disappeared as I saw dark hair which composition perfectly against his Snow White perfectly structured face with eyes that sparkled, sparkled better than those stars that shone before. His hand gently brushed against my arm reaching my hand slowly getting me up in a upright position. For that moment time had flown much slower in my mind “I’m so sorry are you okay?” He questioned with eyes of worry. Was I okay I questioned myself as my mind brought back the pain “Ahh” I cried in pain but only so lightly I did only enough for the two of us to hear. The pain in my right ankle confronted me as I held my hand against it, soon after his hands warmly followed mines “do you think you can get up?” He questioned again as I hoped up only to see myself fail and fall into his arms like the snow that had fallen into my hands but he did not fail to keep my held as I failed the snow as they melted away. “Let me take you home” he whispered gently near my air as the warmth of his breath blew gently against my skin as he flung my left arm around his neck in contact with the soft warmth of his skin “Kris, my name is.. Kris” he spoke with a voice like no other “And yours?” He finished off “Yoon Ji… Kim Yoon Ji” I responded as he smiled his lips perfectly arching making me crave for them. “Nice to meet you Yoon Ji, Kim Yoon Ji”.

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