Temporary Girlfriend : Three

Temporary Girlfriend

{ Temporary Girlfriend ; Chapter Three }

Chanyeol slowly spoke up, his face was really red and his face really looked like a red apple, he said " is yae ru alright? " she nodded and say " yes, she is alright. Just a little feverish, it's nothing. She will be alright once she wakes up. " He nodded his head, bushing. As she was about to walk out of the room, chanyeol gathered the courage and asked " what's your name ? " she turned around and say " My name is jung kae min, my major is in medical science " he smiled brightly and say " my name is park chanyeol, a newly transfer student " kae min nodded and smiled back to him. 

Just then yae ru's hand was moving and kae min said " go and take care of her. I will be off first " and walked away. Chanyeol turned around to her and yae ru eyes was slowly opening and chanyeol said " are you alright? " she didn't spoked up but chanyeol was worried and he askes himself " why... do I care about this maid?.... nevermind it must be my mum telling me not bully her and take care of her! That's why I am so worried about her. " 

She slowly sit up and chanyeol was asking her " feeling better ? " she nodded and wanted to go back to class, chanyeol helped her to go back to class. As they went back to class, everyone was looking at her... the teacher then spoke up " class, please choose the major that you want and submit the form by next week. " After hearing chanyeol was deciding on going to medical science and study on how to become a doctor just because of that new girl.... jung kae min.

At the same time, yae ru was really happy because she can finally choose medical science, her favourite major that she wanted to majored in. And she knows that chanyeol hates medical science so it's a chance to get away from him... a nice choice. As the time passes by, school ended and they went back together in the same care. During the car ride back, chanyeol spoke up " yae ru, what major you want to majored in? " 

She looked up at him with a curious eye sight and say " It's major you will never want to go... " He tapped his fingers on the booklet and say " medical science? " She nodded her head and he say " I'm thinking of taking medical science. " and she looked at him and say " you can't be serious right? You hated being a doctor, why study medicial science now?" He smile and say " it's all because of a girl I met today. " 

After hearing that, she got really mad and angry because he actually wanted to study medicial science all because of a girl and not because of passion.... for once she thought that chanyeol would study medicial science for her, but .... he won't. Chanyeol suddenly spoke up and say " I will take medicial science then! " She nodded, feeling pissed and say " whatever. " 

And they didn't spoke up after that..... Chanyeol was trying to break the awkward atmospher and he started playing EXO's growl and she turned around and say " you...like EXO?" he nodded and smile brightly, but the actual reason he listened to EXO's song is because of yae ru.... The awkward atmospher was slowly breaking and chanyeol spoke up " why do you looked so pissed when I say I will take medicial science? Is it because.... you scared I will treat you like a maid?" 

She leaned on the car's chair and say " no... not because of that. " then chanyeol moved closer to her and say " then what's the reason?" She forced out a smile and say " don't bother asking. " Chanyeol was dumb enough to actually believed that yae ru was still worried about him, treating her like a maid in school. And chanyeol never once thinked that it might be because yae ru is jealous of her - jung kae shin....


[ Hey guys! Thanks for the upvote and subsrcibing! Please please please do comment! It's really sad that there isn't any comments at all TT so yea! Do give me your feedbacks alright?:D ]

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pieziealyn #1
Chapter 11: this is so great! please update soon
Kksecret #2
Chapter 12: Seriously are you even serious about this when was the last time you updated I'm tired of waiting and I'm really excited but I've been waiting for forever
DeerLuhan2233 #3
ExoSehunnieee #4
Chapter 10: Hi!new reader here! Update soon !your story is very nice!
biancabeybe #5
Omo!! Nice trailer author ^^
biancabeybe #6
Omo!! Nice story ^^
nice story ^^
Chapter 9: update soon
chunjoe1004 #9
I love this story !
Chapter 2: Hye! New reader here.. Update soon, author nim! ;)