4 Seasons

4 Seasons

Autumn came as Autumn usually comes, with rain.

.Jinki was forgetful, so of course, he forgot his umbrella. On the one day that it was supposed to rain. Sighing, he got ready to make the trudge home in the wind and the rain. Luckily, Autumn noticed him. And Autumn, was always prepared.

"Here," Said Autumn, handing him an umbrella. Jinki blinked.

“What-” He fumbled, attempting to give back the umbrella. “Keep it,” Said the other smiling, waving down the hand. “I have an extra in the car.” He finished pulling his coat up to get ready to walk out in the stormy weather, Jinki stopped him.

“Let me walk you to your car then,” He offered, “It’s your umbrella after all.” This time, it was Autumns turn to blink in surprise.

“Um okay,” He said smilingly gently. The walk to the car was silent. All you could hear were the pitter patter of rain on the umbrella and the sound of wind swirling near them. After mumbling awkward ‘thank you’s’ and ‘your welcomes’ they went their separate ways but it was only for a short time.

“Hey,” Said a voice to Jinki as was walking, “You need a ride?” To his suprise, it was Autumn. "Hey, are you gonna get in or continue to walk in the rain?" Of course, Jinki jumped in. This time, nothing was silent. The car ride was full of laughter and inquiries about each others lives. As he would come to find out, making a pretty long drive fly by  was one of Autumn’s specialties.

“After telling you all this, I could probably date you right now huh?” Said Autumn jokingly. Jinki smiled. “Yeah, you probably could.” And he did.

Summer began just as Autumn ended.

They ran into each other unexpectedly. Literally, running into each other, heading opposite directions. Seemingly as they always were. Summer was going to dance class and Jinki was headed to work. After apologizing to each other they both went on their separate ways, not expecting to see each other again. But fate would have a way.

When Autumn wanted him along to go see some astronomy exhibit, Jinki was against it. He went anyway due to another one of Autumn's abilities, to make do things you don't really want to do. He was against going mainly because he didn't understand the appeal. Not knowing how people could find ancient constellations and different galaxies they could never reach interesting. He also couldn't fathom how in a world that's so busy and hectic people could still have time to look at the stars. Summer coincidentally loved astronomy.

“I don’t see what people find so interesting,” He mumbled, playing with his drink. "In my experience, most people who like astronomy have already been to those places in their head,” Said Summer, “And the people who don’t, don’t realize they have."

“We had a good run," Said Autumn, sipping his coffee at the little shop they've always gone to a few days later. Looking at him earnestly. "But, I think it's time to see other people, " They both agreed it was time. Their relationship slowly became a friendship but Jinki didn't say anything about it. Autumn, as he came to find out was blunt. Blunt enough to say what really needed to be said at the moment it needed to be said, and he loved him for that. Jinki nodded in agreement, and Autumn smiled.

"Now go date that boy you had your eyes on," He did, but in the end they were never truly a match made in the heavens.

Winter came in with a rush of wind.

“We’re setting you up,” Announced Summer and Autumn. All of them becoming the closest of friends in a matter of months after their relationships ended. At times like this, he wished he never introduced the two. But he realized his life wouldn't be the same if he didn't.

“Not another one,” He goaned, "Please," But the pair insisted he went. And of course, everything went wrong. All ending up in a series of events that left him to eat by his lonesome. That’s when Winter came. Unexpectedly, but right on time.

“Are you okay?” He asked, approaching his table and pulling up a seat. Jinki opened his mouth to say something but the other continued.

“This one didn’t show up huh? Jeez man, you really have bad luck on dates huh?” Jinki blinked in confusion

“What, how could…?” Winter laughed

“You really need to get a new place.”

“And to be honest,” Continued Winter, “The people that set up keep on picking the wrong guys for you.” “Oh yeah,” Jinki said raising his eyebrows, even though he was completely right.

“Who would you pick?” To this Winter laughed.

“Isn't it obvious?" Me, of course. "

Spring came right when it needed too.

Winter ended quickly because Summer swept him off his feet. He was more equipped to handle Winter's cockiness than he was anyway. So needless to say, Jinki. was perfectly fine with it. Possibly because without this happening he would of never found Spring. Summer’s long time friend who came in town to celebrate the two’s engagement.

Spring was everything he could ever hope for. All he ever dreamed about in a partner and a friend. Kind, funny, yet too competitive for his own good. He wouldn't change a thing though.

Kind of rushed the ending here. Oh well~

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SHINee_2508 #1
Key - Always takes care of jinki so he is autumn
Taemin - it's obvious
Jonghyun- if winter is not him then no one could be cuz winter is jonghyun, jonghyun is winter
Minho - Did mentioned competitiveness??? Then it's Minho ??

Great illustration ❤
Chapter 1: I think it gooes this way-
Key, Taemin, Minho, Jonghyun.
kpopfantastic #3
Autumn is Minho, Wimter is Jonghyun Spring is Key and Summer is Taemin.

Great story~
Chapter 1: omg this was so creative!
zahliya1204 #5
Chapter 1: Wait, I'm guessing that autumn is key, summer is taemin, winter is jonghyun and spring is minho? Am I right?
Chapter 1: Oh wait.. Winter and Spring didn't get that much description... Competitive part is so minhoish but I thought 2min happened xD
Chapter 1: Autumn is Key, Summer is Taemin, Winter is Minho, and spring is Jonghyun?
Chapter 1: omg i know...
am i right!!