Listen to My Love

Listen to My Love

Voicemail one.

“I..I don’t even know if you’ll listen to this. But—but I just have to say this. I know you’re angry at me, I know you want nothing to do with me anymore after I hurt you by leaving. I’m sorry. I don’t know how many times I’ll say that, but I know that the words don’t make you feel any better. I wish I could I show you how sorry I am… but you don’t even want to look at me. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

Voicemail two.

There was a small laugh, but it was soft and broken. “Ah… look at me. I’m pathetic, aren’t I? Well, I’ve always been pathetic. Pathetic for you. Desperate, hopeless. I’m sorry for all the times I snapped at you and overreacted. It’s just, I’m scared of losing you. I’m scared of the day you realize all the consequences that come with loving me. I’m scared that one day, you’ll walk out of my life because it’s so much easier. I’m scared that I’m a burden. I’m scared of not being with you, Yunho-yah.”

Voicemail three.

“I keep saying sorry but even I know it doesn’t help you. It’s like smashing a plate and gluing the pieces back together. But it’ll never be the same. You’ll never be the same. And it’s all my fault. I’m sorry.”

Voicemail four.

“You are everything to me and so much more. I don’t know what I did in my past life to deserve a man like you. You’re always there for me. You always try your hardest to make me smile. A-and whenever I got angry at you would always foolishly think I no longer loved you. You’re an idiot. My love for you is ever-lasting. My love for you is strong, and nothing can change that.”

Voicemail five.

“I know I’m bothering you with these voicemails. But it’s the only thing that makes me happy these days. Even though you might not listen, it gives me a sense of satisfaction as if you really are. I’m pathetic. But if it means being pathetic for you, I’ll gladly be so.”

 Voicemail six.

“I should really stop now. God knows if you even check your voice messages at all. But I can’t get myself to… aish. I’m sorry if I’m bothering you, I’m really sorry. I’ve said that word a lot. It seems like my new favorite word because it’s the word that comes up whenever I hurt people; and it comes up a lot.”

Voicemail seven.

“What are you doing? Are you eating well? Are you happy? Even… even if you’re laughing and smiling with someone else and not me, it’s okay. Your happiness is all that matters to me. Smile, Yunho-yah!”

Voicemail eight.

“You haven’t replied to any one of them and now I really do think I’m bothering you. I’m… should I say it? Or will you be annoyed further at how many times I’ve said it? But I don’t think there’s a limit to how many times I should say it, seeing as how much I hurt you.

I’m sorry.”

Voicemail nine.

“I will stop, if that’s what you want. I’ll leave one last message for you tomorrow. I regret not saying those words when I was with you. I was afraid that if I finally said the words, whatever we had would be gone. That you would think I’m desperate, that you’d think I’m taking what we had too seriously. But I’ll say them, tomorrow. I have nothing to lose, anyway.”


Voicemail ten.

“Yunho, I love you.”



Jaejoong was going through his sheet of lyrics when the someone knocked on the door. With a soft sigh, he stands up and makes sure he looks decent enough before trudging to the door. He flings it open, expecting a fellow band member, maybe his manager, but definitely not Jung Yunho.

Before he knows it, he’s in the man’s arms, warm and tight and loving and everything he had desperately missed. He’s sobbing hard, tears soaking the younger man’s shirt, frame trembling as he makes heart-wrenching whimpers. Tears, tears everywhere. Finally letting his walls down, finally letting out all the pain, letting the man holding him soothe it.

“I listened to every one of your voicemails. They made me feel sad, but you know what? They also made me happier than I had been in a long time,” Yunho whispered into his hair, and Jaejoong closed his eyes, basking in the man’s scent, his comfort and love. He never wanted to go. Never. “I’m sorry I never replied. I was afraid that if I did, you would stop. I was afraid that this was your little comfort, a small thing that made you happy and I didn’t want to take it away from you.”

He trembled slightly, hands gripping Yunho’s back tightly, face buried in his chest. So warm, so soft—so comforting.

“I don’t want to feel pain, and I don’t want to cause you pain anymore.” Yunho breathed out, “If you’re willing to try, we can do this together. We can make our dreams happen, if you’re strong enough—“

“I’m always strong with your presence,” It was a faint whisper. “I’m willing. I’m willing to do anything with you. Please.”

Jaejoong could feel Yunho’s lips curving up into a soft smile, buried in his hair. “We will do this, Jaejoong. No matter what, we will get the happy ending we deserve.”

“As long as you’re with me, I’m always happy,” Came the reply, soft, sweet. Yunho smiled once more, and tilted the raven’s chin up. With a steady, but watery gaze, full of love, he whispered, “I want to kiss you.”

“Kiss me then.”

And kiss him, he did.


“Oh, and Jaejoong?”

“Yes, love?”

Yunho smiled warmly.

“I love you, too.”


A/N: I was originally just gonna finish it off as voicemail ten. But then I realized i'm not an evil human being and I added the whole last part. :D

Believe in Yunjae! I sure as hell do. I still believe they are in love, you can choose what you wanna believe! Keep the faith :D


thank you!

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fishdonuts #1
Chapter 1: this is beautiful. i'm glad it's not a sad ending
Lee_An #2
Chapter 1: Yes.. If you finish it in tenth voicemail, you're definitelly devil..hoho.. But i'm really glad you didn't and finish with beautiful story.. thank you authornim <333
Chapter 1: Yunjae is true - that's my forever moto along with ' Always keep faith'. 8-)
Chapter 1: ❤❤❤❤❤ love it so much
phinea2009 #5
Chapter 1: I'm happy they are together.
ekasuju #6
Chapter 1: Such a great bittersweet story. :)
Chapter 1: Ahhh it's soooooooo sweet I love it :) thank you soooooooo much :D
Chapter 1: Ahh..great story as always^^ my Yunjae feel..T_T
Some part of me believe they're still together but sometimes some part of me don't think so..& there are times when I want them to get married to a good girl and get kids..BTW always keep the faith for yunjae n DBSK5
Chapter 1: i, as well! I miss them. I miss the five f them together. I miss the YunJae moments. But I still believe in YunJae!