

Walking out of the club, Tao was drunk. Smiling and loud he was talking about something the other wasn't paying attention too. Pulling out the key's from his pocket, Tao was about to drive. Sehun wasn't having any of that .

"Ha, ha, no," Said Sehun taking the key's away from Tao to his annoyance.  "You are NOT driving." The other pouted.

"Why not?" He slurred,"I'm a perrrffeecccttt driveerrr," Sehun sighed.

"Yeah, when you're not drunk. Now come on," He said trying to tug Tao along with him. Tao refused, pushing Sehun away.

"WHY DOES EVERYONE TAKE THINGS AWAY FROM ME!" Yelled Tao suddenly, causing a scene which everyone ignored promptly. Sehun was instantly confused.

"What? "

"IT'S MY CAR,  IT'S MINE! MINE! YOU CAN'T TAKE THAT AWAY FROM ME!" Yelled Tao, his eyes filled with tears now. "EVERYONE HAS TAKEN EVERYTHING AWAY FROM ME, I WANT IT BACK! I WANT IT BACK SEHUN," He slumped to the concrete,  now sobbing. Sehun stood there silently for awhile. Watching his friend sob on the ground. People walking by didn't know what the hell he was talking about. But he knew, oh did he know. Saying nothing, he dropped on the ground and put his hands around the other and held him in a tight embrace.

"There's one thing they can't take though," He whispered, going to comfort his friend,"It's me, us, our friendship. They'll never take that away."

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Chapter 1: So short and cute