Let It Go

Let It Go

*I suggest you listen to Let It Go from Disney's Frozen, either Elsa's or the soundtrack one. Doesn't matter <3

-Seori's Point of View-

I was holding hands with my little deer. He was the cutest thing I ever had. I loved him as much as he loved me, at least that's what I thought. He brought me to the school courtyard the day before winter break. Everyone crowded around to see what was going to happen. I thought he was going to invite somewhere cute but the words that came out his mouth was nothing of the sort.

"Song Seori. We're officially over." He said. I froze and the loving emotion in my eyes were cut short as I tried to process what he just said.

"Excuse me?" I finally muttered.

"I said we're over Seori. I don't love you anymore, I never did." He spat out again. I took my hand out from his. I trusted him, I loved him, and he treated me like this?

"There was nothing ever between us. So go home." He said.

"But I don't get. It's been two years. You said you'd never-"

"Don't believe in all the sappy love stories because they aren't real Seori. This is reality."


"No but's sweetheart. Learn to accept it. It wasn't me. It was you. You had flaws too."

"You're such a jerk." I said and stomped off with tears streaming down. Behind me I heard him say, "I'm single now ladies."

I groaned and went home without stopping by my locker for my jacket. I walked home nearly frozen solid, but seriously though, the tears did freeze on the way home. I threw my backpack across the room and it landed by my unfinished photo collage. Tomorrow was supposed to be our third anniversary. I went downstairs and grabbed a box. Going back upstairs, I found everything he once gave me. The stuffed toys, the couple shirts, the rings, necklaces., and the photos.. I packed it all away. I went up to my attic and hid the box there. Luhan was going to be forgotten one way or another.

I deleted his phone number and all the texts we ever had. He lied. He played with my heart. He was just another jerk. I crashed onto my bed and cried. He wasn't worth it. And what was worse was that none of my friends were there to help me. I was alone. I felt so abandoned. When mother and father came home, I didn't bother going downstairs to eat dinner. I didn't leave my room once, except to use the bathroom and occasionally a snack.

The first two weeks winter break I stayed home, locked in my room, going online, reading books. I just didn't feel like socializing. Especially if I knew I might have bumped into him. I shut my phone off entirely and stopped caring about the world.

But by the third week, I realized I was being stupid. I was being such a losesr for letting a guy like him get to me like this. Yes, I was still sad, but I wasn't going to let him win like this. I wanted to move on happily and make him regret dumping me.

Gradually, I started to come out of my shell again. I started to hang with my friends and getting back out there. I was becoming myself again. I began changing my sense of style to something more girly and pretty. I didn't care what others said. It was who I am, and I was dumb to let someone change me.

But then school started again.

Early in the morning, Luhan came running up to me. He hugged me like he did when we were together. I almost gave in and hugged him back.

"Seori, you're alive! I thought you were dead. You never answered my calls or texts. I thought somethign bad happened to you." He said.

"What are you doing?" I managed to say.

"Seori. I'm sorry. I really didn't mean it. I don't know what got over me the other day. Please forgive me and take me back."

"I don't know who you are." I lied and started to walk away, but he grabbed my hand.

"Seori, please don't act like this. You know who I am as much as I know who you are. Please just forgive me."

"I told you, I don't know who you are." I said and freed myself from his grasp.

"Seori! Please! I'm sorry! I still love you." Luhan shouted and I froze.

"And I loved you. Like you said, we're over. There's nothing anymore. There's a gap where you once were. I trusted you Luhan. I truly did. I thought I could tell you anything. I thought someone finally accepted the crazy me. But maybe I was wrong. No I'm not perfect, but who is? I depended on you. I wanted to be there when you were down too. But after that pathetic stunt? You think I would really take you back? I don't think any girl in my shoes would. I'm letting you go Luhan. And you should too, cause you are not the Luhan I once knew." I said, walking away from his teary face. I knew if I stayed, I would've gave in. I would've run back to him and all the time I wasted to be me again would go to waste.

I had to let him go, for his own good, for my own good. I had to Let It Go~

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Chapter 1: let it go! let it gooooo ~
hahaha (: i really like this!
Chapter 1: wooowww just wow too fabb to take him back :)) LOL
Chapter 1: Wow nice story authornim ! :D