Super Trainee Marraige


Love sometimes doesnt start in the most conventional of ways, marraige can draw out such love, follow Lee Min Seo as she begins a new life with the man who wants her talents to be shown and her Dreams to come true.


My Parents dont support me,

I'm 19 years old and have done everything I can to make my parents proud, I finished school both Highschool at an early age, I do everything I am asked, not complaining once, I decided to do something for myself so I auditioned for SM, and I got in, I went home excited, because this was my dream, this was something I hide from them because they were always so strict on me, but my brothers could do what they wished, I really need help to get my parents to realise that I need support like they give my brothers


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kohakuhime #1
Chapter 3: yahhh.. why didn't you update yet??
pleeeeeeaaase update T-T
kohakuhime #2
please update soon.. ^^