Caramel Macchiato. 1

Believing Angels
Hm. I remembered my mother telling me to introduce myself before telling anyone anything so before I talk to you about my first love let me tell you my name. I'm Jeon Jungkook, I can't tell you what my age is because well....I don't feel like telling you and I don't think age is part of any introduction. Anyways, I'm here to tell you about my first love. If you're expecting a happy ending in this, let me tell you beforehand that young love isn't like it was before and maybe the girl I fell in love with wasn't the one but she was unforgettable. She was extraordinary. She was different than any other girl I knew but she never told me that she loved me. 
Her name was Kim Seolhyun and she was a sunbae who was two years older than me. I met her when I started my first year in high school. She was out going, elegantly beautiful and unfortunately, very frivolous. But, no one knew what I knew. She seemed frivolous for a reason.
I, who was still a freshman, at that time wasn't interested in those things. I was an honor student who spent most of his time in the library either studying or reading manga. My two best friends at school were Kim Taehyung hyung and Park Jimin hyung who were two years older than me. They were my neighbors and since the three of us had more or less the same likes we started getting along. 
Jimin hyung was very much popular with the ladies so he ends up hiding a lot or tends to get a lot of food for us to eat. It was sort of sad how these girls were chasing pavements but afterwards I brushed the feeling of sympathy away as I helped him eat all the food he had. 
Taehyung hyung was the school's resident prankster. I found it funny how he gets blamed for everything since he's usually the one who pulls a prank on teachers. I once actually pulled a prank on my history teacher who gave me a B for my essay. I placed a frog inside her table drawer in the faculty room and since she was also Taehyung hyung's teacher she actually thought he placed the frog inside the drawer because coincidentally she failed him in their test. 
Yes, I'm mean that way but he ended up congratulating me for what I did which was actually a relief.
So, enough about my friends because if I went further I know you'll abandon my story and ask more about them. Yes, my friends are lovable but you came here to read my story right?
Alright so, Seolhyun noona was actually Jimin hyung's classmate. I didn't pay attention to her before until I waited for him outside his classroom since he told me we would meet up there after his PE. I waited there for a long time until someone opened the door. She was tall, beautiful with a face of an angel and her hair was long and it fell in the right place. She looked at me curiously and asked, "what are you doing here?"
"I'm waiting for a friend." I answered.
"Well come in then. Everyone's outside so I'm sure it's fine." She said
I hesitantly came in and followed her. She sat on her seat and I decided to turn the chair and sit in front of her. I've never been this close to girls before so I wasn't really sure how to act around them.
" are?"
"Kim Seolhyun. You're Jeon Jungkook right? The freshman golden boy?"
"Golden boy?" I laughed.
Until now, I never understood why I was called golden boy. Sometimes I think she just made it up.
"Yeah, Mr. Perfect - Jeon Jungkook."
"Isn't that Jimin hyung?"
"I don't like Jimin." 
"That's a first. Why not?"
" 'cause he's not interested in me."
I was taken aback by her answer.
She moved her face closer to mine which made me froze. I was really innocent then since I didn't know to react to the situation. It was something I have never dealt with in my entire lifetime. A girl was centimeters close to me.
"Are you interested in me Jungkookie?" She sounded seductive with the way she said it that I jumped out of my chair. 
I must have looked really ridiculous then as I lay on the floor first. She beautifully giggled at my reaction.
"You're so innocent, it's cute. I like you."
I was left speechless yet again. Luckily, the door opened and I saw Jimin hyung entering. 
"Yah, what are you doing on the floor?" He asked.
I quickly stood up and wiped some dust off my pants. "Nothing." I replied and shook my head.
He then looked at Seolhyun noona who looked at him indifferently then began fiddling with her cellphone.
"Let's go, Taehyung's waiting for us outside."
"Alright." I rushed to his side and we went on our way.
"You shouldn't be interested in her." Jimin hyung told me.
"What are you talking about hyung?"
"Kim Seolhyun is a frivolous girl. When a guy gets too serious she breaks up with them. She's the kind of girl who hates attachments so you shouldn't even bother."
"I never said I was interested in her."
I lied and Jimin hyung knew it too.
Days passed and I ended up coincidentally meeting Seolhyun noona a lot. We ended up getting to know each other and I suddenly thought about her a lot. She was very much into skinship so she usually either held my hand a lot or gave me a hug which made my inexperienced heart beat a lot. 
Whenever Taehyung hyung and Jimin hyung were busy with their club meetings or whatever I got to spend some time with Seolhyun noona. I noticed that a lot of guys kept watching her and noticed how beautiful she was. What actually shook me was that, I really hated how they looked at her that way. I didn't realize then that I was jealous. I didn't have the right to since I wasn't her boyfriend.
I never told Taehyung hyung or Jimin hyung about any of this because I knew how they would react to it. They weren't fond of her but I never really cared what they thought. I thought I knew better than they did and that I was different. Yes, that was what I believed before.
One day, we lay down on the grass, staring at the cherry blossom trees from up high as it petals began to fall down on us. It was the perfect scenery. Out of curiosity, I began asking her questions.
"Hey noona,"
"How many guys have you dated?"
"Won't answer that." She teased.
"That means a lot." For some odd reason, I started pouting.
She laughed, "How cute, you're jealous."
"Am not." I childishly denied.
"Let me ask you then, how many girls have you kissed?"
"One." I bluntly answered.
"Really?" She sounded surprised. "Who?"
"My mom."
She bursted in laughter.
"No boy has actually admitted that to anyone."
"I love my mom, ok?"
"Mama's boy."
"So what?"
I turned to her with her beautiful smiling face staring at me. I actually wished I brought a camera to photograph that very picture of her just looking at me. Her beautiful eyes and the way her hair was perfectly scattered as she lay on the grass. I wished time would stop at that very second. 
She then did what I didn't expect. Her lips were pressed on mine. My heart was racing like a horse as I tried to register what was happening. Her one hand was cupping my face and my hand instinctively felt her hair. When she pulled away, I felt her intense gaze locked on me. I wasn't sure what would happen next but then, I knew one was for sure. 
I loved her.
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zSecretz #1
Chapter 1: Update soon pls!!!!
we're both searching for one!!! I hope author-nim continues this story.. :)
princessofanything #3
Omg omg I've been searching for jungkook x seolhyun and here it is!! I'm just so excited to read this!!!
I wouldn't miss an update!!^^
Bless you author-nim!!
/throws heart/
Chapter 1: heol. idk why but find this cute. * ^ *
Chapter 1: Sho sweet^^
--SilentCatastrophe #6
Chapter 1: Tugsh </3 My heart. OTL
--SilentCatastrophe #7
*cough cough* YAH. Q n Q